Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 176: Guard the flame

  Crazy Thunder Tempering True Body!

The thunders struck down by the Black Hoe Thunder Fangs with the Thunder Fangs suddenly turned into the only hope for a cross-country comeback!

 In an instant, the hidden secrets of the off-road human body are opened to 60%!

At the same moment, the spore technique used by Bai Jue's clone to imprison Off-Road was completely shattered, and the off-road seal formed by his hands was to slap his palms **** the ground!


 The next second, the secret technique of the S-level Nara clan, the arrival of the shadow world, suddenly appeared!

At the moment when the fire of hope was burning in the cross-country eyes, relying on the little chakra recovered from the human body's secret secret breakthrough, the cross-country did not care about the backlash coming from the shadow world, and the black shadow under his feet spread instantly, shrouding the In the battlefield where he and Loquat Juuzang and other seven mist ninjas clashed!

 When the off-road Shadow Realm Arrival is successfully deployed, one thing is certain!

Those are Loquat Juzo, Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, Tongcao Yebaiman, Wuli Jinpachi, and even Black Hoe Leiya, who had been torturing Cross Country with the Thunder Release Ninjutsu before, could not imagine that Cross Country could actually make a breakthrough under thunder. , opened the secret of the human body to 60%, and suddenly used the Shadow World to counterattack.

Therefore, when the off-road body was still entangled with astonishing silver-white electric snakes, the black shadow descending from the shadow world emerged. Loquat Juuzang and other members of the Seven Mist Ninjas even tightened their pupils slightly, thinking of hurrying up Escape from the shadow world. But unfortunately, the cross-country's arrival of the shadow world was too sudden, which resulted in Loquat Juuzang could only watch them being imprisoned under the dark shadow of the arrival of the shadow world, and completely losing their combat capabilities in the face of the cross-country!

 However, Cross Country was bound by the spore technique before. Even if he could break the spore technique of Bai Zetsu's clone, could the chakra in Cross Country really be restored so quickly?

 Can the chakra in Cross Country really sustain the consumption of the Nara clan's S-level secret technique Shadow Realm Arrival, and assist Cross Country in killing Loquat Juzo and others?


 Of course it’s impossible!

Although Cross Country's human body secrets have been opened to 60% by the tempering of the mad thunder, the breakthrough in human body secrets cannot help Cross Country restore the chakra at its peak. At most, it can speed up the chakra recovery in Cross Country's body. That’s all.

It only takes a second at most to break the spores of Bai Zetsu's clone off-road, and then to use the shadow world to descend and imprison Loquat Juuzang and others.

 So, in just one second, cross-country can only guarantee that he can restrain Loquat Juuzang and others extremely fast.

 But even so, off-roading is still satisfying!

A user who can kill the Kuroshiki Kushimaru and the double-sworded Solitaire, what regrets does he have when going off-road?

What's more, it's not that Cross Country was defeated by the seven Kirin Ninjas, but Madara's arrangements were too detailed, and the emergence of White Zetsu made the situation faced by Cross Country take a turn for the worse!

So, since there is no regret at all, and the cross-country is ignoring the backlash of Shadow Realm Advent at this time, why should we risk using Shadow Realm Advent instead of turning around and running away?

 The cross-country mind must have already had the answer!

Then, at the critical moment when Cross Country was struggling to maintain the arrival of the Shadow Realm, and felt that the chakra in his body was about to be exhausted, Cross Country was heading towards Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu who had escaped from the trap. :

 "Akai, Genma, Ebisu, you guys run away from me quickly!"

 “I can’t hold on for long!”

“Flee as far as you can! Run away quickly!”


 Listening to the heart-rending roar of Cross Country, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu were stunned.

Especially when the crystal tears burst out of their eyes again, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu wanted to take advantage of the fact that the cross-country could maintain the arrival of the shadow world, and help the cross-country kill Loquat Juuzang and others!

But when he looked at Yukio's eyes, especially when he noticed the firmness in Yukio's eyes, it was Kai who gritted his teeth, grabbed Shiranui Genma and Ebisu by their collars, and began to quickly of evacuation.

 Why did Akai take Shiranui Genma and Ebisu to evacuate?

Then why was he the first person to make up his mind to escape?

 The reason is that Akai became mature little by little in the fierce battle with the seven mist ninjas.

Looking into Xue Yue's eyes, Akai instantly understood what Matt Dai had explained and understood the true meaning of protection.

Akai knew that the purpose of going off-road was to protect them, so he was willing to take the risk to stay and intercept Loquat Juuzang and other members of the Seven Mist Ninjas. Therefore, in order not to let the hard work of cross-country go to waste, Akai wiped the tears on his face and pulled Shiranui Genma and Ebisu by the collar to evacuate.

However, if God can give cross-country a chance to make a comeback, then it will be enough to be attached to cross-country.

Immediately afterwards, when Akai dragged Shiranui Genma and Ebisu turned around and fled, without even escaping a hundred meters away, the black shadow shrouding the surroundings returned to the foot of the cross-country with a "swish" sound. . The chakra in the body could not support the use of the Shadow World's Advent. When the dark shadow shrouded by the Shadow World's Advent returned to the feet of the Cross Country, it also caused the Cross Country to be counterattacked by the S-level secret technique, and it burst out with a "poof" sound. A mouthful of blood came out!

 Fortunately, now that the body secrets of cross-country are opened to 60%, the backlash from a shadow world will only add to the injuries of cross-country, but it cannot threaten the life of cross-country.

 But unfortunately, the cross-country trip to the shadow world could not be maintained, and Loquat Juuzang and others regained their ability to move in an instant!

 Is it a shame?

That is a great shame!

With the help of Bai Jue, Loquat Juzo and others almost failed to kill Cross Country. If this spreads to the ninja world, will the reputation of the Seven Mist Ninjas be lost?

 So, almost at the moment when Loquat Juuzang and others regained their ability to move, Loquat Juuzang disappeared from the place with a decapitating sword in his hand. The target he wanted to attack was clearly the off-road person who had made the seven mist ninjas feel humiliated. He wanted to use the decapitating sword in his hand to cut off the head of the off-road person and use the blood of the off-road person to wash away the many humiliations he had suffered!

As for the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, Tongcao Yebaiman, Wuli Jinpachi, and Black Hoe Thunder Fang, when Loquat Juzo went to kill off-road, they quickly went to chase Akai, Shiranui Genma, Ebi The three of them went.

Undoubtedly, Xiguashan Fugugui and others can see that Cross-country is at the end of the road, so when they think about it, it is enough for Juuzang Loquat to go and kill Cross-country. Their target is to place Akai and Shiranui Genma. , Ebisu and the other three, the shame brought to them by Cross Country must be washed away with the blood of Cross Country, Akai and the other four!

 The blood of one off-roader alone is not enough to wash away their shame!

 Hope, despair.

 In the cross-country battle with the seven mist ninjas, there seemed to be too much hope and too much despair.

Perhaps it was because there was too much hope and too much despair, so when faced with Loquat Juuzang's decapitating sword falling down, Cross Country's mood turned out to be neither joy nor sorrow. It was as if he had seen through life and death, without any emotion at all. I cared that Loquat Juzo's beheading sword fell on his neck.

 Undoubtedly, that kind of state of neither joy nor sorrow is an improvement of one's ability, and it is also a kind of growth!

 But after maintaining that state of neither joy nor sorrow for long, a hint of regret flashed through Xue Xue's eyes.

And the regret was that he failed to save the lives of Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu in the end!

 “Akai, Genma, Ebisu, I’m so sorry!”

 “After I die, I only hope”

 “I just hope you can escape!”

  thought to himself, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of Zi Xiangxu's lips.

He wanted to reach for his ninja tool bag and took out a kunai as a symbolic defense.

 However, the cross-country was hit by the coming of the Shadow Realm, and I really had no strength at all.

So the wry smile raised by Cross Country contained more emotions of helplessness. Helplessly, he even lost his symbolic ability to resist in front of Loquat Juuzang!

 imagining that the next second, he might be the dead soul of Loquat Juuzang, Xue Yue suddenly realized that before a person dies, there are really many pictures that appear in front of his eyes.

 It is as if time stopped at the moment of death!

But just when Cross Country thought that the time that seemed to end would always pass by and his life would be ruined by the decapitating sword in the hands of Loquat Juuzang, a sudden "bang" echoed in Cross Country's ears!

 In an instant, time resumes its passage!

 But when time resumed its passage, Cross Country was shocked to discover that he did not die in the hands of Loquat Juuzang!

Moreover, as Loquat Juuzang’s body fell heavily not far in front of the cross-country, a familiar light flickered in the eyes of the cross-country!


“Leave it to me to protect you little flames!”

 “Youth! Burn!”

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