Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 124: Become famous overnight (Part 1)


A finger of spiritual resonance appeared, and the off-road finger not only penetrated Rixiang Rilie's palm, but also destroyed Rixiang Rilie's courage!

 In the previous battle, Cross Country defeated Rixiang Rilie, which proved the strength of Cross Country!

 Now, with Hinata Hiretsu's machinations succeeding, the current disadvantage can be reversed, and the cross-country exuding cold and murderous aura has become the nightmare of all the ninjas of the Hyuga clan!


Immediately afterwards, he used his Lingxi finger to resolve the crisis in front of him, and his eyes were stained with a red color!

That is definitely not the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, but a ferocious gaze like a wild beast!

Under the gaze of that fierce gaze, the originally timid Rixiang Rilie naturally took a step away subconsciously.

If Hinata Rilie at that time could be as ferocious as the off-roader, and continued to use Bagua Sixty-Four Palms regardless of the ferocious power of the off-roader, then he would really be able to reverse the situation in front of him.

Unfortunately, not everyone is as good as off-roaders and can reverse the situation in desperate situations!

 So, Hinata Rilie's subconscious retreat gave Cross Country a perfect opportunity to counterattack!

 Still the same thing!

  It is still the finger used by cross-country to reverse disadvantages and reverse life-and-death crises!

While Cross Country kept using Lingxi One Finger and watched Rixiang Rilie retreat continuously, under the gaze of cold eyes, Cross Country pointed at Rixiang Rilie's chest and dropped the fingers that had been together before!

 Then, there was another "pop" sound!

An extremely sharp aura suddenly appeared. Off-road just hit Hinata Hiretsu's chest with his finger, but the effect was like a sharp kunai stabbing Hinata Hiretsu's body!

 Blood is scattered!

With the sound of "plop", Rixiang Rilie fell languidly in front of the cross country.

 Obviously, when Cross Country once again used his Lingxi Finger to penetrate the heart of Hinata Rilie, it would be good if Hinata Rilie could save his life in the subsequent treatment, let alone fight back.

 But not all the ninjas of the Hyuga clan are as despicable and courageless as Hyuuga Hiretsu!

Seeing Hinata Hiretsu suddenly fall into a pool of blood, most of the ninjas of the Hyuga clan seemed to have been given blood!

 In the eyes of those Hyuga clan ninjas, Hyuga Hiragi is their spiritual support and the representative of the majesty of the Hyuga clan's wealthy family. Therefore, the shadow of Hinata Higurashi lying in a pool of blood became the reason why those Hyuga clan ninjas suddenly went berserk. Immediately, among the angry shouts, several Hyuga clan ninjas attacked at the same time in front of Cross Country!

Instead, he went off-road. When the ninjas of the Hyuga clan attacked, he digested all the insights that emerged from Lingxi's finger in silence!

 When you use Lingxi Zhi during off-roading, what changes have happened inside your body?

 There are two main changes!

 The first change!

Faced with another life-and-death crisis, I was vaguely about to take a half-step of "qualitative" transformation of spiritual energy, but I finally took that step smoothly!

 The half-step "qualitative" change of spiritual energy can no longer be used only when all the energy is concentrated!

After taking that step, the mental energy of cross-country has completed a half-step "qualitative" change in mental energy, and the state of half-step "qualitative" change in mental energy can be maintained forever!

 The second change!

When Cross Country has completed a perfect half-step "qualitative" change in spiritual energy, Cross Country has also completed the second stage of an extreme change in the nature of wind chakra!

 Just like a permanent half-step "qualitative" change in spiritual energy, the wind attribute chakra mastered by cross-country is also a solid step forward!

From now on, as long as the change in the nature of the wind attribute chakra is completed, Cross Country can easily complete the second stage of the extreme change in the nature of the wind attribute chakra. To put it simply, it is the "acceleration" secret technique that Cross Country mastered from the Fourth Hokage, the perception of wind, and the teleportation of wind. When used cross-country, the effect is exactly the same as that used by the Fourth Hokage himself. !

 What a terrifying breakthrough is this?

 What a terrifying achievement?

The Fourth Hokage can possess the current attainments of using the "acceleration" secret technique, wind perception, and wind teleportation. How much hard training did he go through?

How long have you been cultivating with difficulty?

 Although cross-country is to step on the shoulders of giants and follow the footsteps of the Fourth Hokage to advance little by little.

But how long have you been practicing the whirlpool clan’s spiritual arts off-road?

 To be able to achieve such achievements today, on the one hand, it is due to the hard work of cross-country training, and on the other hand, it is the talent of cross-country training!

 When faced with a desperate situation, the shackles of "survival" that have been restrained for a long time can be removed!

 When you understand the way of tolerance, you can sublimate your own spirit and thoughts!

Able to seize opportunities perfectly and stabilize one's own state despite the squandering of conspiracies and conspiracies!

 So, in addition to the teachings of the Fourth Hokage and his own hard training, cross-country is the result of combining his own ability, talent, and courage to achieve today's achievements!

What's more, in addition to the half-step "qualitative" change in spiritual energy and the second-stage breakthrough in the change in the nature of wind chakra, Cross Country also vaguely grasped the secret technique of "Wind Blade"?

 That’s right!

 Lingxiyi Zhi used in off-roading is an alternative "wind blade" secret technique!

What really hurt Rixiang Rilie was not the off-road fingers at all, but the "wind blade" condensed on the off-road fingers!

 Then, the wind perception that was exactly the same as the Fourth Hokage was used, and the off-road was integrated into the "wind". Even if he closed his eyes, he could sense the violent aura of the Hyuga clan ninjas around him. However, when the leading ninjas of the Hyuga clan attacked, their pupils were still dotted with red light. Cross Country used the "Wind Blade" secret technique that he had just understood to start a craziness in the Hyuga clan's camp. The "massacre"!



The first two ninjas of the Hyuga clan attacked. They used the wind teleportation in cross-country, and their figures disappeared directly from the place.

When Cross Country appeared again, his fingers gently "clicked" on the two Hyuga clan ninjas, and the aura of "Wind Blade" suddenly appeared!



The next second, the two Hyuga clan ninjas in front of Cross Country fell to the ground miserably under the attack of the "wind blade".

Their chests were stained with bright red blood just like Rixiang Rilie who had fallen into a pool of blood before!

Moreover, the tragic defeat of the two Hyuga clan ninjas seemed to have caused a chain reaction!

The Fourth Hokage's "Acceleration" secret technique, Wind Blink, was used continuously, and the cross country turned into a blue light. Combined with the "Wind Blade" secret technique, it was like a weakened version of "Blue" Like a "flash", it appeared in front of the Hyuga clan ninjas again and again, knocking them to the ground one after another.

 Three minutes, just three minutes!

The chakra in Off-Road's body has been exhausted, but in the Hyuga clan's camp, no one except Off-Road can stand on the ground!

 Nearly every ninja of the Hyuga clan is stained with blood.

And off-road's body is all stained with the blood of the Hyuga clan ninjas!

Looking around with cold eyes, looking at the wailing and screaming Hyuga clan ninjas one by one, Cross Country knew very clearly in his heart that from today on, the Hyuga clan would no longer have any majesty as a wealthy family in this camp. As a majestic crusher of a wealthy family, Cross Country just looked at the surrounding Hyuga clan ninjas coldly, and immediately prepared to turn around and leave the Hyuga clan camp!

 “Take a little rest.”


 “Let’s go to the Uchiha clan’s camp!”

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