Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 140: Devil Instructor (Part 1)

 There is no doubt that Matt Dai has a high status in the hearts of off-roaders.

On the one hand, it's because Matt Dai can stick to his own ninja way, and on the other hand, it's because Matt Dai can rely on his identity as a genin in the original plot to practice Konoha's basic Goken fluidity technique and develop eight Dunjia is a forbidden technique that can be called a magical skill.

 Based on the above two reasons, Cross Country can honor Matt Dai as "Legend" in front of Akai and others. From this, we can see the weight of Matt Dai in the hearts of Cross Country.

But it has to be said that if Matt Dai failed to develop a forbidden technique like the Eight Gate Dunjia, but only insisted on his own ninja way, then Matt Dai's status in the hearts of off-roaders would quickly drop several notches!

Especially at this time, watching Matt Dai's figure disappear in front of him in a hurry, off-road thinking about the rules that Matt Dai had formulated before, plus the tasks that Matt Dai had ordered off-road and others to complete, he couldn't help but remain silent. There, they did not directly follow Matt Dai's instructions to complete the task.

 Because, just when Matt Dai formulated the special rules to complete the transportation task at hand, doubts appeared in the heart of Cross Country!

According to Matt Dai's instructions, does a mere transportation task really have the function of cultivation?

As Matt Dai said, can carrying heavy materials by yourself without using chakra really increase a person's strength?

If it were possible, wouldn't the coolies and porters in the Konoha camp complete arduous training every day?

 But those coolies and porters don’t have super strength!

 Not to mention too much, it is still possible to kill a group of them off-road!

Faced with countless questions, and coupled with Matt Dai's status as a genin that has lasted for ten thousand years, Cross Country couldn't help but wear colored glasses and doubt Matt Dai's so-called cultivation.

However, just when Matt Dai's figure disappeared, Cross Country, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu were all silent, Akai looked at Matt Dai's disappearing figure, and his eyes were ignited. A raging flame!

Without any hesitation, Akai also carried five boxes of war supplies. With his teeth clenched, Akai followed the special regulations before Matt Dai, carrying the heavy war supplies step by step with difficulty, and the figure gradually He disappeared in front of Cross Country, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu.

"Look, look! Isn't that the "elite" team that came out on top in the battle with the Mist Ninja yesterday?"

“Yes! Mr. Shikaku didn’t seem to assign them to carry out the transportation task. Why are they here?”

"What other reasons could there be? Didn't you see that idiot Matt Dai? The "elite" team must have just become elite, and that idiot Matt Dai is going to turn the so-called "elite" team into the previous "incompetent team" ", the "trash" team!"

“Oh, that guy Kage is so pitiful! Shikaku-sama should replace him with our team, then our team will become an “elite”!”

"That's right! Isn't it possible to have the title of "elite" by relying on the "shadow" of the Blade Team? Mr. Shikaku is so biased. Why should he help a "waste" team? Why not let the "shadow" join the real team? The elite team has become the "ace" team of our army!"

Looking at Matt Dai, Akai's special training method, because of the bad reputation of cross-country, the surrounding Konoha ninjas did not dare to ridicule and laughed at the cross-country team, but they still pointed at the cross-country team.

Especially listening to the words of the Konoha ninjas around them, the faces of Shiranui Genma and Ebisu became even more ugly.

Then, his eyes fell on Cross Country, and Shiranui Genma said with a slight embarrassment: "Off Road, why don't you go back first! It's just a task of transporting supplies, and a few of us are enough. You are For the elites in the village, there is no need to carry out such a humiliating mission. Besides, you were so seriously injured yesterday, so go back and rest!"

“Xuanjian is right, off-road, or you can go back and rest!”

"Genma, Ebisu, thank you for your kindness. But don't forget that we are a team. Since Captain Adai has given the order, let's carry out the mission well!"

Unlike Shiranui Genma and Ebisu, the chaotic sounds around them had no way of affecting the off-roading.

Therefore, after listening to the words of Shiranui Genma and Ebisu, Cross Country smiled and walked to the box where the war supplies were stored, and prepared to conduct special training according to Matt Dai and Akai's special training methods to see the special What kind of effects can cultivation have?

Hearing the reply from Shiranui Genma, Ebisu couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart.

 Off-road Who is that?

That is the real elite in Konoha Village, the one who killed three Mist Ninja Jonin on the front battlefield and broke through the Mist Ninja defense line!

Now, for the sake of the friendship of the team, Cross Country not only has to perform such low-level tasks, but also prepares to accompany Matt Dai, Akai is embarrassed, Shiranui Genma and Ebisu only feel warm in their hearts, and soon Cross Country can see Ebisu Bisu went to push a few trucks, placed them in front of the off-road Shiranui Genma, and said:

“Cross-country, I’m really touched that you can accompany us on our mission.”

“Well, I don’t think we need to complete the task according to Captain Adai’s method. Isn’t there a truck here?”

“Let’s use the truck to push the supplies and complete this mission!”

“Ebisu is right, let’s start off-roading!”

Smiled and nodded, Ebisu and Shiranui Genma quickly put the boxes for storing war supplies on the truck, pushed the truck forward little by little, and gradually disappeared in front of the cross-country.

However, when Shiranui Genma and Ebisu's figure gradually disappeared, Cross Country just looked at the truck in front of him, and then he followed Matt Dai and Akai's method and directly picked up a box of war supplies. .

Moreover, almost the moment when Cross Country picked up the box for storing war supplies, the suspicion in Cross Country's eyes suddenly disappeared. While silently calculating the weight of the box, Cross Country even more He couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly and thought to himself:

“This box for storing war supplies weighs at least 10KG, right?”

"It's at least a few kilometers away from our camp to the first line of defense of the original Mist Ninja. Matt Dai and Akai both carry five 10KG boxes and a full 50KG load. Complete the mission without using chakra?"

 “It’s simply. It’s just a monster!”

"I am now carrying a 20KG weight on my body to speed up the physical skills of Konoha Goken style. If I am like Matt Dai and Akai, carrying five boxes at the same time to complete the task, then the weight on my body will be enough. It’s 70KG!”

“70KG! A full 140 pounds! It’s several times my personal weight!”

"What's more, Matt Dai, Akai must also be carrying a load, just more than me, not less than me!"

"So, completing the task according to Matt Dai's method may really be a kind of practice! It may even be some basis for completing the Eight Doors Dunjia practice!"

 “Since that’s the case”

He secretly thought to himself, a little light flashed in Cross Country's eyes, and then when he gritted his teeth and picked up the five boxes for storing war supplies, he followed step by step, slowly following Shiranui Genma in front, Megumi Bisu's footsteps!

“If that’s the case, then even if it’s to complete the special training that Matt Dai mentioned, I have to grit my teeth and complete it!”

 “Isn’t it just a hard labor?”

 “For strength..”


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