Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 138: shape of wind


“Another room for improvement in Gale Flow is actually about “wind”?”

 “What does Shisui mean?”

 Listening to Uchiha Shisui's opinion, he looked thoughtful after a while.

However, even if you ask Cross Country at this time, what is Uchiha Shisui's opinion? Cross Country himself is confused, so how can he answer it?

 Fortunately, when Shisui Uchiha was advising on the secret technique of the fast wind flow, he made seals and prepared to use ninjutsu while talking to the cross country to express his opinions on the secret technique of the fast wind flow. Moreover, almost as soon as Uchiha Shisui finished speaking, the hand seals were completed, and Uchiha Shisui released the ninjutsu he was about to use.

The name of that ninjutsu is Wind Release·Wind Blade!


After the seal was completed, Cross Country used the sense of wind to naturally feel the changes in the chakra attributes in Uchiha Shisui's body.

At that moment, Cross Country was indeed a little surprised. He was surprised that Uchiha Shisui could complete the change in the nature of the wind attribute chakra.

 Say it true, in the Uchiha clan in the original plot, most of the changes in chakra properties mastered by the clan are changes in the properties of fire-type chakra. Even if a few of them possess the changes in the nature of fire and thunder chakras, there are still very few Uchiha clan members who are as proficient in thunder escape ninjutsu as the two Uchiha pillars. After all, what the Uchiha clan is best at is Fire escape ninjutsu!

 So before, cross-country was not clear at all. Uchiha Shisui also mastered the changes in the nature of wind attribute chakra, and he mastered it so well.

However, seeing Uchiha Shisui mastering the changes in the nature of wind-type chakra, Cross Country understood why the other party wanted to ask for the secret technique of Hayate Flow.

 Obviously, Uchiha Shisui encountered problems in the use of wind attribute chakra, and wanted to learn from the new secret techniques of off-roading to enhance his own strength.

However, what Cross Country should really be concerned about at this time is obviously not the matter of Uchiha Shisui mastering the wind attribute chakra, but the ninjutsu used by Uchiha Shisui.

Wind Release·Wind Blade is an A-level wind escape ninjutsu.

And if you really want to talk about it, the effect of using Wind Escape·Wind Blade is very similar to the new secret technique Air Blade of Gale Flow developed off-road.

It’s just that Wind Release·Wind Blade is a ninjutsu that requires seals to be completed, while the new secret technique of off-road gale style air blade is a sealless ninjutsu.

The most important point is that to master the Wind Escape·Wind Blade, you only need to complete the first stage of extreme changes in the properties of wind chakra. In terms of use effect, it is definitely not as good as the cross-country new secret technique Air Blade of the Swift Wind Flow. After all, the cross-country secret technique of wind blade, air blade, is a super S-level secret technique that can only be mastered after the second stage of breakthrough in the extreme change of wind attribute chakra properties!

But at this time, Uchiha Shisui's seal using Wind Release·Wind Blade still caused a little light to shine in the eyes of the cross country.

Because the moment Uchiha Shisui used Wind Release and Wind Blade, Cross Country knew that the real purpose of Uchiha Shisui using Wind Release and Wind Blade was to remind him of another room for improvement in the new secret technique of Hayate Ryu. of!

"Well, the A-level ninjutsu Wind Release - Wind Blade used by Shisui is indeed like a weakened version of the air blade."

"Then what Shisui wants to show is undoubtedly another room for improvement of the air blade. So what is it?"


“Shisui’s Wind Blade, this is”

Just when Off-Road was carefully trying to figure out what Uchiha Shisui wanted to demonstrate, suddenly the Wind Release·Wind Blade used by Uchiha Shisui underwent strange changes!

A second ago, Uchiha Shisui had just completed the seal, and aimed at a wooden barrel next to the tent and used the A-level wind escape ninjutsu, Wind Release: Wind Blade.


Waving his right arm, a wisp of wind blade followed the direction of Uchiha Shisui's right arm and flew straight to a wooden barrel next to the cross-country camp. If there were no accidents, the wind blade cast by Uchiha Shisui must have landed directly on the barrel, just like the off-road blast flow secret technique air blade, directly cutting the barrel into two pieces.

 But in the next second, just as Cross Country's pupils narrowed slightly, the shape of the wind blade suddenly changed!

 In an instant, the wind blade disappeared without a trace, and the barrel in front of the tent broke into several pieces!

Ordinary people may not be able to understand at that moment why the barrel broke or why the wind blade cast by Uchiha Shisui disappeared.

 But off-roading is different!

With the sense of wind, Off-Road obviously sensed it. The reason why the wind blade cast by Uchiha Shisui disappeared was because his wind blade changed its shape again!

To put it simply, if the wind blade is a form, then the wind blade cast by Shisui Uchiha will once again transform into the form of "wind" at the moment it is about to hit the barrel!

 Wind is originally invisible!

 But under Uchiha Shisui's exquisite control, the wind maintained the power of the wind blade!

 So, the wind blade disappeared, but the barrel next to the tent still broke into two pieces!

Furthermore, it happened to be Uchiha Shisui's demonstration that made Cross Country clearly understand what Uchiha Shisui wanted to express!

 That is the morphological change of the Gale Flow Secret Technique, and there is still room for improvement in the second stage!

"That's right! What Shisui wants to express is that there is another room for improvement in the form changes of the secret technique of the blast flow. There is nothing wrong with that!"

"The Secret Technique of the Swift Wind Flow was originally the second stage of breakthrough in the extreme change of wind attribute chakra properties, and was developed by combining the changes in the form of "wind". However, when I used the Secret Technique of the Swift Wind Flow, I was still rigidly adherent to " The first stage of the form change of "wind", but I haven't tried the second stage of the form change of "wind"!"

“Wind is invisible, and the tangible “wind” is indeed very sharp, but the invisible “wind” is undoubtedly more secretive and more powerful than the tangible “wind”!”

“If we can make the new secret art of the Gale Wind Style Air Blade invisible, then the power of the Gale Wind Style’s secret art will undoubtedly increase by several levels!”

“But mastering the invisible “wind” is not as simple as it seems!”

Huttered secretly, Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui looked at each other, and a wry smile could not help but appear at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, don't look at Uchiha Shisui's ability to control the form of Wind Release and Wind Blade, turning the tangible "wind" into intangible.

But don’t forget, what Uchiha Shisui is doing is just the first stage of breakthrough in the extreme change of wind chakra properties, which transforms the tangible "wind" into intangible without consuming much energy. On the contrary, it is the cross-country's secret technique of blast flow. After the second stage of breakthrough in the extreme change of wind chakra properties, if you want to transform the tangible "wind" into intangible, then you don't know how much energy you will spend on cross-country research.

Therefore, under Uchiha Shisui's demonstration, even if Cross Country understands another room for improvement in the Hayate Style Secret Technique, it is still impossible to achieve the second stage breakthrough of the Hayate Style Secret Technique's form change in a short period of time. .

However, since there is a new room for improvement ahead, in general, there is still hope for improving the power of the new secret technique of Gale Flow in cross-country.

 Then, after exchanging mutual training experiences with Uchiha Shisui, Shichigo went to rest after bidding farewell to Uchiha Shisui.

  It is said that hidden diseases in the body of off-roaders are all cured after treatment. Excessive fatigue is not good for off-roaders!

But in his sleep, Cross Country was undoubtedly thinking about Uchiha Shisui's guidance, and the training he performed in his dream was the second stage of the transformation of the Hayate Flow Secret Technique.

As a result, the off-roading that I just woke up in the morning seemed a little lacking in energy.

But when Xue Qiang gathered his energy and prepared to join Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu, he went to Shikaku again to understand the mission. He was ready to complete today's mission first and then practice hard. He went to the gathering place to take a look. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of four figures at the gathering place. Off-road's eyes, which were originally slightly tired, suddenly became energetic!

 “Are you kidding me?”

“Captain Adai. Captain Adai’s injuries are all healed?”

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