Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 150: Fierce fighting (Part 2)


Not long after the battle between the Blade Team and the Mist Ninjas, the total number of Mist Ninjas was reduced by half, which undoubtedly severely damaged the morale of the Mist Ninjas.

Off-road took advantage of the low morale of the Mist Ninjas, directly ignoring the terrifying combat power of the four Mist Ninja Jonin, and rushed straight into the crowd of Mist Ninjas.

 Next second!

 The secret technique of the rush flow, the sword comes out when used!

There was a "buzz" sound, and the special sword that Cross Country had never used since he joined ANBU was suddenly stained with bright red blood the moment he rushed into the crowd of mist ninjas!

 Speaking of the special cross-country sword, it was really tailor-made for him.

Different from ordinary tachi, the off-road special tachi is not only much shorter than ordinary tachi, just like the small tachi used by Uchiha Shisui.

Moreover, even the metal used to make this tachi was jointly funded by the Fourth Hokage and Shikaku, mixed with some precious metals that can conduct chakra, and specially found famous craftsmen in the Leaf Village to make it!

If Cross Country is a "swordsmanship" master like Konoha White Fang, then the special sword held by Cross Country must be as famous in the ninja world as the White Fang Blade.

It’s a pity that the secret techniques of the cross-country Hayate Flow include the secret techniques of the Blade series, and the cross-country still follows the path of an all-round ninja. However, there is already a lot of training for Cross Country now. As the saying goes, he can't bite off more than he can chew. If Cross Country continues to practice swordsmanship, he may have to prolong his journey to becoming a shadow-level powerhouse.

 However, even though Off-road has never practiced swordsmanship, the power of using the special sword is very small.

 But don’t forget, when Cross Country rushed into the crowd of Mist Ninjas, he used the secret sword of Hayate Flow!


Using the Fourth Hokage's secret technique of "acceleration" to fly towards them, the low-morale Mist Ninja never expected that the sharp-edged team composed of Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui could completely "suppress" their Mist Ninjas. Come and fight!

 At the beginning, I saw that there were only two members of the Blade Team. These Mist Ninjas thought that there was no way to kill a chicken with a knife!

 However, as the number of Mist Ninjas was reduced by half, the remaining nine Mist Ninjas were undoubtedly filled with a layer of gloom!

Especially when I discovered that cross-country uses the secret technique of "acceleration" to achieve ghost-like speeds. The four fog ninja jonin who were born during the "blood mist" period were better. There was a gleam in their eyes as they evaded quickly. Opened up cross-country legs.

 But the remaining five Mist ninja chunin are not as calm as the four Mist ninja jounin!

In an instant, the cross-country turned into a blue figure and rushed over. While the five fog ninja chunin were surprised, they did not use the best tactics to further weaken the cross-country's chakra before fighting.

At that time, the five Mist Ninja Chuunin saw the figure of Off-Road approaching, and after being frightened in their hearts, they prepared to join forces to kill Off-Road!

So, when Cross Country's figure broke into the crowd of Mist Ninjas, the five Mist Ninja Chunin were determined to fight to the death and were waiting for a decisive battle with Cross Country.

 Can’t even touch it?

 Following this, there was another loud "swish" sound.

As ninjas from the "Blood Mist" era, these mist ninja chunin naturally knew that if they wanted to defeat the cross-country and complete the mission, someone would have to sacrifice. Therefore, when the off-road incarnation of the blue light attacked, a Mist Ninja Chunin gritted his teeth and prepared to sacrifice himself for the Mist Ninja Village. He actually wanted to fight to the death to buy time for the rest of his companions.

 So, with his eyes fixed on the blue figure on the cross-country road, the Mist ninja chuunin rushed towards him, thinking of using taijutsu to delay the cross-country road!

 “Want to compete with me in physical skills?”


“You’re just a Mist ninja chuunin, you’re not qualified yet!”

The sense of wind is always keeping an eye on the actions of those mist ninjas.

 Sensing the intention of the Mist Ninja Chuunin in front of him, how could Cross Country expect his plan to succeed? A faint sneer appeared on the face hidden under the ANBU mask.

The next second, the Mist Ninja Chuunin was indeed in front of the cross country, and he was about to use the Taijutsu he had trained rigorously during the "Blood Mist" period.

 But at that exact second, I just heard a "swish" sound!

The cross-country hand stabbed straight at him with a special sword, and with a "swish" sound, a brilliant wind blade instantly cut the fog ninja chuunin into two pieces!

 The blood mist is scattered!

For a moment, the remaining four mist ninja chunin who were preparing to fight off-road were stunned!

 The four Mist ninja jonin who successfully evaded the cross-country attack were also stunned!

At this moment, all the fog ninjas who were stunned had only one confusion in their heads, that is, the special cross-country sword clearly did not fall on the previous fog ninja chuunin. Why did the fog ninja chuunin suddenly die tragically? Even the corpse turned into two pieces!

And those stunned Mist Ninjas, how could they imagine that Cross Country could kill the previous Mist Ninja Chuunin, but it was all thanks to the secret sword of Hayate Ryu!

Just like the other Mist Ninjas who were confused, the Mist Ninja Chuunin who had previously planned to use Taijutsu to delay the cross-country movement found that the special cross-country sword was here, and a contemptuous smile appeared in his eyes!

“Using such a short tachi, if you come up close and slash me, you might still be able to kill me.”

"What a pity, you have to use the "stab" method and prepare to kill me in one round!"


“I’ll use the teleportation technique to give you a surprise just when you’re about to be stabbed!”

With this thought in mind, the Mist Ninja Chuunin sneered slightly and prepared to use the blinking technique to dodge the off-road's special sword when it was about to stab him, and at the same time use the killing move in the direction of the off-road.


The cross-country special sword was thrust straight out. The sharp edge of the sword failed to land on the Mist Ninja Chuunin, but the wind blade formed by the secret technique of the Hayate Style killed the ninja in one go. Mist ninja chuunin!

 So, the death of the Mist Ninja Chuunin was entirely due to the weird secret technique of the Swift Wind Style used in cross-country.

After all, few people can imagine that a kid like Cross Country Anbu can actually cut out a "blade" like a master swordsman when using a sword!

 After the tragic death of the first Mist ninja Chuunin, the remaining four Mist ninja Chunin stood there stunned, obviously giving Uchiha Shisui a good opportunity!

That was a cross-country trip, a plan that Uchiha Shisui made silently using the shadow communication technique.

 The content of the plan is very simple, it is to go off-road to attract the attention of all the fog ninjas, and Uchiha Shisui will take the opportunity to use his killing move!

 When you kill the Mist Ninja Chuunin off-road, it is obviously a very good opportunity!

All the Mist Ninja Chunin and Mist Ninja Jōnin were stunned. Even if it was only for a short second, how could Uchiha Shisui give up the opportunity in front of him?

Immediately afterwards, almost killing the Mist ninja Chunin in the cross-country, and the other four Mist ninja Chunin and Mist ninja Jōnin were all stunned for half a second, Uchiha Shisui used the teleportation technique. , suddenly disappeared in place. Moreover, when Uchiha Shisui appeared again, the future Shunshen Shisui had completed a perfect performance in front of cross-country!

Because, just when Uchiha Shisui used the teleportation technique to appear in front of the other four Mist ninja Chunin, Uchiha Shisui held the sword in his hand and aimed at the four Mist ninja Chunin in front of him and slashed down. At that moment, the scorching flames suddenly flew out and condensed into a sharp flame blade in mid-air, hitting the four fog ninja chunin in front!

In a round of confrontation, Uchiha Shisui used the flying flame blade to kill all the four Mist ninja Chuunin in front of him!

Instead, he was off-roading. When he watched Uchiha Shisui's performance from behind, the pupils in his eyes contracted slightly!


 “What’s the trick Shisui used?”

 “Why does it look like my secret technique of blast flow?”

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