Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 145: Hidden Mystery (Part 2)

“Captain Adai’s harsh training, was it Uncle Lujiu who instructed you?”

“But Uncle Lujiu, the real meaning of you asking me to join Captain Adai is not. It’s not”

Listening to Shikaku's story, Shijiu couldn't help but be stunned, thinking that Matt Dai had pointed him out, and it turned out to be Shikaku's instruction.

On the other hand, Shikaku found it a little funny when he saw the stunned and deflated look on the crossroads.

Moreover, he had been busy with the war ahead for many days. Lu Jiu felt that he had not had a heart-to-heart talk with Cross Country for a long time, so he put aside the issue of the war ahead, slowly sat down next to Cross Country, and said :

 “That’s right, off-road.”

“At that time, the Blade Team was ambushed by the Mist Ninja. At first, I was going to let you join another elite team to contribute to the war between our village and the Mist Ninja.”

“But, off-road, you grow up really fast.”

“Rapid growth has its advantages and disadvantages, so I’m going to lend you Adai’s hand and give you a good beating.”

“I didn’t expect that because of Adai’s teachings, you could actually make another breakthrough.”

"So from then on, I felt that there was nothing wrong in handing you over to Adai. Facts have proved that Adai is indeed a good captain."


As he spoke, Shikaku paused for a moment, then his expression became serious, and then said: "But, Cross Country, in that confrontation with the Mist Ninja, your chakra was only slightly overdrawn, and it changed." It really scared me to look like that.”

"Cross-country, you must understand that you are not only my nephew, but also a very talented ninja, and the future hope of my Nara clan. But in the fierce battlefield, who can be 100% sure? You You can't overdraw your chakra in the future war? It's okay if the war is under control, but what if you lose your fighting power due to chakra overdrawing when fighting an enemy ninja and die on the battlefield? "

“So, ever since you fainted due to a little overdraft of chakra, I have been thinking of a solution for you.”

“Unfortunately, even if we, the Nara clan, are proficient in pharmacology and have countless secret medicines in our hands, we cannot solve the negative effects of chakra overdraft.”

"What's more, with overdraft of chakra again and again, there must be a lot of hidden diseases in the body. If your talent is destroyed because of a little hidden disease, I believe that whether it is me, Minato, or the Third Hokage, they will feel it. Feeling distressed?"

“In the end, I thought hard for a day and found that only one person can help me and help you solve this hidden danger in cross-country!”

“This person is the one who holds the secret key to the human body!”

 “Your captain!”


Having said this, Shikaku basically understands the reason why he can unlock the secret of the human body.

Moreover, after off-roading to unlock the secrets of the human body, two people occupy a crucial position.

 The first one was the person who discovered the off-road problem, his uncle Shikaku Nara.

 The second one is Matt Dai, who holds the secret key to the human body and can help solve problems off-road!

Metadai’s teachings, that is, taking a week off-road to complete the harsh and overloading training, undoubtedly proved that Shikaku’s choice was correct.

 Because, after spending a week of hard training and initially unlocking the hidden secrets of the human body, there is really no need to worry about chakra overdraft and hidden diseases in the body when traveling cross-country.

 Unlocking the secrets of the human body, cross-country training is an overload of weight-bearing training, and it is practiced under endless fatigue for a long time. In this way, if the chakra is overdrawn in the cross-country in the future, the combat power will not be lost directly, but can be used for a period of time with one's own physical strength. At most, the combat power will be seriously reduced after the chakra overdraft.

It is impossible to faint like last time when the chakra is just a little overdrawn.

As for the second point, regarding the issue of hidden diseases in the body, there is no need to say more.

With the secret of the human body open, off-road diseases can heal themselves. Even if the disease is very serious and cannot heal itself, it is still very simple to recover through medical means.

It can be said that for ninjas who unlock the secrets of the human body, hidden diseases are not a problem, but an easy problem to solve.

 So, it was a stroke of genius for Shikaku to instruct Matdai to give instructions on off-road training and unlock the hidden secrets of the human body.

However, when Lu Jiu was just about to ask Mattai to give guidance on cross-country practice, even Lu Jiu was not sure whether cross-country practice could really unlock the secrets of the human body.

 Because according to Shikaku and even Matt Dai, who is the key to the secret of the human body, not just anyone can open the secret of the human body.

The reason why off-roading can unlock the secrets of the human body is that it can only be said that off-roading has that talent.

It’s a pity that Shikaku, Matt Dai and others don’t know that Cross Country’s so-called talent for unlocking the secrets of the human body is not actually a complete “talent”, but a “talent” that can be acquired through acquired practice!

 That talent is spiritual energy!

 Off-roading can unlock the secrets of the human body, which is inseparable from its huge spiritual energy.

As for the cross-country spiritual energy combination, a small part comes from cross-country travel and is born with huge spiritual energy. On the contrary, the majority part is accumulated bit by bit by practicing the whirlpool clan's spiritual skills in cross-country. Therefore, if all ninjas can practice the spiritual arts of the Uzumaki clan and gain a certain amount of accumulation, then everyone in Konoha Village must be able to open the secrets of the human body!

 But as I said before, it’s a pity!

It is impossible to teach the secret arts of the Uzumaki clan to everyone, even the Fourth Hokage, and even if Uzumaki Kushina sincerely hopes that Konoha Village will become stronger, the secret arts will always be secret arts and can never be taught to Konoha. All ninjas in the village.

What's more, even Matt Dai at this stage has no way of knowing the real reason why off-roading can unlock the secrets of the human body.

Because, when Cross Country truly understood that the reason why he could unlock the secrets of the human body was closely related to his own huge spiritual energy, it was already many years later when Cross Country became a powerful thing!

Immediately afterwards, when Lu Jiu finished telling Cross Country the causes and consequences of why Matt Dai gave guidance on Cross Country's training, Cross Country couldn't help but secretly sigh, it was indeed God's will!

  After all, if Cross Country had not performed so well in front of the battle and had not developed the secret technique of the blast flow, it would have been impossible to overdraw his own chakra, which would have serious consequences in Shikaku's opinion.

If Shikaku hadn't noticed the danger in the future, and Matt Dai was not the captain of the cross-country, then he might not have been able to carry out overload training for the cross-country, so that the cross-country had really opened up the secrets of the human body and successfully solved his own problems. Some hidden dangers.

Moreover, when Cross Country silently lamented the fate of God, Matt Dai’s spirit of not sparing his secret skills also made Cross Country admire him secretly.

As I said before, not all ninjas are like cross-country and can not hide the secrets of their secret skills in front of friends and companions.

Matthew can prove that his "legendary" title is truly worthy of the name if he doesn't hesitate to develop his own secret skills for off-roading.

 Besides, when Matt Dai was guiding the training for cross-country, he did not forget Shiranui Genma and Ebisu.

If they can persist like cross-country, it is very likely that the next person to unlock the secret of the human body will be Shiranui Genma and Ebisu.

 However, Maitedai ​​did not tell about the secrets of the human body at the beginning, just for the sake of fairness.

 The ability of cross-country to persist under harsh training is his own destiny.

On the contrary, Shiranui Genma and Ebisu failed to pass the test of Mattei. In some aspects, it seems that they just do not have the talent to unlock the secrets of the human body.

Then, taking another deep breath, Off-Road was ready to ask the previous question again, wanting to see what answer Shikaku could give.

What Xue Xiang never expected was that just when he was about to ask the previous question, Lu Jiu actually smiled and shook his head.

The next second, before Cross Country could question Lu Jiu again, Lu Jiu waved to the outside of the camp, and then the familiar figure of Matt Dai appeared in front of Cross Country.

Furthermore, after just glancing at the off-road vehicle, Matt Dai showed a hint of surprise and exclaimed directly towards the off-road vehicle:


“Have you really opened the secret of the human body?”

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