Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 13: Hyuga family banquet

 Hyuga Neji?

That is another great guy!

Regardless of the plot of the original work, the Cataract (Hyuga) clan is known as the wealthy family of Konoha, but in the conclusion of Cross Country, except for the "Tennin" during the Warring States Period, the Hyuga clan really has no qualifications to be called a wealthy family with the Uchiha clan. It's just the product of the Second Hokage's effort to suppress the Uchiha clan.

Look at the Uchiha clan. There is Shura Uchiha Madara in the front, Shunshen Shisui in the middle, and Itachi God carrying the cauldron. Even though the clan is exterminated in the final stage, there are still two pillars holding plug-ins to take the lead alone, and the Magatama Reincarnation Eye is added to them. Who? Whoever refuses to obey will be destroyed!

 What about the Hyuga clan?

Apart from Hinata Hizashi, only his son Neji is considered to be amazingly talented. In the original work, he is the first Jonin among the Twelve Little Strong. He can cross the "Kage Level" barrier and jump to He is among the top experts in the ninja world.

 It's a pity that Neji's fate is tragic.

 When the Hyuga clan split, he was only four years old. He lost his father for the benefit of the clan, and he was branded as a caged bird like a slave.

 Living in hatred and resentment, Neji's talent is obviously limited, so he is known as a genius in the early stage, and only when he resolves the hatred in the later stage can he be truly flying.

However, during the Fourth War, fate still did not favor Ningji, making him the only victim among the Twelve Little Strong, turning into the tears of countless Naruto fans and becoming a knot in the hearts of cross-country.

 Some people say that only by being familiar with the direction of the plot of the original work can you have foresight and better control of life.

 But from Cross Country’s point of view, you cannot change the things you want to change, and you are always turning along the gears of history, and your heart is full of regrets and regrets. What is the difference between that and traveling for nothing?

Therefore, when following Shikaku and Ding Zao to Hizashi's mansion, on the one hand, Cross Country was excited to meet Hizashi, Neji and other outstanding plot characters, but on the other hand, he secretly made up his mind to rewrite the story The tragic fate of Hizashi, Neji and his son, let alone letting them escape the control of the Hyuga clan, just let them live happily and shine with the brilliance that a genius should have!

If Hizashi had not died and could train Neji himself, would Neji become stronger than he was in the original work?

Is it possible to become a jounin early, or even cross that barrier and jump into the ranks of "kage level" strong men?

Just silently thinking about the possible changes in the future, Cross Country couldn't help but clenched his fists and secretly analyzed: "Hizashi's death seems to be because of Raikage's ambition, right? I remember it was only mentioned a little bit in the original work , Konoha Village and Cloud Ninja Village signed an armistice agreement. The mission of Cloud Ninja Village still had ambitions and wanted to kidnap the little princess Hinata. This caused the head of the Hyuga clan to take action angrily and killed the leader of the mission of Cloud Ninja Village. , only then did the incident of Cloud Ninja Village force the Hyuga clan to hand over the Hyuzu and secretly spy on the Byakugan."

“As for Hinata Hizashi, that guy is really a coward. He couldn’t solve the problem on his own, so he handed over Hizashi under the persuasion of the elders, causing Neji to lose his father.”

“Well, the key to Hizashi’s death is closely related to the battle between Konoha Village and Kumo Ninja Village in the Third War.”

“Let’s first find out how far the Third War has progressed!”

After analyzing it secretly, Cross Country looked at Lujiu and asked curiously: "Uncle Lujiu, is the war not over yet?"

“Oh? Off-road, why are you asking about this?”

  Listening to Cross Country’s question, Ding Zuo asked curiously.

On the contrary, Shikaku, who had already thought about cultivating cross-country, reached out to stop Ding Zao's questioning, and first scolded cross-country: "cross-country, pay less attention to such things in the future, your mind should be on training now. Go up, you know?”


Seeing that Cross Country nodded, Shikaku paused for a moment, and then slowly said: "The Three Wars lasted for a long time. Since the Battle of Kikyo Mountain ended and the Suna Ninja Village surrendered, the main enemy of our village is the Iwa Ninja Village. However, in Under the wise leadership of the Fourth Hokage, we won the battle of Kannakun. Recently, we have signed an armistice agreement with the Iwa Ninja Village. Then the only enemy left is the Kiri Ninja Village. I think the Third Generation's plan is that. If successful, the war will be over."

With that said, Cross Country and others have arrived at Hizashi's mansion. Shikaku quickly ordered: "Xu Cross Country, remember to talk less. You can only perform when I ask you to perform. Do you understand?"

 “I understand, Uncle Shikaku.”

Following Shikaku, Ding Zao entered the Hizashi family's mansion. Looking around, Yukoku couldn't help but sneered.

At this time, it’s not that cross-country is low in laughter, it’s actually the clan of the Hyuga clan, and the family division system is too funny.

It was clearly Neji's full moon party. As Hizashi's elder brother, none of the clan members led by Hizashi were present. They were all members of the branch family. Some people walked into the mansion intermittently, just to talk to Hizashi. After just a few words, he left in a hurry, as if he was afraid of being punished by the clan members if he stayed too long.

On the contrary, the Nara clan represented by Shikaku, the Akimichi clan represented by Choza and other families first congratulated Hizashi and gave them gifts, and then sat down at the family banquet.

As for the off-roader who could only sit in the corner, he naturally couldn't see Neji who was like a star holding the moon, so he could only analyze the situation of the three battles in front of him while silently watching Hizashi.

 About the Third World War, Lu Jiu didn’t say much, but that didn’t mean that Off-Road didn’t understand the situation of the Three War.

To put it bluntly, as a time traveler, Cross Country may know the Three War better than Shikaku. After all, the original book explains the most about the Three War!

Looking at the three battles in the original work, it is simply a passionate comic about a lone hero defeating many villains!

The reason why the Third War broke out in the early days was that the Scorpion of Red Sand assassinated the Third Kazekage, which caused the Suna Ninja Village to fall into chaos. In order to make up for the losses in World War II and cover up the chaos after the disappearance of the Third Kazekage, the Suna Ninja Village only had Start a war with the Leaf Village.

 Then, just as Shikaku said, the Battle of Mount Kikyo broke out, and Suna Ninja Village was defeated and was forced to sign an "alliance" contract with Konoha Village. In fact, the covenant signed by Suna Ninja Village is completely a shameful contract. Not only does it have to pay half of the resources to Konoha Village every year, Konoha Village also limits the number of ninjas in Suna Ninja Village, forcing Suna Ninja Village to embark on the path it will take in the future. The "elite" route is unable to train too many ninjas, and it also does not have the right to restore its former glory.

But after the surrender of Suna Ninja Village, Konoha Village faced an unprecedented crisis!

With the famous Sannin leaving, Konoha Village's apparent strength declining, Iwa Ninja Village felt they had an opportunity to take advantage of it.

  A new round of war broke out until the very famous Battle of Kannakun in the original work ended. When the Fourth Hokage succeeded to the throne, he signed an armistice agreement with the Iwa Ninja Village, and the three wars came to an end.

 Three months ago, it was that time when we just crossed the border.

Not long after the Fourth Hokage succeeded to the throne, at the end of the Kannakun War, Kakashi obtained the Sharingan.

 But when most people in Konoha Village, and even the smart Shikaku, thought that the Three Wars were about to end, Cross Country sneered secretly, and the full-scale outbreak of the Three Heart Wars was just the beginning!

Because soon, under the control of the boss behind the scenes, Madara, Kakashi's partner Lin will embark on a path of no return. Under Madara's plan, he will become the jinchūriki of the Three-Tailed Iso. After obtaining the "mask" Obito, At the same time, the conflict between the Mist Ninja Village and the Leaf Village was intensified, reappearing a new round of war.

Moreover, Madara's plan is just the beginning. After the Mist Ninja Village further consumes the power of the Leaf Village, the Raikage's ambition will be exposed. Therefore, under the successive threats from the Mist Ninja Village and the Cloud Ninja Village, the declaration that the Third War was coming to an end was a joke. Cross Country did not mean to see Shikaku's joke. He just shook his head silently and lamented the troubles that Konoha Village was going to face. !

“The Sand Ninja Village and the Rock Ninja Village finally gave up, and the Mist Ninja Village and Cloud Ninja Village are about to start again.”

"Oh, Konoha Village is really in trouble! If the third generation has the ability to foresee things like me, and knows that the "Mask" Obito will come back next year for revenge, kicking off the Nine-Tails Rebellion, causing the Fourth Generation If the Hokage dies in battle, is he even willing to buy a piece of tofu and kill him?"

 Sighing silently, Xuexiu thought that no one would notice him shaking his head and sighing at the banquet.

Who wants to cross-country just shook his head, Ding Zuo in front suddenly caught a glimpse of his movements, and immediately asked with a smile:

“Off-road, what’s wrong? You also see that the Uchiha clan’s people are evil?”

 “Uchiha clan?!”

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