Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 116: Tolerance


“Off-road, even though I think my father is very powerful, is “legendary” too much?”

 When it comes to changing faces, Akai must be a very powerful guy.

After all, one second, he was still looking like "I'm proud of my father", and the next second, his head was full of black lines, showing a very embarrassed expression. The off-roading next to him made Shikaku couldn't help but laugh.

Then, he slowly walked to the side of Cross Country and helped him support Matt Dai. While taking out the bandage, Lu Jiu carefully checked Matt Dai's injury and said with a smile: "A Dai's injury looks a little bit... It's scary, but it's actually just flesh wounds. I know that's the case. Even if the Uchiha and Hyuga clan are used to being arrogant, they can't bear the crime of attacking their companions in special times."

“Off-road, Akai, you must remember this in the future.”

"But all the ninjas in Konoha Village must abide by the rules of the village. Just like off-roading, as an ANBU, he still maintains his identity as an ANBU. Unless it is a competition in the camp, no one can do off-roading. If you move, it is equivalent to attacking the Anbu, just like what Cross Country said is a crime against the village. "

 “As for the discussion, hum!”

“I think the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan want to say that their fight with Adai will cause Adai to be covered in injuries!”

 Speaking, Lu Jiu looked at Cross Country with deep meaning and asked: "Xiu Cross Country, do you understand how to compare?"

 “Uncle Shikaku, I understand!”

Still maintaining that bright smile, Cross Country smiled and nodded, and then exclaimed: "Uncle Lujiu, it turns out your medical skills are so good!"

"Idiot! As a member of the Nara clan, if you don't know medical skills, wouldn't it make people laugh to death?"

"Xiao Xing, seeing that you have gained some enlightenment today, I won't talk about you anymore! After you go back, you must follow me to learn medicine and pharmacology, do you understand?"

 “Yes, yes! Uncle Shikaku!”

He quickly replied to Shikaku. When he saw that Matt Dai's wounds had been bandaged, he carried Matt Dai on his back as if "fleeing". He dragged Akai and left Shikaku's camp, heading towards the camp where Akai's team was. "Escaped".

 “Alas! Uncle Shikaku is really troublesome!”

 “You want to teach me a lesson when you have time, I’m so annoyed!”

He complained helplessly that the reason why he “escaped” from Lujiu’s camp cross-country was, as he said, that he was afraid of trouble.

 In terms of combat capabilities, cross-country warriors are nothing to say, but if you really want to count the medical ninjutsu, ten cross-country warriors cannot catch up with an ordinary Nara clan member.

Except for some initial understanding of pharmacology from the Nara clan's secret technique scroll left by his parents, the rest of the medical ninjutsu and cross-country were learned during his time in the medical force. Therefore, Shikaku threatened to teach Yuchi the medical ninjutsu. Before he returned to Konoha Village, Yuchi could foresee how cruel it would be to learn the medical ninjutsu.

After all, the APP can help accelerate off-road training, but the training content does not include medical ninjutsu!

There are also those difficult-to-remember pharmacological properties, medicinal effects, and secret medicine preparation methods. Even thinking about cross-country driving gives me a headache!

So compared to the medical ninjutsu that Shikaku is going to teach, Cross Country is more willing to fight with the seven fog ninjas. From this, you can imagine how annoying Cross Country is to learn the medical ninjutsu.

But there is no other way. Since Shikaku has said that he will teach cross-country medical ninjutsu, then cross-country can only have the idea of ​​​​having a free day.

 Soon, he returned to the camp where Akai's team was, and gently put Mattai on the bed to recover.

 Looking at Akai again, he found that Akai was indeed 80% similar to Matt Dai, so he smiled silently again and was about to leave.

However, just as Cross Country was about to leave, Akai, who had been silent all the way, suddenly asked in confusion: "Xiao Cross, just now you said in front of Mr. Shikaku that Mr. Father is a legend. Is that true? ? I saw Master Lujiu didn’t refute it before, so it must be true, right?”

 “Ha, of course it’s true!”

Seeing Akai's cautious look and his expectant eyes, Yuexiu smiled slightly and replied firmly: "Akai, Uncle Lujiu and I both think Captain Adai is a great ninja and a legend. Do you think there is something wrong with our Nara clan’s intelligence? Or do you think Uncle Shikaku and I are coaxing you?”

 “I feel like you are all coaxing me!”

Akai smiled "shyly" and replied still somewhat unbelievably.

 “Akai, there is no need for me to lie to you.”

“Because we are more than just friends. To be honest, even when I first met Captain Adai, I respected him from the bottom of my heart!”

 On the one hand, it recalls the plot of the original work.

 On the other hand, he recalled the scene when he saw Matt Dai for the first time.

 That’s right.

In Konoha Village, there are very few people who can really look up to Matt Dai.

 What do you want to ask?

 There is only one main reason, and that is that Matt Dai is a ten thousand year genin!

 So, the people in Konoha Village naturally came to see what Matt Dai did with colored eyes!

 No matter how good a person is, his farts are the truth, while those of people who have no achievements are farts no matter how good they are.

 When a rich man shares his thoughts, that is the true meaning of life; when a beggar talks about his ideals, that is daydreaming.

Throughout the plot of the original work, Matt Dai is looked down upon in the Konoha Village. Apart from his identity as a ten thousand year genin, the rest is the green tights, thick eyebrows, bad appearance, and he talks about "youth" "Hot-blooded" theory, right?

 But what about putting the same thing on Akai?

As an elite jounin and the pillar of Konoha Village, Akai's dress, appearance, and slogans are exactly the same as Matt's. But in Konoha Village, who dares to criticize Akai to his face, unless they are those who are on the same level as Akai and can complain a little bit, don't the rest of the people respect Akai just as much?

What's more, Akai's appearance has never changed, but after he opened all eight gates and tortured Madara, how many Naruto fans thought he was handsome and cool?

Ignoring his bad appearance and idiotic personality, shouldn’t all Naruto fans respectfully call Akai “King Emperor”?

From this, we can draw a conclusion. If Matt Dai did not have the status of a ten thousand year genin, then there must not be so many people in Konoha Village looking down on Matt Dai.

It's a pity that when it comes to Matt Dai's ten thousand year genin status, Cross Country will sneer!

Is Matt Dai really a ten thousand year genin? Is he really useless?


A genin who has been around for ten thousand years can develop the forbidden art Eight Gate Dungeon just by practicing the Taijutsu of Konoha Goken style?

How many genin are there in Konoha Village, and how many can develop forbidden techniques like the Eight Gate Dungeon?

 So, if it’s for nothing else but an eight-door Dunjia, it feels like it’s not too much to call Matt Dai a “legend” for off-roading. What's more, when Cross Country saw Matt Dai for the first time, he felt a very special temperament in Matt Dai. That temperament does not come from a person's strength, let alone a person's character!

That kind of temperament is what cross-country has always lacked, and Shikaku hopes he can learn from Matt Dai!

Immediately after, after recalling the life of Matt Dai off-road, the memory in his mind stopped at the scene where Matt Dai, covered in blood, patted his shoulder heavily with his hand, looked at Ah with firm eyes. Kai's slightly confused eyes, combined with his own feelings, suddenly asked Kai back.

 “Akai, do you know the way of ninja?”

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