Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 175: Thunder Tempered Body (Part 2)

 “Be in pain! Be trembling!”

"Then, die at my carefully arranged funeral and draw a wonderful end to your life!"


 “That kid. Why isn’t that kid dead?”

  Controlling the Thunder Fang, Black Hoe Lei Fang, who was always paying attention to the off-road situation, realized early on that he couldn't hold on to the off-road when he struck the second thunder and lightning.

 That’s right!

When Off-Road planned to kill the next target, Black Hoe Leiya, the controller of Thunder Saber Ya, wasn't it the terrifying Thunder Escape Ninjutsu skills of Black Ho Lei Ya that he was afraid of?

With the ability to fight flexibly off-road, Black Hoe Thunder Fang's Thunder Release Ninjutsu poses no threat at all.

However, under the spore technique of the White Zetsu clone, Cross Country is in the same situation as Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu. It is even more miserable than what the three of them have to face. They are completely like a living target. The presence.

In such a situation, who poses the greatest threat is undoubtedly Black Hoe Thunder Fang!

 Otherwise, how could Loquat Juuzou, Wuli Jinpachi and other members of the Seven Mist Ninjas safely leave the cross-country to Black Hoe Leiya?

And when the Black Hoe Thunder Fang's ability to use the Thunder Saber Fang fully demonstrated the terrifying strength of the seven members of the Mist Ninja, as the first and second thunderbolts fell, the task of killing cross-country was handed over to the Black Hoe Thunder Ya's Loquat Juuzang and others were very satisfied with Black Hoe Leiya's handling methods, and even there they were silently waiting for Black Hoe Leiya to torture Cross Country to death.

 Instead, it was Black Hoe Lei Ya, the guy who knew thunder and lightning very well!

Seeing the cross country being hit by the third thunderbolt, the vitality in his whole body was not cut off. Instead, it became a bit stronger than before. The black **** Lei Ya who likes to get into trouble bit his lower lip tightly. , a fourth thunderbolt suddenly struck down, wanting to prove his proficiency in the Thunder Release Ninjutsu in the face of the increasingly powerful off-road vitality!

However, what Black Hoe Lei Ya couldn't imagine at this time was that the fourth lightning he was going to use to prove himself, thinking that it would be used to kill off-road, did not hit off-road. Not to mention further trauma!

By the time the fourth bolt of lightning struck Cross Country, making the pain that Cross Country had to endure even greater, Cross Country had made a miraculous breakthrough!

 The so-called opportunities are often reserved for those who are prepared!

 This sentence doesn’t make any sense at all!

Moreover, if this sentence is applied to off-road vehicles, it seems extremely appropriate at this time!

Black Hoe Thunder Fang used Thunder Blade Fang, and the first Thunder Release Ninjutsu he cast was called Thunder Release - Thunder Ball. It directly severely damaged the cross country, turning the cross country into a coke-like person!

However, when the second thunder and lightning followed the thunder fangs of the black **** and fell on the cross-country, the cross-country, who was suffering from both physical and mental torture, kept roaring and shouting in his heart!

While maintaining an unyielding will during the off-roading, the initially opened secret of the human body suddenly showed a wonderful effect!

Furthermore, when the third thunderbolt from the Black Hoe Thunder Fang strikes down, off-roading combined with the opening of the human body's hidden secrets will enter a very mysterious realm!

 The physical torture is still continuing!

But the astonishing pain that filled the whole body was actually combined with off-roading and the opening of the secrets of the human body. Gradually, the off-roading entered the process of cultivating and unlocking the secrets of the human body!

 At that time, the fourth lightning controlled by Black Hoe Thunder Fang came and struck!

 It was the fourth thunder and lightning that suddenly made the cross-country journey more painful!

 But the extreme pain did not make the cross-country roar again. Instead, it "awoke" the cross-country!

 The process of cultivating the secrets of the human body and opening them up while unconsciously completing the cross-country journey has been completed in one fell swoop!

 “This feeling. This feeling is so strange!”

“Obviously Black Hoe Thunder Fang’s Thunder Release Ninjutsu contains an astonishing aura of destruction. If ordinary people come into contact with it, they will either die or be injured, but...”

"But why do I suddenly feel another inexplicable force emerging from my body after the pain of being struck by lightning? Not only does the pain I suffered before completely disappear, but it can also quickly repair my body. Woolen cloth?"

“Could the abnormality in my body be the result of the secret secrets of the human body being opened?”

“Could it be that the thunder and lightning condensed by the Black Hoe Thunder Fang using the Thunder Fang also has the magical effect of accelerating the cultivation of the human body’s hidden secrets?”

 On the one hand, he endured endless pain, and on the other hand, he was addicted to the rapid opening of the secrets of the human body.

 The moment a miracle happens, off-roading is both painful and joyful!

Moreover, when Black Hoe Lei Ya reluctantly struck down the fifth lightning, thinking that he must use this lightning to kill off-road, off-road only felt a "bang" in his head, and was attacked by lightning first. Briefly lost consciousness. Then, when Cross Country's eyes turned dark and he was about to faint, two inexplicable forces emerged from Cross Country's mind and body, which actually restored Cross Country's consciousness again!

Then, almost the moment he regained consciousness after going off-road, he noticed the changes in his body regarding the secrets of the human body!




 Aware of the changes in the body, Cross-country used the spiritual energy of his half-step "qualitative" change, and suddenly realized that the secret of the human body in the body had been opened, and it actually climbed to 60% in an instant!

 Only 20% difference, the off-road human body secrets can be opened to 80% of the limit!

After that, as long as you practice the first door of the Eight Gates of Dunjia, you can 100% unlock the secrets of the human body and unlock 100% of the limitations of the brain. What a terrifying progress!

As for why Cross Country can use spiritual energy to perceive, and his own secrets of the human body are opened to 60%, it must be the teachings of Matt Dai!

  Early when it was clear to Cross Country that the opening of the human body's secrets was the foundation of the eight-door Dunjia practice, Matt Dai told Cross Country about the many changes in the gradual opening of the human body's secrets!

Now, even though off-roading is restricted by the spore technique of the White Jue Clone, the White Jue Clone can't restrict the use of mental energy to detect off-roading, right?

 So, relying on the perception of spiritual energy, Cross Country just knew that his human body secrets were opened to 60%, and a strange light once again bloomed in his originally dim pupils!

 Especially the secret of the human body that is opened to 60%, not only brings changes in strength to cross-country, but also brings hope to the desperate cross-country, making a confident smile appear on the face of cross-country again!

  Immediately afterwards, all the strength of the whole body was concentrated on one point!

 Suddenly, there was a "click"!

With the power of his own body, Cross Country actually broke through the spore technique of Bai Jue's clone when all his chakra was consumed!

 The white swelling material shattered little by little, and the whole body was filled with dazzling thunder and lightning!

With the pain caused by thunder and lightning, Cross Country broke through Bai Jue's clone spore technique and instantly got a chance to make a comeback. Immediately afterwards, feeling the chakra in his body recovering rapidly, Cross Country relied on the recovered chakra, his hands suddenly formed seals, and fell to the ground!

"Even if there is a danger of the secret technique backlashing, I will seize this only chance of survival!"

 “The S-level secret technique of the Nara clan!”

 “The Shadow Realm is coming!”

 “Show me!”

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