Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 157: Eager to make meritorious deeds (Part 1)

 In the third battle, the battle between Konoha and Mist Ninja was far from being as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Moreover, even the Third Hokage, the Fourth Hokage in Konoha Village, and even Shikaku Nara, the clever uncle of Cross Country, probably would not be able to predict this war without the information that Madara is still alive. The truth behind the scenes.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

 Understanding the plot of the original work, as a time traveler, he already understood the war between Konoha and the Mist Ninja early on, and what was hidden behind the scenes.

 To put it bluntly, the real key point of this war lies in one Lin!

If Lin, who is now the Jinchūriki of the Three-Tailed Iso, is escorted by the Mist Ninja and goes deep into the Fire Country and reaches the vicinity of Konoha Village, then no matter how many advantages the Konoha side gains, it will ultimately be tantamount to failure!

 Same reason!

If Lin, who is now the three-tailed jinchuriki, dies tragically at the hands of Kakashi like in the original plot, causing Uchiha Obito to completely "blacken", then the Leaf Village will be able to defeat the Mist Ninja Village and survive The hidden danger is still the same as the defeat of Konoha Village!

At this moment, it was discovered that among the seven people of the Mist Ninja, there was only one Kuritsara Kushimaru, and his combat power was so terrifying. How could Cross Country not understand what the previous fierce confrontation with Loquat Juzo and the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Demon was? what happened?

  I guessed at once that the "tragic death" of Loquat Juzo was that the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was just a clone created by Madara using a special method based on his true body. Off-road's heart was filled with all bad thoughts.

 Because at this time, during the confrontation between Konoha and the Kiri ninja, except for Kurumi Kushimaru, the others who should have appeared on the battlefield, such as Juzo Juzo, Suikoyama Fuguki and others, did not appear!

 So, when he guessed that the previously "dead in battle" Loquat Juzo and the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost were probably a clone, Cross Country felt that the plans of these fog ninjas in front of him had two possible extension directions!


The members of the Seven Mist Ninjas, including Juuzang Juzo who faked his death, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon, etc., are preparing to win by surprise and teach the ninjas of Konoha a lesson at the base camp of the Mist Ninja!

 The second one is the last thing you want to see when going off-road!

The members of the Seven Mist Ninjas, such as Juzo Juzo of Loquat who faked his death, Pufferfish Demon of Watermelon Mountain, etc., used the method of building a plank road in the open and crossing the Chencang secretly, and sent Kurumi Kushimaru to fight against the ninjas of Konoha. In fact, Loquat Juzo and others had prepared a strategy early on, preparing to secretly complete the task of transferring the Three-Tailed Isotō Jinchuuririn!

“Everything is lost! No matter which plan the Mist Ninja plans to implement, the final result may be that everything is lost!”

“But, how should I tell Uncle Shikaku about the information about the Kiri Ninja?”

“Should I tell Uncle Shikaku directly that I am a time traveler and know that the person behind the fog ninja is Madara who did not die in the battle?”

 “No! That’s definitely not okay!”

“I don’t want to say whether Uncle Lujiu can believe it, but I can’t reveal the secret of my time traveler!”

“Since that’s the case, that’s the only way to do it!”

Hunting secretly, Off-Road used the sense of wind to constantly sense the fighting style of Kurihara Kushimaru and look for weaknesses. On the other hand, Cross Country directly spoke to Shikaku in front of him: "Master Shikaku, according to the information Shun and I obtained before, Loquat Juzo who died in the hands of our sharp blade team, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost is very It’s possible he faked his death!”

“So Shikaku-sama, even if we have eliminated the threat of Kurihara Kushimaru, it’s best not to rush ahead because of greed, otherwise we may fall into the Kiri Ninja’s scheme!”

“Oh? Juuzang Loquat, is the pufferfish ghost of Xiguashan really not dead?”

Hearing what Cross Country said, Shikaku did not show the slightest bit of surprise. Instead, he smiled and replied: "King, as early as when you were practicing with Adai, the news about Loquat Juuzang and Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was not dead. It’s been confirmed, so there’s no need for you to worry about us being ambushed by the Mist Ninjas.”

 “As for the Kurumi Kushigan?”

 “His death is basically a certainty!”

As he said that, Shijie suddenly saw a cold light flashing through Lu Jiu's eyes, and his slightly nervous mood relaxed a lot.

However, when he was telling Shikaku about Loquat Juuzou and the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, there was one very important thing in Cross Country that he still hadn't mentioned to Shikaku, and that was that Loquat Juuzou and the other seven Mist Ninjas were in control of A very magical clone technique that can create a clone with the same strength as the main body!

 As for off-roading.

 Did he intentionally hide such important information?

 Of course not!

Off-road saw Shikaku being so confident, so he naturally thought that Shikaku knew this information!

Such a situation is just like the misunderstanding when Cross Country reported the death of Loquat Juuzang and Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost. As a result, there is still no hope of solving the tragedy that Cross Country deeply regrets.

Then, his eyes were fixed on Kuritari Kushimaru. While he was silently analyzing the weakness of Kuritara Kushimaru, he accidentally caught a glimpse of Shikaku, who was commanding the battle, suddenly shooting in the direction of the battlefield. A secret gesture!

 Immediately afterwards, I heard a "bang" sound!

Three Konoha Jonin, together with Akimichi Dingza, immediately surrounded Kurigare Kushimaru, who was holding a long sword and needle!

 “Doubling technique!”


That was the first time I saw Ding Zuo using the secret technique of the Akimichi clan in Cross Country!

It was also the first time that Cross Country discovered that the secret technique of the Akidao clan actually contained such terrifying power!

In an instant, the three Konoha jounin tightly surrounded Kurisaru Kushimaru, making it impossible for Kurisaru Kushimaru to move like a ghost, and further weakening Kurisaru Kushimaru's long sword. Needle use!

As early as when he was observing the fighting style of Kuritari Kushimaru in Off-Road, relying on his sense of wind and the insight of his eyes, Off-Road discovered that the fighting style of Kuri Grain-Kushimaru was highlighted by the word "cunning"!

Only under a strange attack, Kushimaru Kushimaru can exert the true power of his long sword and stitches, and kill Konoha's ninjas like mowing grass.

 Now, with the suppression of three Konoha jounin, Kurihara Kushimaru cannot even use 40% of his peak strength!

What's more, under the suppression of three Konoha jounin, Ding Zao still showed the power of the Akimichi clan's secret technique?


 The next second, when Kuritari Kushimaru continued to be weakened, Cross Country saw that Ding Zao’s palm suddenly became huge. That was the Akimichi clan’s doubling technique!

And when using the doubling technique, Ding Zuo's palm can literally cover the sky and the sun!

 The palm fell directly, without any tricks at all.

With such a heavy palm strike, Ding Zao used the Akimichi clan's doubling technique to seriously injure Kuritsumi Kushimaru!

Then, when Kurihara Kushimaru fled the battlefield in embarrassment, Cross Country even discovered that Kurisaru Kushimaru was completely seriously injured. With just a little effort, this member of the Seven Mist Ninjas was May be killed!

It is a pity that the Kiri Ninja during the "Blood Mist" period fully demonstrated his "Blood Mist" demeanor when Kuritsumi Kushimaru fled in embarrassment!

Kurihara Kushimaru fled away. If it were the ninjas from the other ninja villages who saw their leaders fleeing, they must have been defeated, right?

 But the Mist Ninja didn’t have it!

                    log Hatsumi's embarrassment in escaping has only aroused the ferocity of these mist ninjas!

These mist ninjas are simply using their lives to **** Kurisu Kushimaru, and using their lives to prevent Konoha's ninjas from chasing Kurisu Kushimaru.

The battle that originally took a long time to resolve, with the Kiri Ninja desperately escorting Kurihara Kushimaru, Konoha's ninjas seized the opportunity and killed the Kiri Ninja side's ninjas to their heart's content.

However, just as the battle between Konoha and the Mist Ninja was about to end, and the Mist Ninja's third line of defense was about to be broken, Cross Country, who was always paying attention to the changes in the battle situation, suddenly discovered an accident!

Immediately, without even any time to hesitate, the cross-country figure disappeared next to Shikaku with a "swish" sound!

“Damn it, even if you are eager to achieve success, you shouldn’t be impulsive!”

 “Akai, Genma, Ebisu!”

“Even if the defeated Kurihara Kushimaru is defeated, it’s not something you can pursue!”

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