Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 144: Hidden Mystery (Part 1)

 “What is the hidden secret of the human body?”

“How come Uncle Shikaku and those medical ninjas seem to know something about the secrets of the human body?”

“There seems to be no record of the secrets of the human body in the original plot!”


"Is it true, as I guessed before, that Matt Dai's overload training is the prerequisite for practicing the Eight Gate Dungeon? And the secrets of the human body mentioned by Uncle Shikaku and those medical ninjas are the basis for the cultivation of the Eight Gate Dungeon. Chapter?”

The pupils are slightly contracted, which represents the shock in the off-road person's heart.

 Because when Shikaku and the three medical ninjas next to him were treating the hidden diseases in the body of the cross-country, the cross-country was basically certain that Matt Dai's overloaded weight-bearing training was of no use.

Who would have thought that what happened next could be described as a turn of events.

Originally, in order to carry out Matedai's overloaded training, I felt that I wasted a whole week on cross-country, but without good results. I was complaining about Matedai's devilish instructor appearance. However, now from Shikaku and the three medical ninjas, they learned that Matt Dai's overloaded weight-bearing training really has miraculous effects.

 So, on the one hand, Cross Country feels ashamed for complaining about Matt Dai before.

On the other hand, off-roading is undoubtedly about fully understanding the secrets of the human body!

 For no other reason than the forbidden art Eight Door Dunjia developed by Matedai, Cross Country felt that he needed to study carefully about Matedai’s overloaded weight-bearing training and the so-called hidden meaning of the human body!

 However, Shikaku came here for the war between Konoha and the Mist Ninja, and he really needed the assistance of the Blade Team where Cross Country was located. As for the three medical ninjas, they were sent by Shikaku to treat the hidden diseases in Cross Country's body. Therefore, if Cross Country asked, neither Shikaku nor the three medical ninjas might be able to answer the question for Cross Country. The secret things of the human body.

The trouble should end it.

In order to fully understand the secrets of the human body, Cross Country felt that it was necessary to visit Matt Dai. Soon he was lying there quietly, as if he had not heard any news about the secrets of the human body, waiting for the deer. After a long time, the three medical ninjas completed the treatment.

 Soon after, it only took a short day.

 The hidden disease in Cross Country's body was completely eliminated by the combined efforts of three medical ninjas and Shikaku.

Even the fatigue left over from overloading during cross-country training was restored to its original state after only one day of treatment.

 There is no doubt that it is the benefit of unlocking the secrets of the human body.

This is also the reason why Matt Dai was puzzled by the previous cross-country, why he could recover from such a serious injury in just a few days.

What's more, after the hidden illness in Cross Country's body was treated and the accumulated fatigue was wiped away, and he returned to his camp accompanied by Shikaku, Cross Country once again practiced chakra training, as well as the Uzumaki clan's mystical skills. While practicing, you also found that the cultivation speed of both of them increased a little bit?

 Sudden surprises obviously make off-roaders more aware of the benefits of unlocking the secrets of the human body.

 After all, the cultivation of chakra, as well as the cultivation of spiritual arts of the Uzumaki clan, is a process that is easy to understand!

Not to mention that Cross Country has just opened the secret of the human body, and has increased the speed of chakra cultivation, as well as the speed of the Uzumaki clan's spiritual arts, by a full 30%. Even if the training speed of the two is only increased by 10%, the secret of the human body is something that cross-country must master as soon as possible, because if one can fully grasp the secret of the secret of the human body and further accelerate the cultivation of chakra, there will also be the mysterious spirit of the Uzumaki clan. If you practice the art, then the cross-country training process can be shortened by half at least, and you can successfully jump into the ranks of shadow level!

 Have truly become an existence that can stand proudly at the pinnacle of the ninja world!

 “The secrets of the human body are so important!”

“I was really wrong before. I actually thought that a person like Matt Dai, who could develop the forbidden art of Eight Gates of Dunjia, could make mistakes in guiding cultivation!”

“But, since Metadai can discover the secrets hidden in the human body, why is he a ten thousand year genin?”

 “Is there any hidden difference in it?”

  Traveling through life, Cross Country is living in a young body, but it does not mean that Cross Country does not understand some deep-seated things.

 Let’s talk about the internal fighting in Konoha!

That has been told many times in the original plot.

No matter how stupid and immature Cross Country is, with his understanding of the original plot, can he still not understand the dark side of Konoha Village?

What's more, Cross Country is originally a mature and calm person. With the super high IQ of the Nara clan, it is natural to feel that Matt Dai's status as a ten thousand year genin must have a hidden secret.

Therefore, in order to prove his point of view, Cross Country asked Shikaku, who was about to leave, what kind of hidden secrets he had about Matt's identity as a ten thousand-year-old genin.

 But after getting the result from Shikaku, Cross Country got a shocking answer.

 Because when Xue Yue asked Shikaku in a very tactful manner, Shikaku’s answer was that he had no hidden secrets!

  Matt's status as a ten thousand year genin is due to his lack of strength and his inability to pass the chunin exam!

 “Are you kidding?”

“Let’s not talk about the hidden secrets in the human body. Let’s just say that in the original plot, the Forbidden Technique Eight Gates Armor can be developed. Such a character can’t even pass a small Chunin exam?”

 “Uncle Shikaku, are you kidding me?”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country glanced at Shikaku with a strange look.

Who would have thought that, looking at the suspicious eyes of Cross Country, Lu Jiu smiled helplessly, stepped forward and patted Cross Country on the head!

“You brat, do you think you are the only smart person in the village? Do you think everyone else is stupid?”

"Adai failed to pass the chunin exam and became a chuunin. That is something everyone in the village knows. Who do you think can do it? The third generation Hokage? Or our fourth generation Hokage, you brat? teacher?"

 “No! None!”

“So you guys, just be smart and don’t think about those messy things.”

“Thinking about the dark side at such a young age is not good for you, me, or our Nara clan!”

 “Practice well with Adai!”

“As long as the things Adai has researched can match your demonic talent and shine with true brilliance, that’s what you need to think about!”

“Okay, off-road, I still have things to deal with so I won’t be here to accompany you.”

"I am leaving!"

 After saying that, Lu Jiu patted Xingyang's head gently again, turned around and left.

But after listening to what Shikaku said before, Cross Country was still a little concerned about Matt Dai's status as a ten thousand year genin, so he quickly stopped Shikaku who was about to leave and said: "But Uncle Shikaku, you didn't tell me why until the end. !”

“Why is Captain Adai able to study the secrets of the human body, but can’t use it to improve his own strength?”

“There must be something hidden in it, right?”

 “Uncle Lujiu, just tell me!”


 Listening to Cross Country's questioning, Lu Jiu couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Immediately afterwards, when he realized that if he couldn't resolve the confusion of Cross Country, Cross Country might really stop him and prevent him from dealing with the issue of fighting the Kiri Ninja, Shikaku's eyes slowly looked into the distance, through From the window of the camp, his eyes fell on the father and son of Matdai and Akai who were practicing hard outside, and he said slowly:

“Xiu Xiang, why do you think Adai wants you to practice so strictly and even teaches you with such a harsh attitude?”

“Because before Adai guides you to practice, I asked Adai to see if you, a brat like you, have the talent to unlock the secrets of the human body!”

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