Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 155: Friendly forces are approaching

 Churi-grain skewers!

 A guy who can make most of the Mist Ninjas feel chilled in the Mist Ninja Village!

 However, if you only look at the plot in the original plot, then Kuriraki Kushimaru feels more like a supporting role. After all, Kurikaru Kushimaru didn't seem to have any outstanding achievements except that he showed his face a little in the four battles in the original plot and was captured by the ninja coalition in the four battles in the original plot.

 But in the three battles of cross-country experience, the name of Kushimaru Kurumi seems to be different!

As a member of the Seven Mist Ninjas, he is also one of the most ruthless guys among the Seven Mist Ninjas!

Even among the seven elite Kiri ninjas, Kurihara Kushimaru is known as one of the ruthless duo. It can be seen that Kurirahara Kushimaru's strength is the best among the seven Kiri ninjas. It’s not as complete as the plot of the original work tells!

What's more, with a long knife and needle in hand, Kurikaru Kushimaru's assassination ability really cannot be ignored!

Able to use the long knife and stitches to kill two Mist Ninja Jonin who are about to become prisoners of the Blade Team under the ability to sense the wind off-road!

He was able to severely injure one of the members of the Blade Team, Uchiha Shisui, who was suffering from the backlash of the illusion, under the eyes of Cross Country!

When the invading powerful enemy Kurikaru Kushimaru appeared, the cross-country eyes were very solemn. Uchiha Shisui, who was carrying a heavy route, all he thought about was to kill Kurikaru Kushimaru. , the matter of returning to Konoha's camp!

 That’s right.

Kuri-grain Kushigan is very strong, but so what?

 Some time ago, the sharp blade team where Cross Country was located was also sniped by members of the Seven Mist Ninjas, Loquat Juuzang, and Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon!

When Kakashi and "Meng" both lost their combat power, the cross-country, which was far weaker than it is now, was able to break out in a life-and-death crisis. With Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi, and "Meng" to break through Loquat Juzo, the sniper attack of the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Ghost, Uchiha Shisui is not in good condition now even if he is going cross-country, but facing Kuritari Kushimaru alone, if he is not even determined to kill Kuritari Kushimaru in the cross-country , then his recent practice has really been in vain!

“Although Shisui and I have just finished fighting with more than twenty Kiri ninjas, our condition is not very good to begin with, and Shisui was also injured in the sneak attack of Kuritari Kushimaru.”

"But, isn't the situation that Shisui and I are facing now better than the situation when we were attacked by Loquat Juzo and Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost?"

"What's more, in the recent period of practice, my strength has long been different from what it used to be!"

“It’s just a Kurumi Kushiro Pill. As long as I perform normally, breaking through will not be a problem at all!”

“Even. It’s even possible that I can kill Kurihara Kushimaru during the battle, and maybe even exceed Uncle Shikaku’s mission!”

  Secretly analyzing the situation in front of him, Cross Country clenched his fists, and he suddenly broke through the previous psychological barrier, and was ready to meet the "ruthless" Kirigamaru, a Kiritari ninja!

Moreover, it was precisely because of the appearance of Kuritsugu Kushimaru in front of him that Cross Country realized that the guy who had previously hindered Konoha and captured the Kiri Ninja's third line of defense was the so-called "ruthless" Kuritsugu Kushimaru. ah!

 So, in terms of cross-country thinking, Kurikaru Kushimaru relied on the help of many Mist ninjas to repel Konoha's offensive to capture the Mist ninja's third line of defense. At this time, since there are no other mist ninjas beside Kurisu Kushimaru, if the cross-country can kill Kurisu Kushimaru, it will be equivalent to completely clearing the obstacles for Konoha!

With the death of Kushimaru Kuriraki, if the Konoha side is unable to capture the third line of defense of the Mist ninja and go straight to the Mist ninja base camp, then it is the incompetence of the Konoha side's commander Shikaku!

With the cross-country mission overfulfilled, if Kurihara Kushimaru really dies and Konoha's side can break into the Kiri Ninja base camp, wouldn't the mission of rescuing Lin be easily completed?

If Lin can be rescued, wouldn't it be possible to prevent Uchiha Obito's "blackening"?

 His mind is full of the benefits of killing Kurisu Kushimaru. If he doesn't take action again, then he really isn't the character of him!

Immediately afterwards, even though Uchiha Shisui was carrying a heavy route on his back, it was a bit difficult to kill Kurumi Kushimaru off-road. But as long as he thought about it, Kurirare Kushimaru's life was the key to changing the fate of Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, and Rin. Cross Country still used the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique without hesitation. Moreover, the secret technique of "Acceleration" had just been used, and Cross Country wasted no time in consuming chakra and used his ultimate move directly in front of Kushimaru Kuriraki!

 “Wind’s instant body!”

 “Flash flow! Air blade!”

 “Half Moon Slash!”


First, the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique was used to prevent Kurumi Kushimaru's eyes from seeing the trajectory of his own movement.

The next second, when Cross Country discovered a very small detail, that is, Kushimaru Kurihara's fingers subconsciously grasped the long knife and needle, relying on his rich combat experience in the past, Cross Country naturally Then he guessed that Kuritari Kushimaru might not be able to clearly see his high-speed moving figure, so he seemed a little nervous.

Then, taking advantage of the moment when Kuritari Kushimaru was nervous and lost his normal mind, Cross Country used the Wind Blink, causing his figure to suddenly appear in front of Kuritari Kushimaru!

Furthermore, as Cross Country's left arm slashed down, a blue semicircular wind blade slashed straight out!

That is the ultimate off-road move, Air Blade·Half Moon Slash!

 At the beginning, on the battlefield with the Mist Ninja, the off-road air blade Half Moon Slash showed its full power!

With the Wind Blink, combined with the Air Blade and Half Moon Slash, even the Mist Ninja Jonin in the "Blood Mist" period could not easily block the sharp off-road offensive.

 So at this moment, when faced with Kurisha Kushimaru, Off-road did not hesitate to use this set of killing moves in order to kill Kurisha Kushimaru.


 Off-road, it is clear that Kushimaru Kushimaru is a terrible guy, and it should be impossible to kill him in one round.

But as long as the wind's instant body, combined with the killing move of the air blade and half-moon slash, can cause Kuritsuru Kushimaru to suffer heavy losses, the off-road feeling relies on its own strength, killing Kuritsuru Kushimaru is probably not a dream, but a very big one. Something that will come true soon!

 But what happened next was something that even Off-Road himself had not expected!

Wind Blink, combined with Air Blade Half Moon Slash, is a killing move that can unexpectedly kill Mist Ninja Jonin!

Who would have thought that in the first round of confrontation with Kurisha Kushimaru, Cross Country would not hesitate to use chakra to use killing moves, but the result was a sneer from Kurisha Kushimaru!

 “Jie Jie Jie!”

“I thought someone who could kill a bunch of **** would be better than a bunch of rubbish!”

“I didn’t expect that a person who can kill a bunch of trash is still a trash!”

 “Break it for me!”



The moment the cold voice of Kurumi Kushimaru echoed in Xue Yue's ears, it was as if time had stopped there!

Moreover, in that second, Kurihara Kushimaru used the long knife and stitches he held tightly to break the cross-country killer move!

For a moment, the off-road felt that time had stopped there. Soon, even with the use of wind perception, a nearly transparent steel wire suddenly appeared in front of Kurikaru Kushimaru. Moreover, using only such a small steel wire, Kushimaru Kurihara controlled that steel wire and hit the air blade of the crossroads, the Half Moon Slash. Then, under the slightly contracted pupils of the crossroads, he used only one With just a piece of steel wire, the cross-country's all-conquering air blade, Half Moon Slash, was defended in front of Kuritara Kushimaru!

What is even more frightening is that Kushimaru Kurihara casually broke the off-road air blade Half Moon Slash, consuming a seemingly transparent steel wire. Immediately afterwards, another steel wire appeared on Yuki's left arm. If Yuki had not been able to avoid it in time, one of his arms might have been destroyed by Kurikaru Kushimaru's weird offensive!

 Fortunately, at close range, Off-Road was able to finally sense Kushimaru's attack pattern with the help of his wind perception.

Therefore, with an explosion of chakra under his feet, and once again using the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique, Cross Country finally managed to save his arm from Kurihara Kushimaru's strange offensive. Except for a blood mark on his arm, The cross-country team perfectly dodged Kurumi Kushimaru's double killing move!

Immediately afterwards, when Off-Road was frightened by the terrifying strength of Kushiro Kushimaru, and on the other hand, he used the secret technique of "acceleration" to quickly dodge Kurio-Kushimaru's next ferocious attack. Off-Road's face hidden under the ANBU mask, He raised a confident and cold smile!

 Because, just after the first confrontation between Cross Country and Kushimaru Kushimaru, reinforcements from Konoha suddenly appeared in Cross Country's wind sense!

 “Kuriha Kushimaru, even if I can’t kill you by myself, it’s a pity that our reinforcements have arrived!”



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