Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 158: Eager to make meritorious deeds (Part 2)

Akai, Shiranui Genma, Ebisu and the other three actually went after Kurumi Kushimaru?

what is going on?

It turns out that when Ding Zao and three Konoha Jonin surrounded and killed Kurisu Kushimaru, causing him to escape in embarrassment, the Kiri Ninja tried to cover Kurisu Kushimaru's departure, and the ninjas on the same side as Konoha began to fight desperately. Because of Kai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu's captain Matt Dai, they didn't have the time to pay attention to Kai and the other three.

Moreover, it’s just like what others say.

 There is cross-country, and the "incompetent" team led by Matt Dai is the elite!

  Without the cross-country, the team led by Matt Dai is still known as "incompetent", and in the eyes of other Konoha teams, they are even more useless!

Almost the moment they entered the battlefield, under the leadership of Matt Dai, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu not only had to face the suppression of the Mist Ninja, but also had to keep an eye on their companions in the Leaf Village!

Who do Maitedai, Akai and others count?

 They are just a team with the name of "waste", who can regard them as important companions in the same village?

Therefore, not only do they have to fight against the Mist Ninja in front of them, but often when the rest of the Konoha team is in danger, the first thought of these so-called Konoha companions is to drag the team of Matt Dai, Akai and others into the water. . Over time, Matt Dai and Akai may feel nothing, like Shiranui Genma and Ebisu, can they swallow this breath?

Then, the Mist Ninja began to desperately cover Kurisu Kushimaru's retreat. Fortunately, some heroic Konohagakure companions were able to withstand the Mist Ninja's desperate offensive.

 But the rest of the Konoha Village ninjas who were greedy for life and fearful of death did things that were simply shameful!

 A second ago, when the Mist Ninja was still not desperate, these guys who were greedy for life and feared death could only attract the Mist Ninja's attention to the team of Matt Dai, Akai and others.

But the next second, when the fog ninja started to fight, these guys who were greedy for life and death simply used the team of Matt Dai, Akai and others as cannon fodder, not only Akai, Shiranui Gen During this time, Ebisu suffered some minor injuries, and even Matt Dai was attacked like a tide by the Mist Ninja. There were hideous wounds on his arms and thighs!

 “Damn it, we can’t go on like this!”

“If there is no way to prove our strength, we will not die in the hands of the fog ninjas, but in the hands of those so-called “companions”!”

“Xuanjian, Captain Adai seems to be able to hold on for a while, you must think of a solution!”

 “This time in the battle with the Mist Ninja, it’s good that our side has always had the advantage.”

"If one day our war situation falls into a disadvantageous situation, won't these so-called "companions" just push us into the pit of fire and let us die?"

Hearing Ebisu's words, Shiranui Genma gritted his teeth, and with a flash of red eyes, he locked his eyes tightly on Kurihara Kushimaru who was evacuating in the distance, and then directed at Akai next to him, Ebi Shou said:

 “Akai, what Ebisu just said is right!”

“It’s okay when there are off-road vehicles, but without the off-road vehicles, no one really looks down on us!”

“In order to solve the hidden danger of being betrayed by our companions, we can’t ask Captain Adai to become tougher. We can only rely on ourselves to prove our team’s “elite” title!”

“Now, the commander of the Mist Ninja side is being surrounded and killed by Lord Dingzuo. Basically, he is at the end of his battle!”

“Let’s go! Let’s go after the commander of the Mist Ninja. As long as we can take away this achievement, no one in the village will be able to look down on our team!”

"Go together!"

 “Okay! Xuanjian!”

 Listening to Shiranui Genma's words, Akai and Ebisu, who were cruelly abandoned by their companions, nodded without any hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Shiranui Genma, Akai and Ebisu actually left Matt Dai behind. Only Kurumi Kushimaru was in sight, and they hurriedly evacuated from the battlefield.

And within the field of vision of the cross-country, he naturally couldn't hear clearly what Shiranui Genma, Akai, and Ebisu said.

Seeing Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu went to chase Kurumi Kushimaru. Apart from their eagerness to perform meritorious deeds, Cross Country certainly could not guess the psychological activities of Akai and the other three.

 But it was precisely the action of the three of them chasing Kushiumaru that really made the cross-country people secretly curse the three of them as idiots!

 Who is Kurumi Kushimaru?

That guy can't be defeated easily even on off-road roads. He's one of the seven members of the Mist Ninja!

 Let’s not talk about the seriousness of Kurikaru Kushimaru’s injuries, but also whether the Kirigoshi ninja had reinforcements to support the escaped Kurikaru Kushimaru.

Just talking about the strength of Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu, Kurikaru Kushimaru can easily kill him even if he is seriously injured. If Akai and the other three go to chase Kurikaru Kushimaru, it is tantamount to death. Same thing!

 So, when I found that Akai and the other three were chasing Kurihara Kushimaru, Shikaku didn't even have time to say hello and used Wind Shun to disappear in place.

 Fortunately, under the protection of Shikaku, Cross Country recovered his chakra early.

Other than the **** mark on his arm, cross-country is basically the peak of his combat power. There is no problem in rescuing Akai and the other three.

Immediately afterwards, while Akai and the other three were chasing Akai and the other three people across the country, and Akai and the other three were chasing Kurihara Kushimaru, the battle between Konoha and the Kiri Ninja behind them was over, and Konoha was also successfully captured. The third line of defense of the Mist Ninja is only one step away from ending the war within the Fire Country.

On the contrary, it was Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu who finally caught up with Kurihara Kushimaru after chasing for a long time.

But almost as soon as Akai and the other three caught up with Kuri-Kushimaru, a cruel smile appeared on Kuri-Kushimaru's face hidden under the mask!

 “Jie Jie Jie!”

“It’s just three Konoha brats, how dare you chase me!”


 “You three brats are all going to die today!”

 Crazy laughter echoed in the forest, and Akai and the others were frightened and were about to prepare for battle.

However, just like what Cross Country thought, how could Kurumi Kushimaru be something that Akai and the other three could handle?

If Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu in the original plot had gone to chase Kururi-Kushimaru, even several Kururi-Kushimaru would have died.

  Unfortunately, the current Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu are far less powerful than in the original plot.

 So Kurihara Kushimaru started to fight back, and there was only one result for Akai and the other three!

 That is death!

 “Xuanjian, be careful!”

After all the hard work, Akai managed to avoid the attack of Kurisha Kushimaru. Unexpectedly, Shiranui Genma, Ebisu was hit hard by Kurisha Kushimaru!

During a round of confrontation, the ghostly figure of Kurumi Kushimaru suddenly appeared and forcefully forced Akai back!

  When the long knife and needle fell, from Shiranui Genjian, flowers made of condensed blood bloomed on Ebisu's chest!

It was also from that moment that Akai suddenly realized what a ridiculous idea it was for them to go after Kurumi Kushimaru!

The only thing Akai and others should feel lucky about is that when Shiranui Genma and Ebisu were both defeated miserably in the hands of Kushimaru Kurihara, a blue figure suddenly appeared next to Akai!

 That moment was exactly when Kurumi Kushimaru was about to attack and kill Akai!

At the same moment, almost when Kurumi Kushimaru's long knife and stitches were about to cut Akai's throat, the azure figure suddenly disappeared in place!

 The next second, just hear a "buzz" sound!

The gorgeous wind blade appeared through the air, and the off-road figure stood proudly in front of Akai, forcefully blocking the long knife and needle in Kuri Kasumumaru's hand!

 “Don’t be afraid, Akai!”

"I am coming!"

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