Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 139: special rules

 Matt Dai’s injuries are actually all healed?

 It took just two days?

 Are you kidding?

 Others don’t know how serious Matt Dai’s injury is. Don’t you, as a member of the Nara clan, understand the off-roading?

Maybe, as a member of the Nara clan, Cross Country is somewhat unqualified, because in addition to mastering the secret arts of the Nara clan very well, Cross Country's attainments in medical ninjutsu are even better than those of an ordinary Nara clan member. Not on.

In addition to relying on the Nara clan's secret technique scrolls, knowing a little bit about pharmacology, and some basic first aid methods obtained in Konoha's medical camp, Cross Country is a layman in the field of medical ninjutsu.

 But even so, Cross Country's understanding of medical ninjutsu is far beyond that of Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu.

Therefore, when Matt Dai was made things difficult by the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan and appeared in front of Cross Country covered in blood, Zi Zi knew that it would take Matt Dai nearly a month to recover from his injuries. . After all, when the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan made things difficult for Matt Dai, they had no mercy at all!

But who could have imagined that Matt Dai was so seriously injured that he almost recovered in just two days?

Except for a few places that are still covered with bandages, the serious injuries are all scabbed, and the minor injuries and bruises on the body have all disappeared?

At this moment, looking at Matt Dai’s figure lecturing there, Xue Yu felt that his whole person had become worse.

Even when his eyes fell on the lively Matt Dai, he felt that this legendary genin, the creator of the Forbidden Technique Eight Gates Dunjia, was the real Xiaoqiang!

 The immortal Xiaoqiang!

 “It’s simply. It’s a miracle!”

“Uzumaki Naruto in the original plot has the terrifying physique of the Uzumaki clan, and his recovery speed after being injured is far faster than ordinary people!”

 “But where is Mattei?”

“Who can believe that he is from the Uzumaki clan?”

"But in just two days, the results of the recovery can be compared to the half-month recovery time of others. Apart from saying that Matt Dai is an immortal little strongman, there seems to be no other words to describe Matt Dai's terrifying Has your body recovered?"


 “It’s so infuriating to compare people to each other!”

“It took me a long time to recuperate after I was injured. If I could have a body like Matt’s, I would probably not have so much trouble getting injured in the future!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country sighed deeply, and then looked at Matt Dai, his eyes full of envy.

 However, envy is envy.

After sighing, Cross Country quickly went to Matt Dai and said, "Captain Adai, I'm here!"

 “Yo! It’s off-road!”

 “It comes early! This is youth!”

Sure enough, Matt Dai is an upgraded version of Akai. The first real communication with off-roaders made it clear to off-roaders what passion is.

Then in front of the cross country and others, Matt Dai did not say much about the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan. Presumably Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu had already explained this matter to Matt Dai. Bar.

After making some youthful and passionate remarks to encourage the atmosphere in the team, Matt Daina praised the performance of the cross-country and others' hard work yesterday, finally making the sleepy cross-country and Shiranui Genma , Ebisu cheered up some.

But just when the team members, including Cross Country, all thought that today's task was to clear away the nails left behind by the original Mist Ninja's first line of defense, Matt Dai, who wanted to regain the command of the team, actually faced Cross Country and others ordered the task to be carried out today, which was to transport supplies!

“Captain Adai, did you make a mistake? Our task is actually to transport supplies?”

"Genma is right, Captain Adai, you must be mistaken! We performed so well yesterday, we can be said to be the real elite team in the village, how could Master Shikaku give us the task of carrying supplies? "

“Carrying supplies? Are you planning to remind us, Shikaku-sama, that we must never be complacent just because of some achievements? Ah! This is youth!”

 In the team, Shiranui Genma and Ebisu looked at each other in astonishment. Only Akai was completely influenced by Matt Dai and was always the slogan of youth and passion.

 However, not to mention Shiranui Genma, Ebisu, and even Cross Country were completely stunned after hearing the mission mentioned by Matt Dai.

 Obviously, even when traveling cross-country, he never expected that the task of transporting supplies would actually fall on his head!

 At this time, in Konoha's camp, are there really war supplies that need to be transported?

 The answer is yes, and the number is huge!

 In yesterday's battle, Konoha's side captured the first line of defense outside the Mist Ninja's base camp. This was the time when the original Mist Ninja's first line of defense needed to be rebuilt. Therefore, the task of transferring supplies in the Konoha camp has become very important. After all, the ninjas on the Konoha side need to move war supplies bit by bit to the first line of defense of the original Mist ninja!

But just like Shiranui Genma and Ebisu said, they all gained the title of "elite" in yesterday's battle, so how could the task of transporting supplies fall on them?

Not to mention going to clear out the "nails" left behind by the original Mist Ninja's first line of defense, that is, the Mist Ninja secret sentries that still stay around the original Mist Ninja's first line of defense. Let's just assign the rest of the tasks to Cross Country and others. It can be regarded as worthy of the name of the "elite" cross-country team, which shows that the camp values ​​the cross-country team!

 It’s a pity that even though they got rid of the name of “incompetent”, the status of the cross-country team in the camp has not changed at all.

Especially for Matt Dai, he didn’t feel there was anything wrong with the transportation task.

Then, when Shiranui Genma and Ebisu both had grimaces on their faces, Cross Country was silent on the surface, but still felt very uncomfortable in his heart, so he followed the excited Matt Dai and Akai. Ready to carry out transport tasks. But when I went to the storage place of Konoha's war supplies, I saw that the Konoha ninjas around me were all pointing at Konoha, still wearing ANBU costumes and wearing ANBU masks for off-roading, and they suddenly became the onlookers of those Konoha ninjas. When he saw the target, a flash of light flashed through his eyes, and he thought to himself:

 “Something’s wrong!”

"If Uncle Lujiu really assigned us the task of carrying the goods, how could other people have such an attitude? They should be gloating about the misfortune!"

“But in the eyes of these guys, I can clearly see shock and surprise!”

"Could it be that Uncle Lujiu didn't assign us the transportation task, but that guy Matt Dai took over the transportation task privately and took us here to carry it out?"

 Secretly guessing that this might be the case, Cross Country's curious eyes fell on Matt Dai.

 Obviously, Cross Country is curious about what Matt Dai means by taking over the transportation task. Is it to relieve Konoha of some pressure on moving supplies, or does it have some other purpose?

While Cross Country was silently pondering Matt Dai's thoughts, as expected, Matt Dai came to Cross Country. In front of Akai and the other four people, before preparing to carry out a very "low-end" transportation task, he ordered Cross Country and others:

 “Off-road, Akai, Genma, Ebisu.”

“You must not underestimate the task of transferring supplies. After all, supplies are the basis for us ninjas to fight.”

“Furthermore, moving and transporting materials is also a kind of practice in my opinion!”

“So before performing the mission, let me set a special rule for you!”

 Speaking, Matt Dai pointed three fingers in the direction of Cross Country and the others, and said with a smile:

 “First, the use of chakra is not allowed during the mission!”

“Second, every time you carry supplies, you must carry them yourself!”

“As for the third thing, when moving materials, the materials must be transported in more than three boxes each time!”

“Oh Sa! Now, let’s start the mission! We must carry more supplies than other teams. This is our youth!”

Having said that, Matt Dai bore the brunt and carried five boxes of war supplies, which disappeared in a hurry in front of Cross Country and the others.

On the contrary, Cross Country, who has been silent all the time, couldn't help but think deeply while listening to the special rules formulated by Matt Dai!

 “Special rules? Moving supplies?”

 “The hidden meaning of Meterdai.”

 “Could it be cultivation?”

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