Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 141: Devil Instructor (middle)

Maitedai, does Akai’s weight-bearing practice have any effect?

 The answer is yes!

 At the beginning, when Cross Country was training with Akai, he relied on weight-bearing training and obtained the APP's physical training acceleration BUFF. Moreover, in addition to the BUFF provided by the APP to accelerate the practice of physical skills in Cross Country, Cross Country can insist on practicing with weights. Except for bathing, fighting, and taking off the weights when performing tasks, the rest of the time can be maintained with weight training. This is because Cross Country has discovered There are many benefits to practicing with weights.

 What is the basis of taijutsu?

 To put it bluntly, there are two points, one is strength and the other is speed!

Without the coordination of strength and speed, even if one has a high level of understanding of physical skills, one still cannot exert the true power of physical skills.

With the persistence of weight-bearing practice, you can obviously feel your own strength and speed increase in cross-country.

 That’s why we can persist in carrying weights for cross-country training, and now we can carry out the transportation tasks in the Konoha camp according to the "stupid" method that Matt Dai said.

 However, daily cross-country weight-bearing training is somewhat different from Matt Dai's "stupid" method.

In terms of load-bearing, the choice of off-roading is the limit of one's own endurance. After all, if the load is too heavy, it will also have negative effects.

 Among those negative effects, the physical growth that suppresses off-roading is only one aspect. For the rest, for example, when carrying too much weight, it may cause hidden diseases in the body during cross-country training, or injuries in the body that can never be repaired, and many other negative effects. These are all reasons why cross-country practice requires the use of reasonable weight-bearing. s reason.

 But what about Matt Dai’s “stupid” method?

Not only is he far beyond his own limits in terms of weight-bearing, but also practicing weight-bearing without using chakra is like practicing like a lunatic!

 In the past, even cross-country training and weight-bearing training required the assistance of chakra.

 Otherwise, let alone a 20KG load, a 10KG load would be unbearable for the current cross-country body for even a little longer.

However, looking at Matt Dai and Akai, they are all practicing with heavy loads like a madman at this time, completing the transportation task in front of them. On the one hand, cross-country, I feel that Matt Dai's training may really be effective, and it is even more effective. It may be the basic training of Eight Gate Dunjia. On the other hand, Cross Country chose to believe in Matt Dai, the being who could create the eight forbidden arts, so he gritted his teeth and continued to practice.

With a load of 20KG and 50KG of war supplies, it would be difficult to cross-country without the use of chakra.

Having just walked from the storage area of ​​war supplies to the entrance of Konoha Camp, to be honest, I felt like giving up on going cross-country.

It’s not that he lacks perseverance and perseverance in cross-country, it’s just that as soon as he stepped out of Konoha’s camp with his front feet, he felt that the muscles on his back feet were strained in many places!

“Damn it, it’s beyond the body’s limit. The damage to the body caused by weight-bearing training is really too great!”

“It’s okay if the practice has an effect. If it doesn’t, if I practice like a lunatic, I’m afraid there will be more and more hidden diseases in my body. Sooner or later, they will burst out, which may affect my own strength!”

“Now, should I choose to believe in Mattei or use chakra?”

"If you use chakra, even if you practice like this madman, you will still be easier than now, and the hidden diseases on your body will be less increased."

“But if the current practice like a madman is really the basis of the Eight Doors Dunjia practice”

“Then if I give up, won’t I lose an opportunity to practice Eight Door Dunjia in vain?”

 “Eight Gate Dunjia.”

 “That’s the Eight Gate Dunjia!”

At the moment when Cross Country was about to give up, recalling the power of the Eight Gate Dunjia in the original plot, biting his lower lip, tasting the fishy and sweet taste slowly flowing out of his lips, Cross Country took a deep breath and continued as if Practice like a madman!

 I don't care about the surprised looks of the Konoha ninjas around me, as if they were looking at monsters.

He didn't even care about how many secret diseases his body had developed due to the overload of weight-bearing training.

Off-road, when gritting one's teeth and persevering, one step at a time, usually with a lot of sweat, chasing after Matt Dai, Akai and others, walked ahead to the location of the first line of defense of the former Kirito ninja.

Just like that, one kilometer passed, and the cross-country Anbu clothes were already soaked, as if they were fished out of the water.

Two kilometers have passed, and my hands and feet are shaking when I cross-country. If I'm not careful, I may not be able to withstand the weight of the war materials on my body, causing an accident!

Three kilometers have passed, and the cross-country mind has gradually become dim. This is a sign that the body has completely reached its limit!

However, just as we were traveling cross-country, my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and the war supplies on my body were getting heavier and heavier, and I was about to faint in the next second. Suddenly, I saw the figure of Ebisu pushing the truck in Shiranui Genma. , reflected in the cross-country eyes.

Immediately after, the cross-country trip was like coming back to the light, the fatigue disappeared in an instant, and after a few quick steps, I caught up with Shiranui Genma and Ebisu!

 “Genma, Ebisu, talk to me!”

 “I’m afraid. I’m afraid that I really can’t hold on anymore!”

“Cross-country, if you can’t hold on any longer, put down your load! There’s no need to listen to Captain Adai’s orders!”

 “Off-road, let me help you!”

Once upon a time, Shiranui Genma and Ebisu had seen such a weak person in cross-country?

Seeing that under Matt Dai's special training, Cross Country was as miserable as an evil ghost returning from hell, Shiranui Genma and Ebisu felt distressed and stepped forward to help Cross Country.

Who would have thought that without the help of the two of them, the cross-country was to distract themselves while talking silently with the two of them. It was still one step at a time, and it was still gritting teeth to support the weight of the body. It was really just following Matt Dai's instructions. On his orders, he carried five boxes of war supplies and arrived at the first line of defense of the original Mist Ninja!

 “I’m so exhausted!”


  The front foot reached the first line of defense of the original Kiri ninja, and the back foot crossed the Shiranui Genma. With the help of Ebisu, he gently put down the war supplies.

 The heavy war supplies fell down and the cross-country panted heavily. It felt like returning to heaven from hell.

But just when the cross-country panting was heavy, and the breathing gradually calmed down, and he drank a little water and regained his strength, Matt Dai, who had arrived here early, actually came to the cross-country with Akai, Shiranui Genma , in front of Ebisu, ignored the fatigue of the three people and said directly: "Okay, the first round of transportation is completed, let's start the second round of transportation!"

 “The power of youth supports us moving forward!”

"Set off!"


 After listening to Matt Dai's order, Akai nodded vigorously, but Shiranui Genma and Ebisu both exclaimed, obviously unable to believe that their mission was not over yet.

 Speaking of which, an ordinary moving task is nothing more than carrying a few boxes of war supplies.

  After all, building the first line of defense for the original Mist ninja is not something that can be completed in one day.

An ordinary team only needs to bring a few boxes of war supplies, which is enough to maintain the basic needs of this line of defense. Wherever it is necessary to carry out nearly 30 boxes of supplies like a cross-country team, five people still need to carry out the next step. A round of transportation.

 However, Shiranui Genma and Ebisu's exclamation did not receive an answer from Matt Dai.

Even when Shiranui Genma and Ebisu stared at Matt Dai with questioning eyes, Matt Dai, who usually looked kind and kind, actually ignored the exclamations of Shiranui Genma and Ebisu. , walked straight to the direction of the cross-country, looked at the cross-country who was exhausted and had no strength at all with the stern eyes of a devil instructor, and ordered indifferently:

“Off-road, in the next round of transportation, you will be like me and Akai, with one more rule!”

“That is to carry no less than six boxes of supplies at the same time, and the movement must be completed within an hour!”

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