Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 174: Thunder Tempered Body (Part 1)



Seeing the thunderball containing terrifying power, he had to unleash its power on the off-road without any reservation.

Under the interception of two members of the Seven Mist Ninjas, namely Loquat Juzo and Wuri Jinpachi, Cross Country's friend Akai exclaimed and went to rescue Cross Country in distress, regardless of the crisis ahead.


There are ten loquats and eight pears. They are not vegetarian!

Therefore, just when Akai's front foot exploded with chakra and he was about to sprint to the side of the cross-country, Muri Jinpachi, who shared the title of "Ruthless Duo" with Kushimaru Kushimaru, kicked Akai hard. Kai kicked him to the ground, then stepped on Kai's back, and said coldly: "Weren't you planning to escape just now? Why aren't you running away now?"

“Since you are not going to run away, then stay and enjoy how your companions who came to rescue you died!”

 “Loquat Juuzang, the remaining two brats will be left to you!”

 “If there is no pear Jinpachi, then I have to thank you!”

Almost as soon as Muuri Jinpachi finished speaking, Loquat Juzo’s ferocious smile continued to enlarge in the pupils of Shiranui Genma and Ebisu!

 The next second, the water prison technique was used!

While Murashi Jinpachi was trampling Akai hard and forcing Akai to watch the misery of off-roading, Loquat Juzo surprisingly used the Water Prison Technique to trap Shiranui Genma and Ebisu.

 Obviously, Loquat Juzo’s thoughts are just as cruel as Muri Jinpachi’s!

He was planning to let Genma Shiranui and Ebisu suffocate to death in the Water Prison Jutsu, and before Genma Shiranui and Ebisu suffocated to death, he also wanted Genma Shiranui and Ebisu to watch the cross-country The state of his death amplified the fear in their hearts!

 That’s it!

The only hope of survival in cross-country was completely shattered in the hands of Loquat Juzo and Wuri Jinpachi!

 While Black Hoe's thunderous laughter kept echoing in the ears of Cross Country, Akai and the other three, Bai Jue's clone suddenly used the spore technique to absorb the remaining 40% of the chakra in Cross Country's body. Immediately afterwards, the lightning ball flashing with silvery white light followed the direction of the black **** thunder teeth and hit the cross-country body head-on!

 Then immediately, there was just a "bang" sound!

The thunderball containing the aura of destruction collided head-on with the cross-country body, exploding with terrifying power!

 “It hurts so much!”

The power of the first thunder ball was unleashed. Still bound by the spore technique of Bai Jue's clone, Cross Country's ANBU mask was completely shattered, and the Anbu clothes on his body turned into a beggar's uniform. Not to mention, even Cross Country The originally fair skin was turned into charcoal under the terrifying thunderbolt of the Black Hoe Thunder Fang!

Even Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu, who are very familiar with off-roading, can hardly imagine that the person who turned into charcoal is the off-roading person they know!

Moreover, those are just superficial phenomena!

Black Hoe Thunder Ya's Thunder Ninjutsu shows its power, and the trauma suffered while off-road is far more than that!

Even, on the surface, off-roading has turned into a coke-like existence, but that is a relatively minor injury caused by off-roading!

 The truly horrific injuries are still left in the off-road body!

  Just say that after the thunder ball was cast, the numbness and tingling sensation that filled the body of Cross Country made him deeply understand the feeling of life being worse than death!

On the contrary, there are ten kinds of loquats, eight without pears, pufferfish ghosts in Watermelon Mountain, and a few people who eat wild bait in the grass.

 Looking at the cross-country look that makes life worse than death, it is a way to vent the previous depression to the fullest!

Especially the Black Hoe Thunder Fang, which can torture off-roaders to death little by little, and the whole body is filled with a special joy!

Therefore, when Black Hoe Leiya used Thunder Release and Thunder Ball, combined with the spore technique of Bai Jue's clone, the cross-country reached the point of exhaustion, Black Hoe Leiya smiled cruelly. At the same time, he used the thunder sword teeth to use a stronger thunder escape ninjutsu, and immediately there was another "click", and a thunder fell from the sky, falling on the cross country again!


 The second thunder struck, and there was no way to dodge or defend while traveling off-road!

Especially when the thunder came down, the silver electric snakes filled the whole body of the cross-country, torturing every inch of flesh and blood and every cell of the cross-country. Under the extreme pain, the cross-country had lost the possibility of thinking. It is estimated that if Cross Country had not successfully opened the secret of the human body, Cross Country might have completely lost consciousness when the second thunder fell!

 In the remaining consciousness, what is the only thought?

That means it’s not death, you must hold on!

Only by surviving the torment of thunder and lightning can cross-country make a comeback!

Perhaps, even if you survive the torment of thunder and lightning, there is no possibility of a comeback even if you run out of fuel and run out of gas on cross-country!

 But as long as you are alive, there is hope of survival!

 So under the painful torture of the silver-white electric snake, Cross Country is still gritting his teeth silently and holding on, looking forward to it!

 “Can’t die!”

 “How could I die here!”

“If I die, wouldn’t all my hard work be in vain?”

 “If I die, then why am I practicing so hard?”

“So, we must survive! We must find a way to make a comeback!”

“Especially that **** Black Hoe Lei Ya, I must let you die!”


 Screaming in pain and roaring in anger!

Under the dual pain of body and soul, Cross Country was supported entirely by amazing willpower, and did not fall directly in front of the seven mist ninjas such as Black Hoe Lei Ya!

As for Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu, the three of them looked at the pain in Cross Country, and their eyes became red.

Crystal tears filled the reddish eyes of Akai and the other three people. At this time, they really regretted it. After all, if they had not gone after Kurumi Kushimaru, there would be no need for the cross-country to bear the inhuman ability. The pain has been endured!

 But what’s the use of regret?

Even the shadow communication skills can no longer be maintained. Even if Akai and the other three are roaring in their hearts, without the ability to communicate spiritually, they cannot express their inner thoughts like cross-country!

Therefore, in addition to silently weeping while watching the cross-country suffering under the cruel methods of Loquat Juzo and Muri Jinpachi, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu could only pray silently, hoping that their lives would be exchanged for Cross-country survival!

 And it happened to be at that moment, when the second lightning was tormenting the cross-country body and spirit!

 Maybe it’s because the awareness of off-road survival is too great, or maybe Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu’s prayers have taken effect!

Just when Black Hoe Lei Ya used his thunder blade teeth to guide the third lightning bolt to fall on the cross country body, the silver lightning on the cross country body became even more dazzling!

 A miracle suddenly appeared!

When the third thunder and lightning fell, whether it was Black Hoe Thunder Fang, Loquat Juzo who was sneering next to him, Tongcao Yebai Man, Wuli Jinpachi, or Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, all of them felt that off-roading would inevitably lead to death. . After all, in the previous battles, Loquat Juuzang and others have never seen anyone able to withstand the three thunder and lightning guided by the Black Hoe Thunder Fang using the Thunder Fang!


Just at the moment when the third terrifying thunder struck the cross-country, a look of astonishment appeared in the eyes of Black Hoe Lei Ya!

 Because, when the third thunder and lightning, which contained the aura of destruction, fell on the body of the cross-country, others may not notice any changes in the body of the cross-country. Instead, it was Black Hoe Lei Ya, the Black Hoe Lei Ya who used the thunder blade fangs to guide the third thunderbolt, hitting the cross country and causing endless pain to the cross country. In an instant, he suddenly discovered that the cross country's body was actually under the violent thunder and lightning. Got a new life!

 A new breakthrough has been achieved!

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