Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 143: Secrets of the human body!

 Human life is always full of detours.

In just one week, it was proved that Materdai’s overloading training had no effect and was nothing more than a little twist and turn on the road of cross-country life.

However, when Cross Country saw Lu Jiu's figure in his tent, he found that Matdai's training was of no use, and Cross Country's eyes suddenly turned cold!

 Hate it!

 If cross-country is still at the same level as when we didn’t get the APP, then what’s the point of spending a week?

In order to practice a shadow imitation technique, it took several months of cross-country travel!

 However, today’s off-roaders are assisted by APPs to speed up training, and there is also a research and development function in the APP to develop new secret techniques, and even S-class secret techniques to improve one’s own strength.

 In addition, the secret arts of the Hayate style need to be perfected, the cultivation of chakra, and the cultivation of the Uzumaki clan's spiritual arts need to be carried out.

 Is there no way to become stronger in off-roading?


 There is no shortage at all!

As long as Cross Country can stick to the new training he formulated, in at least two years, or at most four years, Cross Country will be able to break through the shackles of today, step into the ranks of shadow-level powerhouses, and become a ninja. There are few strong ones inside!

What's more, the battle between Konoha and the Mist Ninja is still not over, and there are still many things to deal with off-road!

 Let’s not talk about the future affairs of the Uchiha clan, let’s talk about the current affairs involving Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, and Lin. Cross-country requires more intelligence and more planning to solve this matter.

 After all, the affairs of Kakashi, Uchiha Obito and Lin seem to be trivial matters.

But it was the affairs of these three people that led to Uchiha Obito's darkening. The final result was that the cross-country mentor, the Fourth Hokage, and his unmasked master, Uzumaki Kushina, died tragically in the Nine-Tails. In battle!

Therefore, at this time, Cross Country's eyes gradually became cold. Not only was he secretly hating himself for spending a whole week, but he also had a little bit of resentment towards Matt Dai, and there were some negative emotions in his heart. , secretly belittling Matt Dai’s “legendary” reputation!

 “What kind of legend? It’s just a ten thousand year old genin!”

“Even if we can develop a forbidden technique like Eight Gates of Dunjia, that doesn’t prove that Matt Dai’s guidance is correct!”

 “It’s ridiculous that I think so highly of Matt Dai just because of an eight-door Dunjia!”

“It’s ridiculous to waste a week in vain!”

“What kind of overloaded training? What youth? What passion? It’s all fake!”

“Forget it, I can’t blame Matt Dai too much for this matter. It’s just that I think too much.”

“Let’s ask Uncle Lujiu why he’s here first!”

Huttered to himself, Xue Qiu's cold eyes suddenly softened a bit, and then he asked Xiang Lu Jiu: "Uncle Lu Jiu, why are you here?"

“Why don’t I come and see you? Off-road, I heard that you have been practicing with Adai recently. How is the effect?”

 “Is it effective?”

Listening to Lu Jiu's words, Cross Country first sneered secretly, and then felt the changes in his body in detail, preparing to comment on Matt Dai's practice in a polite way.

Is it true that practicing with overloaded weights has no effect at all?

That’s not quite the case!

With the overload training with Matt Dai in cross-country, in just one week, the strength and speed of cross-country increased significantly. Moreover, when carrying out carrying tasks and carrying heavy boxes of war supplies, the APP also believed that it was cross-country load-bearing training, which invisibly accelerated the speed of cross-country training in Konoha Gouken fluid techniques.

 So, the week of cross-country was not in vain, at least his training in physical skills went very smoothly.

 It’s just that when carrying out the overloaded weight-bearing training of Materdai, I had too many expectations for cross-country, and the final result was naturally disappointment. Moreover, under the condition of overloaded training, Cross Country's physical skills have improved a lot, but there are countless hidden diseases in the body, which naturally makes Cross Country lower his evaluation of Matt Dai's training.

  No matter how you say it, the existence of hidden diseases is a drawback.

  If Cross Country could ignore his hidden illness and practice as Matt Dai ordered, it would probably take about two years for Cross Country's body to collapse. How could he take steps to become a shadow-level powerhouse?

Then, the guest officer found that Matt Dai's practice still did more harm than good. Cross-country was not willing to say that Matt Dai was wrong in front of Lu Jiu, so he gave a fair evaluation of Matt Dai's practice and started. Asking how the confrontation between Konoha and the Mist Ninja went, he was ready to give up on the training of Matdai and start solving the problem of Kakashi and the three of them.

 After Lu Jiu’s answer, Cross Country also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  It turns out that during a week of off-road training, Konoha had only completed the second defense of the Mist Ninja.

 Under the leadership of Shikaku, the second line of defense of the Mist ninja held on for a long time and was finally broken one day ago. Unfortunately, just when Shikaku was planning to deal with the Mist Ninja's third line of defense, and when the Mist Ninja's third line of defense was broken, he was preparing to take advantage of the situation and attack the Mist Ninja's base camp, a piece of bad news came in. When it reached Lu Jiu's ears, Lu Jiu felt a little troublesome!

“Cross-country, the general situation is what I just described.”

“The seven Mist Ninjas have appeared in their third line of defense. I’m afraid we need the cooperation of your sharp blade team so that we can successfully conquer the Mist Ninjas’ third line of defense while reducing casualties.”

"According to what Adai said, for cross-country, you only need to rest for three days before you can return to the battlefield. And Uchiha Shisui, codenamed "Shun", should also be able to go on the battlefield in three days. It’s a battlefield. Therefore, I am preparing to conquer the third line of defense of the Mist Ninjas in three days.”

 “But before that.”

“Off-road, I need to take care of the hidden disease in your body, so as not to affect your future practice!”

“Has Uncle Lujiu really figured it out? Alas, the shortcomings of Matedai’s cultivation must be solved by Uncle Lujiu!”

When I was checking my body just after the cross-country trip, I discovered that the practice of Matdai caused too much damage to the human body.

 So, when Lu Jiu said that Cross Country only needed three days of recovery before he could go to the battlefield, Cross Country's first thought was to refuse. After all, recovering from the hidden disease in the body is the most important thing!

Now, with Shikaku personally taking action and cooperating with the medical ninjas in the Konoha camp, mere hidden diseases are no longer a problem.

 Then, under the leadership of Shikaku, they headed cross-country to Konoha's medical camp.

There, Shikaku used the secret medicine of the Nara clan to relieve physical fatigue during off-roading.

As for the three medical ninjas assigned by Shikaku, they used Shikaku's secret medicine of the Nara clan to assist Cross Country in recovering from the hidden diseases in his body, striving to return to his peak condition as soon as possible.

 When it comes to treating hidden diseases in the body, the cross-country performance is very calm.

At this time, Cross Country's psychological idea is that as long as the hidden diseases in the body are cured within three days and the shortcomings of overloaded training are compensated, there will be certain progress in physical skills. Cross Country understands that Matt Dai insists on changing. The devil instructor asked him to practice like a "madman".

 But sometimes, the results of how things develop are often unexpected.

Just as he was still complaining about Matt Dai in his heart, he wasted a whole week practicing like a "madman", when suddenly in front of him, the three medical ninjas who were treating the hidden disease in his body, their eyes were filled with tears. It was a look of astonishment, and the few words he murmured made Cross Country's pupils shrink slightly!

"Shikaku, how does your nephew practice? He obviously has many hidden diseases in his body, but why can those hidden diseases heal themselves?"

"That's right, Shikaku! I've only seen this kind of thing happen to two people. Could it be that your nephew is that person's disciple?"

"Not only can the hidden diseases in the body heal themselves, but now I can use medical ninjutsu to treat them faster than ordinary people's hidden diseases! The training method invented by that guy Matt Dai is indeed very powerful! What a pity, that kind of training If the method is not suitable for everyone, it seems that your nephew is very talented in cultivation!"

Hearing the words murmured by the three medical ninjas in front of him, Cross Country's pupils narrowed slightly, and he was stunned!

Especially in the next second, when Shikaku looked at Shikaku with an inscrutable gaze, Shikaku said something with a smile, which made him understand Shikaku's painstaking efforts and Matt Dai's overload. Practice the hidden secrets!

 “Off-road, according to the Adena guy”

“The secrets of the human body in your body should have been gradually opened during that week of practice!”

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