Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 132: Personal Show (Part 1)

In the Land of Fire, not long after the decisive battle between Konoha and the Mist Ninja began, Cross Country led the original "incompetent" team and achieved impressive results!

 At this time, in the battlefield where Konoha and Mist Ninja were fighting, it was Mist Ninja who took the advantage of the battle first, while Konoha fell slightly into a disadvantage. Moreover, except for the fog ninja who had the advantage and used the cover of the thick fog to kill several Konoha ninjas in a surprise attack, the other ninjas on the battlefield were fighting hard.

 After all, in a cruel war, no one is willing to become a victim of the war.

 So in this battlefield, both the ninjas of Konoha and the ninjas of Mist ninja are fighting desperately.

As a result, the battle situation between Konoha and the Mist Ninja seems to be at a stalemate. Who would have thought that the "incompetent" team led by Off-Road suddenly showed its power and destroyed the balance between Konoha and the Mist Ninja in one fell swoop!

In just five minutes, a total of nearly ten fog ninjas fell to the "incompetent" team led by Cross Country. What a terrifying record is this?

You must know that the ninjas in the first line of defense, the Mist Ninja, even if they are genin, are all ninjas who have experienced the "Blood Mist" period, and their personal qualities are far beyond ordinary ninjas. What's more, most of the chuunin and jounin among the fog ninja are elites who survived the brutal wars of the three wars!

If not, the number of ninjas in Konoha far exceeds the ninjas in the Mist ninja. Why did Konoha have a numerical advantage when launching the decisive battle, but it was still in a stalemate with the Mist ninja?

 However, regardless of whether you are a ninja during the "Blood Mist" period or an elite who survived the fierce battles of the Three World Wars, you have no advantage at all in the cross-country!

Relying on their own personal combat abilities and using shadow communication skills, they carefully guided Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu to kill the ninjas of the Mist ninja.

 It’s off-road!

 When the battle situation was at a stalemate, the current situation was shattered in one fell swoop, allowing Konoha to quickly take the initiative!

In an instant, the label of "incompetent" disappeared, and the title of "elite" fell on the cross-country command team!

Even at this time, it was not only the commander who was hiding behind the scenes of the Mist Ninja. Looking at the outstanding performance of Cross Country and others, he secretly thought that Cross Country was a special force set by Shikaku. He was prepared to send the Mist Ninja Jonin to snipe at any cost. Cross-country team. Even the Mist Ninja Team and the Konoha Team in the battlefield secretly admired the outstanding performance of the "elite" team led by Cross Country!

As for the Mist Ninja Team, watching the cross-country team continuously kill their own ninjas, their morale must be low!

On the contrary, it was Konoha's team. Seeing the outstanding performance of the team led by Cross Country, each one seemed to be in a state of excitement. Encouraged by the team led by Cross Country, they quickly suppressed the Mist Ninja team that was confronting them!

 So, cross-country not only relies on personal abilities, but also changes the name of the "incompetent" team, turning it into a real "elite" team. Also in cross-country, relying on his outstanding personal ability, it immediately changed the combat morale of Konoha's side, tilting the balance of victory little by little towards the cross-country side!

  Participating in a real war for the first time, cross-country has become a key point in the war situation, and naturally it will be treated with much attention!

Even the commander of Konoha, Shikaku, Cross Country's uncle, couldn't help but cast slightly excited eyes in the direction of the team led by Cross Country when he was directing the battle!

Beside Shikaku, Ding Zao, a member of the Ino-Deer-Butterfly Trio who had been protecting Shikaku, when Shikaku’s eyes fell in the direction of the cross-country team, he smiled and said to Shikaku:

 “Shikaku, cross-country growth is really fast!”

“A few months ago, when I competed with you in cross-country, it seemed a bit difficult to beat you.”

“But after a few months of progress, Shikaku, hehe.”

 “It may be a little difficult for you to beat cross-country now!”

“Well, Dingzuo, you are right, cross-country progress is really fast!”

Listening to his friend's praise, a low-key person like Shikaku couldn't help showing a look of pride, and said with a smile: "At first, Minato asked for cross-country training on the battlefield, and I was still a little reluctant. But now looking at Cross Country grew up so fast and gradually became the pillar of my Nara clan. I suddenly realized that Minato's suggestion was correct. A genius like Cross Country cannot be treated with common sense at all. He must be trained in an alternative way. It’s his growth path.”

“So, I am not going to suppress the growth of cross-country in the future. No matter what cross-country wants to do, I will fully support him!”

 “As for now”

 Speaking, Shikaku saw that the situation on Konoha's side was excellent, and he was silently calculating in his mind whether to give him a more important cross-country task to practice cross-country.

Who would have thought that just when Shikaku thought of this, two Mist ninja jonins suddenly rushed around the team led by Cross Country, which made Shikaku's pupils shrink slightly!

 “Oops! The Mist Ninja is preparing to send out Jonin to snipe the off-road team!”

 “It’s dangerous to go off-road!”

At this moment, why was Shikaku so surprised when he saw the Kiri ninja jonin going to snipe off-road?

Just because of the personal ability of the Kiri Ninja Jonin, he is ranked among the best among the five great ninja villages!

After all, the Mist Ninja had just ended the "Blood Mist" period not long ago, and the Mist Ninja's cruel training methods during the "Blood Mist" period were very famous in the ninja world!

 So, seeing the two Mist Ninja Jonin attacking the team led by Cross Country, Shikaku subconsciously prepared to seek help from Ding Zao to assist Cross Country in eliminating the two Mist Ninjas.

At this time, it's not that Shikaku underestimated the strength of Cross Country. In fact, even in the Blade Team, Cross Country performed very well in such an elite team, but Shikaku still didn't think that Cross Country had the strength to deal with two Mist Ninja Jonin. ah!

In the current battlefield, even if there are two jounin in some Konoha teams, when faced with a team led by a Mist ninja jonin, the confrontation will be miserable, and almost one of the Konoha team will be killed. He endured serious injuries in the hands of the fog ninja jounin!

Immediately afterwards, it was discovered that the situation that Cross Country was facing was very bad. Whether it was for the talent of Cross Country or because Cross Country was a member of the Nara clan and his own nephew, Shikaku was prepared to use his authority to assist Cross Country and get rid of those two people first. A fog ninja jonin who was preparing to attack off-road put his own safety aside.

But the next second, Shikajiu and Dingzao never expected that a shocking scene appeared!

 Because in that second, Shikaku and Dingzao suddenly realized that their worries were very unnecessary!

The two fog ninja jonins who went to attack the off-road team, how did they cause trouble for the off-road team? Posing a threat?

The two Mist Ninja Jonin who went to attack the cross-country team completely made the cross-country famous in another aspect, making the cross-country complete a perfect personal show in the cruel battlefield!

And when Cross Country's personal show was about to begin, Cross Country's wind perception, which was comparable to that of the Fourth Hokage, immediately noticed the existence of the two Mist Ninja Jonin!

At that time, Shikaku, Ding Zao and others did not expect that the cross-country would be easy for the two Mist ninja jonins. They looked nervous, fearing that the cross-country would not be able to survive under the attack of the two Mist ninja jonins!

Instead, he was off-roading. When he used his sense of wind to find that the two fog ninja jonin were approaching, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

Moreover, when the two Mist Ninja Jonin were about to launch a fierce offensive to first eliminate Akai and Ebisu, who were always protecting the side of the cross-country, the cross-country had that confident smile on his face. The secret technique of the blast flow was used in an instant!

 “I’ve waited too long for you fog ninja jonins to come and attack!”

 “Two fog ninja jonin, right?”

“Let’s use your lives to test the power of my secret technique of gale force flow!”

  “Gateful flow!”

 “Fist blade!”

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