Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 130: The Name of the Elite (Part 2)

 “Yes, Captain!”

Off-road gave the order, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu nodded excitedly at the same time, and then followed the footsteps of off-road and disappeared into the camp.

Undoubtedly, being able to go to the battlefield with Cross Country instead of Matt Dai, Akai and the other three finally got a place to vent the excitement that they had suppressed for a long time!

 Who is Cross Country?

That's the one who can conquer the Hyuga clan's camp alone!

 That is the existence that has made great contributions many times during the siege of the Mist Ninja!

 In the hearts of Akai and the other three, Matt Dai's captain status is undoubtedly stable, which is based on everyone's respect for Matt Dai. On the contrary, it is cross-country. When leading the original "incompetent" team, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu did not have any resentment. That was based on their cross-country strength.

 The world of ninjas, to put it bluntly, is still a world where the strong are respected.

 So, being able to follow the stronger cross-country into the battlefield, the spirits of Akai and others became excited in an instant.

After heading to Lujiu Camp, Cross Country still asked Akai and the other three to address him either with the word "captain" or with the code name of "Shadow". Obviously, the purpose of going cross-country is to hide his identity when fighting against the Mist Ninja, so as not to implicate the original "incompetent" team from being targeted by the Mist Ninja!

Only four years old, going to be five soon.

 Being able to have such an achievement in cross-country at such an age is probably creating history in the world of ninjas!

If the identity of Cross Country is really exposed, let alone the Kiri Ninja Village, let’s talk about the other three Ninja Villages among the five great Ninja Villages, Sand Ninja Village, Iwa Ninja Village, and Cloud Ninja Village. In order to kill the rising name of Cross Country A rising star must be willing to pay a certain price. Driven by profit, Cross-country is really afraid that before external enemies can assassinate him, internal enemies will appear one after another.

 Hide one's identity, on the one hand, for self-protection, and on the other hand, to protect the original "incompetent" team.

It is estimated that even if Shikaku knew about the idea of ​​​​cross-country, he would give him a thumbs up and praise him for finally understanding some ways of the world!

Then, he quickly headed to Shikaku's camp. When he arrived, Shikaku and others followed Shikaku's signal and followed several small teams of the Uchiha clan.

 There is no doubt that the commander of those Uchiha clan teams is the current talker in the Uchiha clan camp, the elite Jonin named Uchiha-ryu.

  Seeing the Anbu costume of Cross Country, Uchiha knew the identity of Cross Country.

And because Uchiha Shisui told him yesterday that Cross Country had no intention of causing trouble for the Uchiha clan, so when Cross Country looked at Uchiha Ryu, Uchiha Liu deliberately smiled at Cross Country, which obviously meant that , the grievances between Cross Country and the Uchiha clan were settled yesterday. The Uchiha clan received Cross Country with a friendly attitude.

 As for off-roading, he is not a very vindictive person.

Finding that the proud Uchiha clan had behaved themselves, Cross Country nodded in the direction of Uchiha and began to listen to Shikaku's lectures.

Immediately afterwards, during Shikaku's lecture, Cross Country finally understood what the purpose of this battle was!

It turns out that under the leadership of Shikaku, the decisive battle between the Leaf Village and the Mist Ninja Village behind the Country of Fire is finally about to begin!

 After the decision was made to start the war, the first thing Konoha Village needed to solve was the three lines of defense in front of the Mist Ninja camp!

Today, Shikaku personally leads the Konoha ninja troops to conquer the first line of defense of the Mist ninja camp!

As long as the three lines of defense of the Mist Ninja are broken and Konoha's ninja troops can invade the Mist Ninja's camp, then the war between Konoha and the Mist Ninja behind the Country of Fire will enter a white-hot stage!

 “Uncle Shikaku may have one more thing he hasn’t said yet!”

“That is, after conquering the Mist Ninja camp, we must take back Minato-sensei’s only female disciple, Lin!”

 “Because of Lin”

 “This is the key to the war at the rear of the Country of Fire!”

While listening to Shikaku's narration, he secretly analyzed the battle situation in front of him.

Soon, under the command of Shikaku, Konoha's ninja troops left Konoha's camp in an orderly manner and quickly headed towards the first line of defense established by the Kiri Ninja.

However, when Cross Country followed the Uchiha clan's team and excitedly thought that the shocking battlefield was about to appear in front of him, he had already reached the first line of defense established by the Mist Ninja. When Cross Country saw the Mist Ninja When the defense line was actually established in a dense forest, Cross Country's face suddenly turned livid!

 “Okay! It’s jungle battle again!”

“I think it would be easy for a war as grand as the Fourth War in the original plot to happen!”

 “Forget it, let’s just fight in the jungle!”

  "What I should do is to first remove the title of "incompetent" from our team, and then fully experience the atmosphere of the battlefield!"

 “Then what happens next”

 “Shadow communication!”



Seeing that the fierce battle was about to begin, Cross Country used the shadow communication technique without any hesitation. He quickly used his shadow to connect Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu, and used spiritual communication to communicate:

"Release your minds, and we will use my shadow communication skills to communicate when we fight!"

 “Yes, Captain!”

 At first, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu were quite shocked when they used the method of spiritual communication.

  After all, except for the members of the mountain clan of Konoha Village, there are very few people in Konoha Village who can use this secret technique of spiritual communication.

Now, they suddenly know that cross-country is not only about strong personal combat ability, but also the shadow communication technique that works wonders in team cooperation. Kai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu are convinced by cross-country. Then, just as they complained before cross-country, Akai and the other three complained that the war in front of them was a jungle war under the condition of spiritual communication.

 But just like what Cross Country just thought, being able to go to the battlefield is an honor.

 So after silently complaining for a few words, Akai and the other three began to wait for the command of the cross-country, hoping to show off their talents on the battlefield ahead!

  Unfortunately, the decisive battle between Konoha and the Mist Ninja has just begun, and it is obviously not the time to show off one's personal combat abilities!

Immediately afterwards, when the Konoha side was arranging their troops in a very orderly manner under the command of Shikaku, the combined ninjutsu from the Mist Ninja suddenly appeared in front of Cross Country and the others!

 “Water Release·Super Water Dragon Technique!”



  The battle had just begun, and the Kiri Ninja, as the "host", gave the Konoha side where the cross-country was located a severe blow!

More than twenty Mist Ninjas, under the command of the Mist Ninja Commander, surprisingly jointly completed a terrifying water escape ninjutsu!

In an instant, a water dragon about a hundred meters long soared into the sky, aiming at Konoha's camp and attacking. Just talking about the intimidating effect of the water dragon, it made the cross-country and others who entered the battlefield for the first time frightened. The other Konoha ninjas whose psychological quality was far inferior to the cross-country were so frightened that they turned pale when the water dragon first appeared. .

 Fortunately, Shikaku's commanding ability is very good, and he was already prepared for the might of the Mist Ninja!

The next second, the Uchiha clan team that was following cross-country stepped forward and jointly used a fire escape and super fireball technique to stifle the invasion of the ferocious water dragon in front.

 Then, during the battle between the fireball and the water dragon, thick fog suddenly spread in the dense forest, greatly weakening the insight ability of all the ninjas in the dense forest!

But when the vision of his eyes was hindered, Cross Country was not as panicked as Akai and the other three!

On the contrary, under the cover of the fog, when he felt the panic of Akai and the other three people, he used his mental communication to shout loudly:

 “Don’t panic, get everything ready for me!”

 “The real confrontation is about to begin!”

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