Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 146: Hidden Mystery (Part 2)

 Inside the camp.

  While Cross Country was talking to Shikaku, Matt Dai happened to be training Akai outside the camp.

Therefore, when Lu Jiu waved to the outside and summoned Matt Dai to explain the problems in his heart for Cross Country, Akai, who was practicing with Matt Dai, also entered the Cross Country camp, and he just entered the camp. At that moment, I heard Matt Dai’s exclamation!

Almost the moment he heard Matt Dai’s exclamation, the pupils in Akai’s eyes narrowed slightly.

 Because, as the son of Matt Dai, Akai has also practiced to unlock the secrets of the human body!

Once upon a time, in order to unlock the secrets of the human body and master the secret techniques passed down by his father, Matt Dai, Akai conducted arduous and rigorous training. It can be said that it lasted for several years!

It was also because Akai's process of opening the human body's secret was very difficult. At this moment, he suddenly heard that Matt Dai said that off-roading had opened the human secret, and Akai's expression was so shocked.

Even when Matt stepped forward to confirm that the off-roading had really unlocked the secrets of the human body, Akai couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile on his face!

 “Is this the talent gap?”

 “He is a genius in cross-country, and I am just a person with very mediocre qualifications.”

"It took me several years to open the secret of the human body. Then my father would say that I am very talented in practicing physical arts."

“But what about off-roading? In just seven days of practice, you have mastered the method of unlocking the secrets of the human body!”

“It seems. It seems that off-roading is indeed more suitable for practicing physical skills than me!”

 Thinking of this silently, the wry smile on Akai's face couldn't help but become stronger.

 However, recalling the outstanding performance of cross-country on the battlefield, Akai took a deep breath and wiped away the bitter look on his face.

 Obviously, Akai was inspired by cross-country at that time and prepared to practice more diligently, hoping to catch up with cross-country and catch up with Kakashi's footsteps soon. Therefore, the moment the wry smile disappeared from his face, Akai's figure disappeared into the camp again, going to practice hard and prepare to complete his goal as soon as possible.

Unknown to everyone, when Akai left to practice silently, Matdai, who noticed Akai's strange behavior, also took a deep breath to calm down the shock and bitterness in his heart, and then said to Lu Jiu next to him:

“Lord Shikaku, there are some things I want to discuss with Cross Country. Can you avoid it?”

 “Hahaha, Adai, I’m just waiting for your words!”

Hearing Adai's slightly offensive words, Lu Jiu didn't take it to heart at all, and smiled directly: "That's right, I still have a lot of things to deal with."

“Adai, please answer these questions about off-roading!”

"no problem!"

 He gave a thumbs up to Lu Jiu. Both Matt Dai and Akai were cheerful people, and the bitterness in their hearts soon disappeared.

 However, when Shikaku left, Matt Dai’s expression turned solemn as he faced the cross country.

Especially when Cross Country took the initiative to ask about the secrets of the human body, Matt Dai's eyes became even more stern, and he slowly said to Cross Country: "Xiu Cross Country, I believe Lord Shikaku has told you before, why do I I’m going to teach you how to open the secrets of the human body. Unfortunately, I originally wanted to see if Genma and Ebisu also had the talent to open the secrets of the human body, but they were unwilling to follow me to practice. If they want to use clever methods to complete the first stage of cultivation to unlock the secrets of the human body, it can only be said that the two of them do not have the perseverance and perseverance.”

“Well, if you want to unlock the secrets of the human body, four elements are indispensable: perseverance, perseverance, hard work, and talent.”

“Genma and Ebisu don’t have that perseverance and perseverance. Even if they have talent, I can only say it’s a pity.”

“But off-road, you are different from them. You have all four elements to unlock the secrets of the human body, so it is very normal for you to be able to unlock the secrets of the human body.”

“But before I really teach you about the secrets of the human body, off-road, I hope you can promise me one thing.”

“That is, only under absolutely necessary circumstances, or when you need to protect something important, can you reveal the true secrets of the human body!”

“As long as you promise me a little bit, I can teach you all about the secrets of the human body, how about that?”

  When Matt Dai said this, he looked indifferent on the surface, but deep down there was a storm in his heart!

What does Matt Day require for off-roading?

 It’s self-discipline!

 It is also a kind of self-restraint, a special shackles!

This kind of shackles and restraints were only mentioned to Akai once when Metdai taught Akai the Eight Gate Dunjia.

Now, the same shackles and restraints will fall on the off-roaders again.

 “Sure enough, it’s exactly what I thought before!”

 “The Secret Secrets of the Human Body are really the basis for practicing the Eight Gate Dunjia. It’s really great!”

"Being able to master the Eight Gate Dungeon is equivalent to mastering a real magical skill, comparable to the sage mode mastered by the first Hokage, Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto in the original plot!"

“If you practice this kind of magical skill, even if you are bound by shackles, so what?”

“Anyway, Eight-door Dunjia is a forbidden technique that can only be used as a last resort, so what’s the harm in agreeing to Matt Dai’s request?”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country nodded directly to Matt Dai in front of him and said firmly:

 “Don’t worry, Captain Adai!”

"I will keep your words in mind and fulfill your self-discipline requirements!"

“Okay, cross-country, I really saw you right!”

After receiving the answer from Cross Country, Matt Dai smiled, gave a thumbs up to Cross Country, and said with a smile: "Akai has always been by my side, but he has not been able to understand the way of ninja, and when you first joined our team, You can understand the way of tolerance. From that moment on, I knew that you are a talented child, and you are also a child who can stick to the way of tolerance!"

“So, off-road, I believe everything you say!”

“Then next, let me tell you about the secrets of the human body!”

 As he spoke, Matt Dai paused for a moment to sort out his words.

On the contrary, he went off-road and finally understood the secrets of the human body. He just sat there, waiting for Mattei to analyze the mystery of the secrets.

Immediately afterwards, Cross Country saw a trace of reminiscence in Matt Dai's eyes. Immediately, Matt Dai slowly narrated to Cross Country in his memory: "Xiu Cross Country, you should know that I am a person with very mediocre qualifications." People like me don’t have high attainments in ninjutsu, illusions, or hidden weapons, so there is only one path I can choose, and that is the practice of physical arts.”

“You should have mastered the Konoha Goken-ryu training method, cross-country, when you were training with Akai, right?”

“And I happened to be practicing Taijutsu in the Konoha Goken style, and gradually discovered the secrets about the human body.”

"At that time, I practiced the Taijutsu of Konoha Goken-ryu and reached a very wonderful level. But I don't know why, although I clearly understood the true secret of Konoha Goken-ryu, I couldn't bring out the full potential of Konoha Gouken-ryu. The true power of Goken fluid jutsu."

“Off-road, you are so smart, do you know why?”

 Listening to Matt Dai’s story, Off-Road shook his head.

Mattai looked at the cross-country and shook his head, couldn't help but smile, and then said: "At that time, I didn't really understand why I just couldn't exert the true secret of Konoha Goken's fluid jutsu. So, since then, I I started practicing harder and further squeezing my own potential. I practiced overload almost every day, hoping to realize the true secret of Konoha Gouken fluid technique as soon as possible. "

"By chance, while doing rigorous training every day, I discovered little by little that there are some kind of shackles in the human body, which have always restricted a person's physical abilities. I think that the hard training during that period is youth. !”

“Anyone who has devoted his youth will be rewarded!”

"Slowly accumulating experience and practicing hard day after day, I soon discovered that the shackles came from each of us' brains! Under the constraints of those shackles, ordinary people can only use their own 20 It’s just 100% of the physical ability. And I have a naive idea, that is, what will happen if the limitations of the brain are released and 100% of the physical ability is used?”

“Will it allow me to unleash the true secret of Konoha Gouken’s fluid jutsu?”

“So, when it comes to off-roading, the full 80% of our physical abilities that our brains limit us to unleash are the secrets of the human body that I mentioned before!”

“And the real secret of the human body is the secret technique to release 80% of the shackles of the brain!”

“In the eyes of others, it is the opening of the hidden secrets of the human body, and it is a very special cultivation method!”

“But I gradually summarized this special cultivation method into a forbidden technique!”

“Removing the restrictions of the brain domain and releasing the restraints of the brain domain is the first stage of using this forbidden technique!”

 “Named.Open the door!”

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