Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 131: The Name of the Elite (Part 2)

 “Oops, I got distracted again!”

“As expected, they are worthy of being cross-country. To be able to join the elite of the Blade Team, we need to learn from their calm mentality in the face of danger!”

The fog is thick, and it is normal to feel a little panicked when you lose sight of your surroundings with your eyes.

 However, in many confrontations with the Mist Ninja, Cross Country has long understood the environment in which the Mist Ninja can exert its strongest strength. Therefore, almost the moment the thick fog filled the air, Cross Country vaguely guessed the Mist Ninja's plan, and it was very likely that they would launch a surprise attack in an environment suitable for their own operations.

And while the Konoha ninjas were slightly flustered due to visual interference, the confidence of the Mist ninja's attack was undoubtedly improved by several points of success.

 So, the fact that Cross Country can maintain his sanity in the thick fog, and even be able to verbally remind Akai and the other three, is entirely due to his different combat experience. When Akai and the other three received the cross-country reminder, they also felt a chill in their hearts. They took a deep breath and adjusted themselves, preparing to face the Mist Ninja who was about to attack from ahead.

  Unfortunately, just as he thought before going off-road, the fog ninja was indeed planning to use the thick fog as a cover to complete the assault.

 Since this is the case, the Mist Ninja must be fully confident before he can plan a surprise attack.

 In this way, having fought against the Mist Ninja many times and led by an experienced cross-country team, the team including Akai and others were in better shape because they were well prepared for the Mist Ninja's surprise attack. On the contrary, the rest of Konoha's ninjas are really not as lucky as Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu.

The team of Mist Ninjas suddenly came in, followed by screams one after another, echoing in the dense forest.

When Shikaku, who was in charge of Konoha's ninjas, saw this, he raised a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth.

 Obviously when the Mist Ninja was preparing to carry out the dense fog raid plan, the smart Shikaku guessed the Mist Ninja’s plan early and prepared a plan to deal with it!

Soon, several wind escape masters from Konoha rushed to Shikaku's side.

Jointly using a wind escape ninjutsu, Shikaku used the wind escape to blow away the surrounding fog, so that Konoha's ninjas did not need to fall into passivity.

 “The real confrontation begins!”

“Next, it’s time to test our actual combat capabilities!”

 “Winning or losing.”

 “It will be revealed soon!”

 “Wind Escape·Infinite Breakthrough!”




Taking a deep breath, feeling the powerful wind escape combined with the use of ninjutsu, watching the surrounding fog dissipate, Shikaku, as the commander of Konoha, calmed down and silently observed the direction of the battle. Come.

 And just like Shikaku said, this time of close combat is the moment to test the combat capabilities of Konoha and the Mist Ninja!

On the battlefield, conspiracies do have the effect of surprising victory, but conspiracies are never the real key to war!

 The real key to war, just like individual combat, ultimately depends on strength!

If the quality of Konoha's ninjas is really not as good as the Mist ninja, then no matter how brilliant the strategy is, Konoha will definitely be defeated by the Mist ninja in the end, and vice versa!

 Although, in the early confrontation, Konoha lost a few ninjas.

 However, with the army pressing down on the border, Shikaku still firmly believed that Konoha's side would definitely win the final victory in this war!

 As for off-roading!

 When the ninjas on both sides started fighting in hand-to-hand combat, he had no time to spare at all!

 The difficulty of leading a team in combat is no less difficult than fighting an elite jounin-level ninja!

 Because, off-roading is not only about ensuring your own safety, but also the safety of Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu!

  In the past, cross-country was in the Blade Team. Every member of the Blade Team was the elite of the elite. The weakest cross-country had the strength of a Jonin-level ninja. As the captain, Uchiha Shisui was very worry-free.

Off-roading is different at this time. To be honest, the personal combat capabilities of Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu are not very strong.

The only thing that made Cross Country feel lucky was that the Mist Ninja obviously didn't think highly of his team, and just sent a four-person Mist Ninja team, without a single Jonin among them!

 “Heh, you want to kill my team, but you can’t even part with a jounin?”


“Let me, Nara Off-Road, tell you the price of underestimating our team!”

 “Akai, three o’clock direction!”

 “Hmm? Off-road, what do you mean?”

Suddenly, I heard Cross Country giving instructions through mental communication. Akai was far from being as cooperative as the members of the Blade Team. He was stunned for a moment after hearing Cross Country's instructions.

 However, during the battle, Akai froze, and the four fog ninjas who fought with the cross-country team seized the opportunity.

The figure flashed to Akai's side at the same time. It was obvious that the four mist ninjas were preparing to attack Akai's weak point to destroy the cross-country team.

Who would have thought that just when the four fog ninjas smiled cruelly and were about to pierce Akai's body with the kunai in their hands, there was a sudden "buzz"!

The kunai of the four mist ninjas had not yet fallen. As soon as they got close to Akai, the shadows under Akai's feet spread out. It was astonishing that he used the shadow seam technique cross-country to imprison the four mist ninjas. Tolerate!

 “Xuanjian, it’s up to you!”


With Akai’s previous lesson, when Shiranui Genma received the order, his heart trembled, and he directly released his trump card!

 “Senbon Rain!”




 A cold light suddenly appeared on the side of the mouth!

At that moment, Shiranui Genma suddenly used the senbon in his mouth to stab directly into the four mist ninjas who were imprisoned in front.

 Throat, heart, lower abdomen!

 Shiranui Genma's Senbon is really excellent in using it!

 Thousands of books spat out, and the four mist ninjas died tragically beside Akai.

 However, when Shiranui Genma killed four Mist ninjas, there was no joy in his eyes. Instead, he took a deep look at Cross Country.

 Because Shiranui Genma knew that if there was no off-roading, let alone four mist ninjas!

 Just one of the mist ninjas can make him feel troublesome!


 “The captain is so awesome, and so is Xuanjian!”

“Four chunin-level fog ninjas are all so dead?”

 On the other hand, Ebisu's eyes were full of fire when he saw the cooperation between Cross Country and Gen Shiranui.

 Obviously, the death of the four mist ninjas immediately made Ebisu forget about the cruelty of combat, and he waited for the cross-country instructions with enthusiasm.

On the real battlefield, there are countless enemies. Obviously, even if Cross Country and the others deal with the surrounding fog ninjas, they will not have any time to rest.

Therefore, when Ebisu and Akai, who had made a mistake before, were all filled with fiery look in their eyes, the off-road issued orders one after another to let the original "incompetent" team to fight in this battlefield. The light of showing off bloomed!

 “Akai, ten o’clock direction!”

 “Oh Sa! Konoha whirlwind!”


The shadow shuriken was used, and the cross country imprisoned a Mist ninja genin. In an instant, he ordered Akai to deal with it.

 The next second, another Shadow Sewing Technique was used.

 The shadow at the feet of a Mist Ninja suddenly erupted. Ebisu, who had been ordered to go off-road, lurked there early. With a flash of cold light from the kunai in his hand, he killed another Chuunin-level Mist Ninja!

 In the battlefield where Konoha and Mist Ninja fought, everyone was fighting hard. The teams of Konoha and Mist Ninja were at a stalemate in the fierce battle.

Only Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu can harvest the lives of one fog ninja after another under the command of Cross Country.

 So, the fierce confrontation lasted for just three minutes, and the outstanding performance of the cross-country team was reflected in the eyes of all the Konoha ninjas and Mist ninjas around them.

In particular, the commander behind the Mist Ninja found that the cross-country team's combat capability was so strong. When many Mist Ninjas were lost at the hands of the cross-country team, the commander behind the Mist Ninja immediately recognized the cross-country team. With the title of "elite", he directly dispatched two Mist Ninja Jonin, ready to destroy the cross-country "elite" team!

“Who would have imagined that Konoha’s truly elite team is actually a team composed of a bunch of brats!”

 “Nara Shikaku, your surprise attack is really good!”


 “Your elite members of Konoha are going to die in battle!”

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