Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 12: family plan

 “Medicine? What medicine?”

“What nonsense! Isn’t it the secret medicine you prepared? Forget it, let’s use the one I prepared for the deer first!”

Hurryly taking off the bag tied around his waist, under Shikaku's astonished gaze, Elder Luyou, who had always been disdainful of the cross-country, eagerly waved to the cross-country.

When Cross Country came forward, Lu Jiu was astonished when he saw Elder Lu You instructing Cross Country in a pleasant manner: "Xiao Cross, this is the secret medicine I prepared for Lu Xian before, so I will give it to you first. Remember , you must take it while practicing chakra, and you can only take one at a time. Do you understand? If you have any adverse reactions after taking the secret medicine, you must report it to Shikaku!"

 “Thank you, Mr. Luyou, I understand.!

“Huh? Off-road, why are you so outspoken? From now on, just like Lu Xian, call me grandpa!”

 “Uh yes! Grandpa!”

 There is no doubt that Elder Shikayou’s change of attitude completely shocked Shikajiu.

On the contrary, it was off-roading. When I was preparing to use the shadow stitching technique to educate the new generation of the Nara clan, I anticipated that the attitude of the two elders of the Nara clan would change.

 What are the benefits of being a member of the Nara clan?

  That is, as long as you show that potential, you can gain the recognition of all members of the clan!

 In the original work, as a member of the branch of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hizashi, what can happen no matter how talented Hyuga Neji is?

 Isn’t it the same as being discriminated against by the clan members, and even the fate is under the control of the clan members?

But what about off-roading?

He only showed his potential in front of the clan leaders, elders, and the new generation of the Nara clan. For example, Elder Shikayu, who had always disliked cross-country before, turned 180° in attitude, not to mention those Nara who defeated him in cross-country. A new generation of the family!

At this time, Lu Xian, Yue Ming, and the new generation members of the Nara clan who had always looked down on off-roading simply regarded off-roading as idols, with eyes full of admiration.

Even if Off-road took a secret medicine from Elder Shikayu, these new generations of the Nara clan would not feel any strange in their hearts. Let alone being jealous, they even felt that rewarding Off-road with a secret medicine was not enough!

  After all, Cross Country is a genius who can skillfully use the "Shadow Sewing Technique" at the age of four!

The off-roading is precisely because of the unity within the Nara clan. Especially when they find that the clan members who are also the new generation, Shika Xian and others are not jealous at all, they inevitably identify more with the Nara clan and have a greater sense of belonging.

 Then, Lu Jiu, who came back to his senses, took a deep look at the two elders of the clan, and then set his sights on Cross Country.

From the traces of chakra usage, it was determined that the "Shadow Suture Technique" was used before going off-road. Lujiu coughed lightly and said: "Elder Luyou, Elder Lu and others, I will trouble you for the following competition. I have something to discuss with Cross Country, so I’ll take my leave now!”

 “Go, go! Leave all the trivial matters here to me!”

“Off-road, you must practice harder in the future! If you have any difficulties in practice, come to us!”


He nodded and followed Lu Jiu. He said goodbye to the elders of the clan and said goodbye to the new generation members of the clan one by one. There was no arrogance at all, and there was no pride as a genius. Seeing Lu Jiu secretly nod.

Immediately afterwards, as he led Cross Country to his home, Lu Jiu rubbed Cross Country's head with a sigh, and said with a smile: "Xu Cross Country, you mastered the Shadow Suture Technique after not seeing each other for just one day, that's pretty awesome!"

 “Hey, it’s all thanks to Uncle Lujiu’s teachings!”

 “I’ve learned how to flatter you! You brat!”

He patted Off-Road on the head hard, and Shikaku's face gradually became solemn, and he asked Off-Road: "Off-road, do you know what the purpose of this intra-clan test is?"

“Is it a matter of skewing resources?”

 When talking about sensitive issues, you need to be careful in front of others, but you don't need to be in front of Shikaku, your uncle.

What's more, the people of the Nara clan have very high IQs and EQs, so they have no worries about going off-road. Who would have thought that he would be wrong if he said it so frankly.

“On the one hand, it’s for the sake of family resources and letting the elders go, and on the other hand, it’s for that plan!”

As he said this, Shikaku stopped, looked slowly into the distance, and said, "We in Nara, together with Akimichi, and the two tribes in the mountains, can be said to be brothers and sisters, and almost every generation enjoys the title of "Inar, Deer, and Butterfly." It's a pity. , The situation in the village has been a bit tense recently, and our three tribes are facing a situation of turmoil, so pre-selecting the successor of "Zhu Lu Die" in advance is the top priority of our three tribes. "

"That is to say, cross-country, you are now qualified to inherit the name of "Deer"? Do you understand?"


  After hearing what Shikaku said, Off-road couldn't help but widen his eyes.

 Obviously, the development of things has been somewhat beyond the expectations of off-road.

However, it is an honor to have the title of "Pig, Deer and Butterfly", and there cannot be any rejection of off-roading. What's more, if there are three gangs of heroes without a few partners, let alone walking into the battlefield without care, it is impossible to participate in the chuunin exam. Therefore, with the support of Akimichi and the elites of the two mountain clans, cross-country is still faint. There are some expectations.

“Uncle Shikaku, Akimichi, who is the person chosen by the mountain clan?”

 “The problem is that we didn’t choose, otherwise your uncle Dingzuo would still have to worry?”

 Smiling, he patted Cross Country's head again. While Shikaku was smiling, he was even more proud of Cross Country and happy that the Nara clan had Cross Country.

 Afterwards, I walked with Shikaku in the courtyard. While walking, I talked about the three tribes of Nara, Akimichi and Yamazaka. While obtaining more information, Cross Country gradually concluded one thing, that is, the three tribes of Nara, Akimichi, and Yamazaka are about to face a severe challenge, and the reason is that it comes from the fourth generation of Hokage.

It's a pity that Shikaku has always been mysterious, and even if he goes off-road, he can't figure out what trouble the Fourth Hokage got into.

And when he kept questioning Shikaku in the cross-country, Shikaku was finally ready to let go. Well, another troublemaker came, and that was Akimichi Dingza!

 “Shikajiu, I’ve been looking for you for a long time! Oh? Off-road is here too!”

 “Uncle Dingzuo, hello!”

At this moment, Cross Country even wanted to strangle Ding Zuo, but Ding Zuo didn't care, directly ignored the Cross Country in front of him, and said to Shikaku: "Shikaku, have you forgotten what day it is today? Everyone in Hizashi is worried. They asked me to come over and hurry you up. Who would have thought that you would actually be chatting with Cross Country? I really don’t know what to say about you!”

"Sorry, sorry! There are too many things today, I almost forgot."

Hurryly apologized to Ding Zao, Shikaku couldn't help but look at Jiujiu again and said: "Jiujiu, the Hyuga clan has something to do today, so just go with me."

 “Uncle Lujiu, what’s going on?”

Hearing Hinata's name from the conversation just now, Cross Country felt a little excited and wanted to meet the legend of the Hinata clan.

But at that time, Cross Country never imagined that he would be able to see not just one, but two legendary figures this time!

“Nothing else, just that the Hizashi family has a baby boy, and we are going to drink the full moon wine today.”


"It seems that the little guy who has just turned one full moon is named Neji, right?"

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