Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 154: Chestnut skewers

 “Are you begging for mercy?”

 “As a fog ninja jonin during the “Blood Mist” period, can he beg for mercy?”

 “Am I not under an illusion?”

The weird laughter echoing around was so harsh, but what shocked Cross Country even more was undoubtedly the begging for mercy from the two Mist Ninja Jonin!

During the "Blood Mist" period of the Mist Ninja, who in the ninja world didn't know that all Mist Ninjas were lunatics?

 Everyone has a desperate attitude?

However, at this time, in the ninja world, the jounin of the "Blood Mist" period who would rather die in battle than make the enemy pay the price, actually begged for mercy from the crossroads. How could he keep the crossroads in a calm mood and not show shock in his eyes? The look coming?

 However, what shocked Xue Chuang even more was undoubtedly the content of the two Mist Ninja Jonin's begging for mercy.

  People beg for mercy just to survive, but the two Mist ninja jounin in front of him seemed not to be so!

 They beg for mercy so that they can die more happily!

 In other words, the owner of the weird laughter that echoed in the ears of the off-road must be the two fog ninja jounin who don't even want to see him die!

 Because seeing that guy, the consequences may be more terrible than death!

“Snap, it seems like a scary guy is about to show up.”

“Do we really want to take these two guys captive and take them back?”

 Obviously, the guy who could make the two Mist ninja jonins in the "Blood Mist" period feel scary, off-road naturally didn't think that he and Uchiha Shisui could cope with it in their current state.

 In the Blade Team, the off-road situation was relatively good. It was just that when they used the Air Blade and Full Moon Slash to severely damage the two surviving Mist Ninja Jonin, they consumed too much chakra and could not fight for a long time.

But what about Uchiha Shisui?

That would seem much worse!

Suffering from the genjutsu, Uchiha Shisui first spat out a mouthful of blood, and even the genjutsu that previously controlled the two Mist Ninja Jonin could not be used.

Now, Uchiha Shisui's face hidden under the mask was as pale as white paper.

Looking at Uchiha Shisui's half-kneeling figure, looking shaky, he can fully understand Uchiha Shisui's state.

 So, when the voice of the cross-country appeared in the spiritual communication of the shadow communication technique, Uchiha Shisui pondered for a moment, and then made a gesture in the direction of the cross-country!

The meaning of that gesture is to leave no one alive during the off-roading!

  Kill the two Mist ninja jonin who are unable to fight and frequently die from serious injuries!


"Shisui is really decisive. After all, the value of the two Mist Ninja Jonin captives is still very high."

"If I can capture these two Mist ninjas and get information about Lin from their mouths, it will be of great help to my future plans."


“There is a strong enemy ahead, and Shisui and I are not in very good condition.”


 “I have no choice but to give up!”

Taking a deep breath, if there was no strong enemy invading, Cross Country would definitely have to return with these two Mist Ninja Jonin prisoners.

 It's a pity that, just as Cross Country thought, strong enemies are ahead, and there is no room for Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui to be too greedy.

 Greed is the original sin!

 As a result of greed, it is very likely that the reorganized Blade Team was buried here.

 So, the moment he took a deep breath, Cross Country picked up the special sword that he had thrown down before, and aimed it at the vital points of the two Mist Ninja Jonin.

But what Xuexiu never expected was that just when his special sword shone with a cold light and was about to kill the two surviving Mist ninja Jonin in the next second, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound!

  Two streams of blood actually gush out from the throats of the two Mist ninja jounin!

 The warm liquid was sprayed on the off-road's face!

"who is it?"



At this time, Cross Country always maintained the state of wind perception, and actually watched the two fog ninja jonin in front of him die tragically without noticing anything unusual!

  In other words, the powerful enemy coming in front of us is very likely to be able to crush the off-road in terms of perception, or it may be able to hide its traces under the terrifying perception of the fourth generation Hokage in off-road!

 Such an enemy, let alone an off-roader in bad condition, Uchiha Shisui.

As far as off-roading is concerned, if Uchiha Shisui is in good condition, then they have only a 50% chance of winning against a powerful enemy!

Furthermore, what makes Off-Road feel the most chilling is that since the invading powerful enemy is a ninja of the Mist Ninja, he can actually kill his companions in front of Off-Road and Uchiha Shisui!

The other party’s character is so cruel!

It can be seen that if Uchiha Shisui is accidentally defeated in cross-country, the hope of escape will be very slim!

Therefore, almost at the moment when the two Mist Ninja Jonin in front of Off-Road died silently and tragically in the hands of the invading powerful enemy, Off-Road was shocked in his heart, and he used the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique to quickly rush towards Uchiha. The direction of Shisui!

 Do you still need to hesitate at this time?

 Do you need to consider any plans at this time?

 It’s all bullshit!

As long as we can successfully return to the Konoha camp, the mission assigned by Shikaku will be completed!

Now that he can save his life and go back, it is cross-country, the most important task that Uchiha Shisui needs to complete!

However, just a second before cross-country, he rushed in front of Uchiha Shisui, carried Uchiha Shisui's slightly heavy body on his back, and was about to use the wind teleportation to leave and leave here. Under the sunshine, the cross-country Suddenly, a transparent steel wire was found in front of him, and then another stream of blood flowed down Uchiha Shisui's body and sprayed on Cross Country's body!


 For a moment, off-road was stunned!

First he was able to kill two Mist ninja jounin silently, and later he was able to severely injure Uchiha Shisui in front of a cross-country!

 What a terrifying strength that is!

Don’t forget, Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui are not ordinary jounin, but real elite jounin. They are only half a step away from becoming a shadow-level powerhouse in the ninja world!

Even though Uchiha Shisui was not in good condition during the cross-country trip, it seemed a bit scary that the invading powerful enemy could complete sneak attacks again and again before their eyes were on them.

 So, even if the invading powerful enemy did not show up, Cross Country relied on the opponent's terrifying strength and amazing assassination methods to guess that the opponent must be a member of the Seven Mist Ninjas!

Only the members of the Seven Mist Ninjas can have such extraordinary strength!

Only the members of the Seven Mist Ninjas can treat the lives of ordinary Mist Ninjas, and even the Mist Ninja Jounin, as nothing!

Immediately afterwards, guessing that the other party's identity was a member of the Seven Mist Ninjas, Cross Country hugged the severely injured Uchiha Shisui, and directly used the Wind Shun Shen, showing ghost-like speed, and disappeared in place .

After using Cross Country's Wind Teleportation, he turned around and couldn't even see the corpses of the Mist Ninjas behind him. Cross Country breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the Fourth Hokage's Secret Teleportation Technique always had a way to kill them. A powerful enemy left behind, right?

However, when he turned his head again and suddenly saw the tall figure wearing a mask in front of him, the pupils in his eyes shrank slightly!

 Because at this moment, Cross Country, who was preparing to retreat with Uchiha Shisui, was suddenly sniped by the seven members of the Mist Ninja!

As for who are the seven mist ninjas who intercepted the cross-country?

Relying on his understanding of the plot of the original work, Cross Country knew the other party’s identity almost as soon as he saw the other party’s eerie white mask!

 “Seven mist ninjas, the ones in charge of long swords and needles?”

  “The member of the ruthless duo..”


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