Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 151: The Secret Technique of Stopping Water

 In the battlefield, the situation can be said to change rapidly.

Originally, the Mist Ninja side fought against the Blade Team, and the number of people was reduced by half, which put the remaining Mist Ninjas in a bit of a dilemma.

And in the cross-country, when Uchiha Shisui showed his full power, among the remaining nine Mist ninjas, five Mist ninja chunin died tragically in an instant, which undoubtedly made the remaining four Mist ninja jounin feel chilled!

More than twenty Mist Ninjas were determined to destroy the Blade Team. Who could have imagined that the result after a few rounds of confrontation would be so miserable?

Therefore, when the only four fog ninja jonins left at this time stared at the cross country and Uchiha Shisui, two thin and seemingly young ninjas, they could be said to be filled with chills.

On the other hand, on the side of the Blade Team, there are only four Mist Ninja Jonin left. It is basically a certainty to complete the mission assigned by Shikaku.

What's more, in the confrontation with the Mist Ninja, not only the cross-country showed the power of the new secret technique of Hayate Flow, but even Shunshen Shisui began to use the new secret technique to fight?

However, when it comes to the new secret technique used by Uchiha Shisui, it is really like the off-road Hayate Flow secret technique!

A second ago, when he was killing the first mist ninja among the remaining mist ninjas off-road, he used the secret technique of "acceleration" to rush in, thrust out the special sword in his hand, and drew a wisp of wind blade. Killed the Mist Ninja Chuunin.

And in the next second, Uchiha Shisui used basically the same method, using a teleportation technique, and then the Kodachi slashed down with a wisp of fire blade, killing four Kiri. Ninja within ninja!

It is also crushing at a ghostly speed!

  Similarly using the secret technique like a sharp blade, he harvested the lives of the mist ninja to his heart's content!

 In an instant, Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui were like brothers. Even their fighting methods were so similar that the remaining four Mist ninja jonins were filled with chills.

 However, even in a fierce battle, there is no room for any loss of concentration.

However, when Uchiha Shisui used the secret technique of "Fire Blade", Cross Country could not help but be stunned for half a second, thinking secretly in his heart:

“Obviously, the new secret technique used by Shisui was derived from the Hayate-ryu secret technique!”

“No wonder Shisui came here to ask me about the secret technique of blast flow a few days ago. It turns out that Shisui had an idea long before I developed the secret technique of blast flow, but it’s a pity that he never completed the practice!”

"It just so happened that I used the Hayate-ryu secret technique in the last battlefield with the Mist Ninja, which gave Shisui the idea to perfect the new secret technique. And after asking me about the Hayate-ryu secret technique, Shisui must have There has been a "qualitative" breakthrough in the new secret technique. As for the four Mist Ninja Chunin who died before, they must be Shisui's test stone for the new secret technique!"

"However, Shunshen Shisui is indeed Shunshen Shisui. Even if he already has an idea for the new secret technique, even if he studies my Hayate Style secret technique, he can perfect the new secret technique in a few days. To this extent, Shisui must be quite talented in "jutsu"."

 “It’s just a pity!”


Huttered to himself, Cross Country sighed silently, making it impossible for anyone to understand the true meaning of that "pity".

On the contrary, it was Uchiha Shisui, who had just used a new secret technique to kill four Mist ninja chunin, his eyes filled with joy.

 Because, just like what Cross Country thought, Uchiha Shisui did have an idea for a new secret technique.

  But creating a new secret technique is far from being as simple as imagined.

If by chance, Cross Country had not become a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, further understood the magical power of wind attribute chakra, and had the opportunity of a half-step "qualitative" change in spiritual energy, he would have mastered the use of the secret technique of the blast flow step by step. , I am afraid that it will take at least a few years for Cross Country to complete the initial mastery of the secret technique of Gale Wind Flow.

 So, even though Uchiha Shisui had the idea of ​​a new secret technique, it would take a long time to create a new secret technique.

However, in the original plot, Uchiha Shisui still transformed his thoughts into practice. Just like the new secret technique of "Fire Blade" used by Uchiha Shisui just now, Uchiha Shisui in the original plot created it at his peak, using his powerful teleportation technique, combined with the power of "Fire Blade", Step by step, he gained the title of "Shunshen Shisui" in the ninja world!

 As for the name of the "Fire Blade" secret technique, those who know the plot of the original work have also heard of it.

That is Uchiha Shisui's own school, the secret technique called "Uchiha-ryu"!

It’s just that because of the emergence of the new secret technique of the Hayate style created by Off-road, it caused a butterfly effect, and Uchiha Shisui was able to master the new secret technique of the Uchiha style in the future at such an age.

However, it was the first time that Uchiha Shisui used the new secret technique of Uchiha style. Uchiha Shisui was indeed very happy about the development of the new secret technique.

But just like what Uchiha Shisui discussed with Cross Country before, there is still room for improvement in the new secret technique of the Hayate style. The new secret technique of the Uchiha style has just been developed, and it also requires a process of progress and improvement. process.

And if Uchiha Shisui wants to complete the new secret technique of Uchiha style as soon as possible, it will undoubtedly be more effective to discuss with Cross Country.

Therefore, when his eyes were full of the joy of using a new secret technique, Uchiha Shisui used the shadow communication technique to directly ask the off-road path through spiritual communication: "Kage, what I just used is the one I created. "The new secret technique of Uchiha style, do you think the effect of the secret technique I just used is there?"

"Shun, your new secret technique is very effective. When used with the instant technique, the effect is even more amazing. Very few people can escape when you use the instant technique and the Uchiha-style new secret technique." Birth day.”


 At the beginning, when I always praised Uchiha Shisui during spiritual communication, Uchiha Shisui was obviously very useful.

 After all, no one likes others to disparage the new secret technique that they have worked so hard to develop!

However, in the case of spiritual communication, Uchiha Shisui heard the word "but" said by Cross Country, and knew that Cross Country must have some good suggestions.

Then, under Uchiha Shisui's attentive listening, Cross Country was using the sense of wind to sense the four Mist Ninja Jonin with his heart, and quickly said in mental communication: "But, Shun, if If I read it correctly, your new Uchiha style secret technique is nothing more than the primary use of wind and fire chakra, right?"

"First, use the change in the nature of the wind attribute chakra to imitate the use of my own wind blade. Then, complete the change in the nature of the fire attribute chakra to make up for the power of the "wind blade" you used just now. The composition of the new secret technique of Uchiha style."

"Unfortunately, even if the two chakras of wind and fire are fused together, the power produced cannot be underestimated, but the two chakras you use have only completed the first stage of the ultimate change in chakra properties."

“Shun, if you can complete the second stage breakthrough of the two extreme changes in chakra properties, and then use the new secret technique of Uchiha style, it will definitely be.”

 Speaking, Cross Country remained silent.

Because needless to say, Uchiha Shisui can imagine that if he can really complete the second stage of extreme changes in the nature of the two chakras as Cross Country said, and further perfect the new secret technique of Uchiha style, then Uchiha style The power and effect of the new secret technique will far exceed that of the wild blast flow secret technique, and it will become an SSS-level secret technique!

 However, just completing the second stage of breakthrough in the extreme change of wind chakra properties in cross-country is so difficult.

 Uchiha Shisui wants to complete the second stage breakthrough of the two extreme changes in chakra properties. It is simply as difficult as climbing to the sky!

Fortunately, the cross-country advice was very good, and Uchiha Shisui was also very helpful, so after each had their own gains, the two of them were ready to deal with the remaining four fog ninja jounin in front of them and complete the task assigned by Shikaku .

When Cross Country, Uchiha Shisui focused his energy on the four Mist Ninja Jonin in front of him, Cross Country took a deep breath, and was about to adopt the plan he had made with Uchiha Shisui before to attract the four Mist Ninjas. Tolerate the Jonin's attention. Who would have thought that just when Cross Country slowly exhaled the turbid air in his chest and abdomen, and was about to proceed with his original plan, Uchiha Shisui smiled mysteriously in the context of spiritual communication, and said to Cross Country very confidently:

“Shadow, let’s change the battle plan a little bit!”

“I also have a new secret technique, I want to see the effect of using it!”

“Next, let us use that new secret technique as the core to complete the following operations!”

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