Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 129: The Name of the Elite (Part 1)

With his eyes fixed on the small Nara clan emblem on the palm of his hand, Cross Country's originally good mood was suddenly cast into a cloud, and the joy of creating his own Hayate-ryu secret technique was wiped away.

It is the small Nara clan emblem, but it represents a heavy shackles.

With the improvement of strength, the desire for freedom, the understanding of ninja and the firmness of will, Cross Country suddenly found that the Nara mark on his palm looked so ridiculous?

Since he is a ninja of Konoha Village and has so many ties to the village, is it possible for him to betray Konoha Village casually?

  Definitely not!

Let’s not talk about watching the plot of the original work off-road. Let’s just say that Konoha Village has a kind of feeling.

 Speaking of the bonds established by cross-country in Konoha Village, they are equivalent to shackles that restrict cross-country!

 So, there are shackles of fetters, and the marks used by the Hokage to control the Nara clan, the Yamazaka clan, and the Akimichi clan look so ridiculous in the cross-country.

 A truly strong person is not willing to be restrained by anything.

Unless you are willing, if there is a layer of restraint suddenly on your body, who can feel the restraint?

Suppose Shikaku comes to tell Cross Country in person that he hopes that Cross Country will be bound by the Nara mark in order to show his loyalty. Then, because the shackles of the bond are there, even if he is a little unhappy in his heart, it is impossible for any negative emotions to arise in his mind. Even if it was for Shikaku, for the uncle who loved him so much, Cross Country was willing to be bound by shackles.

Unfortunately, the Nara mark of Cross Country was not something he was willing to accept, but was imposed on Cross Country by the Hokage and the Leaf Village.

 This has led to a rebellious mentality, which has been implanted deep in the heart of off-roaders since the Nara mark was imprinted on the hands of off-roaders.

At this time, because of Shikaku's words, Cross Country couldn't help but become more resistant to the Nara Mark, the Konoha Village, the shackles used by the Hokage to restrict the Nara clan!

In an instant, the seeds of rebellion are clearly buried in the heart of the off-road. It may only take one outburst, and the ugly dark side can dominate the idea of ​​​​off-road, causing the off-road to do something irreversible.

But now is obviously not the time for the dark side to fully explode.

Just sighing deeply, Cross Country cleared the negative thoughts in his head, and prepared to study what Lu Jiu said about human nature.

 While Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu were resting one after another, Cross Country gained some insights from Shikaku's teachings, and was ready to start resting like them. Who would have thought that just when the cross-country was about to take a rest, Uchiha Shisui, wrapped in bandages, suddenly appeared in the cross-country camp.

 “Ying, are you asleep?”

 “No! Is it Shun?”

“It’s me! Shadow, I have something I want to talk to you about, is it okay now?”

"no problem!"

 Hearing Uchiha Shisui's voice, he knew why the future Shunshen Shisui came.

Sure enough, just as Shikaku said, the purpose of Uchiha Shisui coming here is indeed for the Uchiha clan.

 Obviously, that was the result of the Uchiha clan's deep fear after the cross-country raid on the Hyuga clan's camp.

And cross-country can make a wealthy family like the Uchiha clan bow their heads, and it is impossible to say that they are not a little bit proud in their hearts. Later, for the sake of Uchiha Shisui's teammate friendship and to give a favor to the Uchiha clan, Cross Country smiled and agreed with Uchiha Shisui's remarks, and was not ready to go and cause trouble for the Uchiha clan.

 Instead, it was Uchiha Shisui.

Seeing that the cross-country trip really gave me face, on the one hand I was secretly grateful, and on the other hand I was secretly relieved.

When he and Cross Country were both members of the Blade Team, despite Uchiha Shisui being the captain, without Cross Country, the Blade Team might have been buried in the ambush of the Mist Ninja.

Moreover, after that experience of going through life and death, the tacit cooperation between Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui also made the two of them cherish each other.

Maybe cross-country and Uchiha Shisui are just the initial stage of establishing a bond.

But for the hard-won bond, Uchiha Shisui still didn't want to see the conflict between Cross Country and the Uchiha clan.

 So, after thanking him for going off-road, because he was still injured, Uchiha Shisui returned to his ward with ease and continued to recuperate from his injuries. Before taking a break, Cross Country thought about Uchiha Shisui's hurried away figure, and couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart:

“Both Shisui and Itachi are good people, but why are their fates so tragic in the original plot?”

 “Alas! To put it bluntly, it’s all because of one family!”

“Now Itachi God has nothing to do with me, but Shisui is really a trustworthy person!”

"Then I will communicate with Shisui and see if I can subtly influence Shisui's ideas, and by the way, I will influence the ideas of the Uchiha clan!"

“But before I can solve the Uchiha clan’s problem, I must solve Kakashi’s problem!”

 “Is there still no news about Lin at this stage?”

 “There are so many things that cause headaches!”

He sighed secretly, shook his head with a wry smile, and fell into a deep sleep.

It wasn’t until I woke up the next day and heard Akai’s slightly excited voice that I realized that because of Matt Dai’s injury, the original “incompetent” team finally had a chance to perform!

 “Off-road, it’s great!”

“Because Father is injured and we are unable to carry out the original mission, Master Shikaku is preparing to assign our team to participate in the battle!”

“Off-road, you are the temporary captain of our team, please give the order!”

Seeing Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu all looked like they were holding back their nerves. Cross Country smiled inwardly. Unexpectedly, it was a good thing that Matt Dai was injured. At least Akai and the others did not need to perform those boring tasks.

 Besides, following Lu Jiu on the battlefield is something that Cross Country has been looking forward to for a long time!

 Don't look at the fact that Cross Country performed a lot of missions during the period of the Blade Team. In the past, he even led the team to break through the Mist Ninja's defense line. But compared with real battlefield combat, those cross-country battles are just trivial, so off-roaders want to enter the battlefield early and feel the atmosphere of battlefield combat.

No, not long after joining the original "incompetent" team, Cross Country got an opportunity to go on the battlefield.

 So let alone Akai, Cross Country, who is the captain of the "incompetent" team, is quite excited at this time.

 Then, he put on the ANBU costume and put on the ANBU mask.

Just because he didn't graduate from the Ninja School, Cross Country could only maintain his identity as an Anbu and lead the team, but these were insignificant matters.

As long as you can enter the battlefield, what can you do even if you use the identity of ANBU?

As for Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu, they looked at Cross Country arranging ANBU clothes and putting on ANBU masks, with a look of envy in their eyes. But soon, that envious look disappeared, because when Cross Country put on his clothes and packed his ninja bag, Cross Country, who once again transformed into the captain, issued his first order!

 “Akai, Genma, Ebisu!”

 “Now that we’ve sorted it out, come with me and go into battle to kill the enemy!”

"Set off!"

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