Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 137: Room for improvement


“Chakra has finally recovered, it feels so good!”

 In the evening, inside the Konoha camp.

 Before Konoha could completely capture the first line of defense of the Mist ninja and take away all the glory of the cross-country in the battlefield, he hurriedly returned to the camp to recover under the leadership of Ding Zao to avoid leaving hidden diseases in his body.

 Under the leadership of Ding Zuo, Cross Country quickly returned to the camp without any hesitation, and hurriedly began to restore chakra.

 Don’t even say it!

 It was just a chakra overdraft. When Chakra was restored, Cross Country not only used his own huge spiritual energy, but also sensed the hidden disease remaining in the body. As far as the meridians in the body are concerned, there are some cracks in the body. If they are not fully recovered and faced with a few more chakra overdrafts, the meridians in the body are likely to be permanently broken, and there will be no possibility of becoming a ninja. .

I also noticed this kind of situation and learned more about the dangers of hidden diseases. The cross-country trip was really scary and gave me a cold sweat.

 Fortunately, the Nara clan has many secret medicines, and hidden diseases in the meridians can be recovered very quickly as long as they are treated in time.

 So, it took nearly a whole day to restore chakra and solve the hidden diseases in the body. It was not until the evening that the cross-country was considered "exit", and the whole person felt relaxed.

Especially when I untied the gauze on my shoulders and found that the previous injuries were completely healed, my mood for cross-country became even better.

 As for the issue of insufficient chakra, that’s all trivial!

After all, some problems cannot be solved in a hurry. For example, cross-country wants to hold a certain amount of chakra as soon as possible and complete the practice of the Uzumaki clan's spiritual arts, so that one's own spiritual energy will face a real "qualitative" change. That is not the case. Things that can be done in a hurry.

Just like what I thought in the past, whether it is accumulating chakra or practicing the spiritual arts of the Uzumaki clan, it is a long-lasting practice.

 Then, on an empty stomach, Cross Country completed the practice of chakra and the secret techniques of the Uzumaki clan, and then hurriedly went to find something to eat.

As soon as they stepped out of the camp and were about to look for something to eat, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu came back.

Meeting in front of the camp, Shichigo saw Shiranui Genma and Ebisu holding something to eat. They didn't even say hello and went straight to the food. On the contrary, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu looked at the majestic cross-country on the battlefield. At this time, they took off their ANBU masks and looked completely childish. It was really embarrassing.

 “When traveling off-road, eat slowly, no one will compete with you!”

“What Xuanjian said is that we have just eaten. Off-road, you should drink some water first!”

“Ebisu, Genma, why do you think cross-country progress is so fast, but I’m progressing so slowly?”

 “Akai, because you are ugly!”

 “Akai, because your cultivation posture is wrong!”

While eating, I listened to Akai and the other three chatting.

After devouring the food, Cross Country quickly finished the food in front of him, and then smiled and said to Akai: "Akai, don't leave Genma, Ebisu is talking nonsense. In fact, Akai, as long as you keep practicing hard, you will always be able to One day you can surpass me. In terms of hard work, I really can't even reach 30% of yours."

“And Genma, Ebisu, your performance on the battlefield today was very good!”

 “Even. I feel honored to have companions like you!”


However, seeing the youngest cross-country perform the best on the battlefield, Akai and the other three people even felt vaguely that the cross-country appearance was like another fourth-generation Hokage, which made Akai and the other three Even if people take advantage of the good words of cross-country, they still practice hard after seeing that the cross-country is fine.

On the contrary, it is cross-country. Staying alone in the camp has no way to practice, which seems a bit boring.

  How can I put it this way, the hidden diseases in Cross Country's body have just been expelled and require some recovery time.

So today's cross-country training is destined to be unable to carry out high-load training. I can only stay bored in the camp and wait for full recovery tomorrow.

However, the boring time did not last long, someone came to watch the cross-country.

Looking up, he saw Uchiha Shisui coming with a cane. The bored Shisui smiled slightly and said teasingly: "Shun, why do you have time to come see me? Shouldn't I come to see you?"

“Ying, I came to see you, but you don’t welcome me?”

"How is that possible! Shun, come in and sit down!"

“There’s no need to sit down, Ying. In fact, I came here to ask for something!”

 “Ah? What’s the matter?”

Apart from the conflicts between the Uchiha clan, Cross Country really doesn’t know what the reason for Uchiha Shisui coming in person is.

 Furthermore, the conflict between the cross-country and the Uchiha clan has been perfectly resolved.

Just looking at Uchiha's attitude, I feel that the Uchiha clan in the future will basically eliminate the possibility of causing trouble for him. In this case, cross-country is not idle, so why bother with the Uchiha clan?

When Uchiha Shisui saw the confused look coming from Cross Country, he smiled awkwardly, and then said: "Kage, it's like this."

“Just now in the ward, I heard Master Liu say that you seemed to have developed an interesting new secret technique, so I wanted to come and take a look.”

"If possible, Shadow, could I ask you a question about your new secret technique?"

Since the secret art is called secret art, as the name suggests, it is a person’s secret.

For example, off-road and Akai are good friends and very familiar with each other, but can cross-country easily ask Akai about the cultivation method of Eight-door Dunjia?

 The answer is no!

 Because the Eight Gate Dunjia is a forbidden skill, and it is Akai's secret skill.

It would be fine if Akai was willing to teach him, but if Akai asked him directly, no matter how good his relationship with him was, he would definitely feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

However, Cross Country is different from ordinary ninjas. He doesn't care much about secret techniques.

What's more, Uchiha Shisui just wanted to ask for advice, and he didn't ask for cross-country teaching. From the perspective of cross-country, it didn't matter.

 So, almost as soon as Uchiha Shisui finished speaking, Cross Country slowly stood up and directly showed Uchiha Shisui the secret technique of Hayate Flow.

 First it is the palm blade, then it is the sword blade, the air blade.

In the communication with Uchiha Shisui, Cross Country didn't even have the slightest intention of keeping it private.

  No matter what, the secret techniques of Hayate Flow are not completely perfect. If Uchiha Shisui can provide some useful advice, then off-roading will definitely be more enjoyable.

And Uchiha Shisui is also worthy of the name Shunshen Shisui.

Just after Cross Country demonstrated how to use fist blades, sword blades, and air blades, and once again crossed his legs to recover the consumed chakra, Uchiha Shisui, who had previously used the Sharingan to watch the secret technique of Cross Country Wind Flow, first released it After seeing the use of the Sharingan, he praised repeatedly: "Kage, I have heard that you are very talented in "jutsu" before, but now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I know that you are a monster!"

“I remember you just said that your new secret technique is called Feng Feng Flow, right?”

 “It is indeed an appropriate name, and it is also a good name!”

“Let’s not talk about the entire set of secret techniques of Gale Wind Style. Let’s just talk about one of the palm blades in the secret art of Gale Wind Style. It’s really enough to surprise me!”

"It is a secret technique that is no less than the S-level ninjutsu Raikiri created by Lei. In my opinion, the difficulty of training is even higher than that of Raikiri. Moreover, just one palm blade can rival the S-level ninjutsu. Ninjutsu, the sword blade and air blade in the Hayate style secret art are more difficult to practice than the palm blade!"

“So, the difficulty of practicing your entire set of Gale Flow Secret Techniques is at SS level at least. If it were to be improved, the difficulty of practicing it would probably be SSS level, which is far beyond what ordinary people can master!”


As he spoke, Uchiha Shisui suddenly paused, causing a flash of light to cross his eyes.

Because just when Uchiha Shisui said the word "but", with a preliminary understanding of Uchiha Shisui's character, it became clear that the hidden meaning behind Uchiha Shisui's "but" must be his character in Hayate Ryu. I have a new idea about mysticism!

And Uchiha Shisui is obviously not a guy who might disappoint Cross Country!

Immediately afterwards, after a pause, a smile slowly appeared on Uchiha Shisui's face, and then he made a seal while smiling at the cross country:

“But Shadow, didn’t you think about another way to improve the Swift Wind Style Secret Technique when you created it?”

"That is"


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