Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 123: One finger of consonance (Part 2)

 It's the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!

  It turns out that the killing move that Cross Country prepared long ago is the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!

The A-level ninjutsu created by the Third Hokage, the ninjutsu taught to cross-country by "Meng" who is also a member of the Blade Team!

However, the Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu used in cross-country at this time is really an A-level ninjutsu. Is it really the ninjutsu created by the Third Hokage?


totally different!

At the moment when Cross Country casts the technique, even if the Third Hokage came in person, he would definitely have a look of astonishment when he saw Cross Country cast the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!

 Because at this time, there is a huge difference between the shuriken shadow clone jutsu used by off-roaders and the shuriken shadow clone jutsu used by the Third Hokage!

 That is the word "multiple" that is deliberately emphasized when performing off-road techniques!

Thinking back to the beginning, there was also a "multiple" difference between the A-level ninjutsu of multiple shadow clones practiced in cross-country training and the B-level ninjutsu of shadow clones. But just such a small, inconspicuous difference creates two ninjutsu with completely different levels. Therefore, the multiple shuriken shadow clone techniques used in cross-country are, in a sense, the third generation of Hokage's own ninjutsu. Create an upgraded version of that ninjutsu!

 A half-step S-level ninjutsu, a ninjutsu that can be called a half-step secret!

Then, just when Hinata and Rilie were about to use their soft fists to easily shoot down the two shadow shurikens thrown by Off-Road, Off-Road relied on a half-step "qualitative" change in spiritual energy and relied on his extremely strong detection ability. Carat's control ability was impressively using the half-step S-level multiple shuriken shadow clone technique!

 The next second, just hear a "buzz" sound!

Under the insight of Hinata Hiroki's eyes like those of a cataract patient, the two shadow shurikens thrown out across the country suddenly turned into an overwhelming number of shadow shurikens, attacking from the left and right directions. sword!

Suppose that the ordinary shuriken shadow clone technique can only turn two shadow shurikens thrown cross-country into a relatively small number of more than twenty shadow shurikens.

The technique of multiple shuriken shadow clones used in cross-country at this time is to suddenly transform the number of two shadow shurikens into more than a hundred shurikens!

With so many shadow shurikens attacking, there must be one that can nail the blazing shadow of the sun, right?

So many shadow shurikens are attacking. Regardless of the effect of the shadow shurikens, the large number of shurikens can always pose a threat to an elite jounin, right?

 So, after the off-road technique was completed, when Hinata Rilie used his white eyes to see the overwhelming shadow shuriken coming from the sky, his eyes were filled with astonishment. Unfortunately, that look of astonishment only lasted for a short second. Immediately under Hinata Rilie's solemn gaze, he actually used a secret technique in the soft fist method to crack the cross-country killing move. !

 The secret skill of the soft boxing method is Baguazhang Huitian!

"Back to the days!"


Still attaching chakra to his hands, facing the overwhelming attack of shadow shurikens, Hinata Hiretsu suddenly rotated his body, and then an invisible circular barrier appeared!

  Baguazhang returns to heaven!

  It can be said to be the secret technique of the soft fist used by the Hyuga clan specifically for off-road killing moves!

  Release a large amount of chakra from every acupuncture point on the body, and then spin like a top.

 When Rixiang Rilie used Baguazhang to return to heaven, in a certain way, Rixiang Rilie was an "invincible" existence.

  Don’t worry about the power of the cross-country multiple shuriken shadow clone techniques, and don’t worry about the number of cross-country shadow shurikens!

Under the power of the Eight Diagrams Array, one can cross-country without using the sense of wind. One can see it with just those soft fists. One after another, the smoke fills the air. Countless shadow shurikens return to the Bagua Array, which is facing the sun. When the power of God is fully displayed, there is absolutely no way to hurt Rixiang Rilie, let alone hit Rixiang Rilie's shadow to create a confinement effect.

 But, is there really only one killer move for off-roading?

Facing an elite jounin like Hyuga Hiroki, is it possible to underestimate the enemy in cross-country?


Since it is impossible, there is more than one killer move for off-roading!

Therefore, when Rixiang Rilie used Baguazhang to return to the sky and instantly cracked the cross-country's first killer move, with that confident smile still on his face, suddenly a black shadow appeared in front of Rixiang Rilie, The shadow imitation technique was used directly and connected to the shadow of Rixiang Rilie, forming a confinement effect!

 For a moment, a victorious smile appeared on Cross Country's face, but his smiling face froze completely!

 Because at that moment, Cross Country obviously used the Shadow Clone Technique, combined with the Shadow Imitation Technique, and once again defeated an elite Jonin level ninja!

Especially when looking at the frozen smile on Rixiang Rilie’s face, the smile on Cross Country’s face became even stronger!

 “Shadow Imitation, success!”

 “The one who belongs to the Hyuga clan, it seems.”

 “You lost!”


Just when Cross Country announced that Hinata was sentenced to death, the ninjas of the Hyuga clan watching the battle in the rear were in an uproar!

 Obviously, although Cross Country has defeated two Jōnin of the Hyuga clan before, he is still a ninja and feels that Cross Country has the possibility of defeating Hyuga Hiretsu!

 Defeat the talker in the Hyuga clan’s camp at this stage!

But the truth is often so cruel. The moment the off-road shadow clone successfully performed the shadow imitation technique, Rixiang Rilie was defeated.

However, in the joy of defeating an elite jounin, Cross Country obviously did not notice that when he successfully defeated Hinata Hiretsu in the "sparring", the smile of Hinata Hiretsu was completely frozen, and there was actually something in his eyes. A ferocious look appeared. Immediately afterwards, in extremely secretive circumstances, when Rixiang Rilie suddenly snorted coldly, a loud shout echoed in the ears of Cross Country!

 “Bagua Kongzhang!”


 It’s a sneak attack!

It’s also Rixiang Rilie’s long-planned trump card!

 There is no doubt that Cross Country has far underestimated the limits of Hyuga Hiretsu, and he cannot even imagine that the Hyuga clan would use such dirty methods in order to win!

 Among the crowd of ninjas from the Hyuga clan, after being prompted by Hyuga Hiragi, a jounin from the Hyuga clan suddenly used the Bagua Kongzhang!

How can Cross Country resist the sudden attack of Bagua Kongzhang without any preparation?


Attacked by the Bagua Kongzhang, Cross Country spat out a mouthful of blood and could no longer maintain the secret technique he had used before.

The Shadow Clone Technique, together with the Shadow Imitation Technique used to imprison Sun Xiang Rilie, completely lost their original effect the moment the cross-country spurted blood and flew backwards!

On the contrary, the sun was shining brightly, and when I saw the cross-country spraying blood and flying backwards, there was a sudden cruel light in my eyes!

“Nara Cross-country, the better you are, the harder it is for me to keep you alive!”

 “So for the future of the Hyuga clan, you must die!”

 “Soft Boxing Technique!”

 “Bagua·Sixty-Four Palms!”


 A second ago, Cross Country was attacked by Bagua Kongzhang, and he just spurted blood and flew backwards.

 The next second, without the confinement of the Shadow Imitation Technique, Rixiang Rilie suddenly rushed in front of Cross Country, raising his hand and preparing to use the Sixty-Four Bagua Palm to kill Cross Country's life!

What about off-roading?

Under the conspiracy of Rixiang Rilie, is Cross Country really going to face despair, waiting for Rixiang Rilie to kill him with his soft fist?


Even if you still have a little strength in your body, going off-road will make Rixiang Rilie pay the price!

Therefore, when the sun is coming, the sixty-four palms of the Bagua are used, and the first palm is about to fall on the chest of the cross-country, hurting the lung function of the cross-country, it is almost a subconscious reaction, the cross-country is the concentration The chakra in the body was aimed at the palm that Hinata was attacking, and he pressed his fingers together and tapped it out!

 In an instant, even off-roaders could not know what the result of his finger would be!


When Xue Xue's fingers came together and "pointed" on the palm of the hand that was being attacked by the sun, there was a sudden "pop" sound!

An invisible air blade suddenly penetrated the palm of Rixiang Rilie's hand along the cross-country finger, and then stabbed out along the elbow of Rixiang Rilie!

 When the scorching sun threatens the lives of off-roaders, off-roaders use that sharp finger to instantly recover the previous disadvantage!

 “No matter who you are!”

"Since you have the intention to kill me, don't blame me for being rude!"


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