Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 180: Ending (Part 1)



 Four figures shuttled through the jungle. They were the four cross-country people who quickly returned to the Konoha camp.

With Matt Dai on his back, Crossroads felt like a fire was burning in his heart.

Especially the heavy breathing of Matt Dai, which came again and again. Off-road was even more afraid that Matt Dai's breathing would stagnate before arriving at the Konoha camp.

With Matt Dai’s injury at heart, Cross Country obviously forgot a lot of things.

 First, Cross Country forgot that his injury was also very serious.

If it hadn't been for the fact that Cross Country's human body secrets were unlocked to 60%, and if it hadn't been for Cross Country that he had mastered overloading weight-bearing training early on, maybe Cross Country hadn't carried Matt Dai back to the Konoha camp, and he would have died of exhaustion on the way. .

 Second, Cross Country forgot his responsibilities as an ANBU, and even more so, he forgot to check the life and death of the seven mist ninjas!

Therefore, just as he was carrying Matt Dai on his back while going cross-country, thinking of returning to the Konoha camp as soon as possible, in the battlefield where the fierce battle took place before the cross-country, there was the first member of the Seven Mist Ninjas, slowly regaining his breath. the sound of!

That person is the controller of the Great Shark Muscle!


 “Are they all dead?”

“Hmph, it’s a good thing I have the same shark to heal my wounds, otherwise I might have died under that guy’s secret technique!”

Slowly sat up, stroking the big shark muscle next to him as if stroking his lover, a sneer appeared on the face of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.

However, recalling the scene of Matt wearing all the eight gates of Dunjia, the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost still couldn't help but feel a little chilled.

So, after Xiguashan Puffer Ghost regained some strength, fearing that Cross Country and the others would kill him, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost prepared to collect the ninja swords of Loquat Juuzang and others, and then return to Mist Ninja Village. Who would have thought that just when the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost stood up and was about to take away the six forgotten ninja swords, there were sudden "swish" and "swish" sounds!

At that moment, the figures of three Mist Ninja Anbu suddenly appeared in front of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon!

Furthermore, these three Mist Ninja Anbu were different from the ordinary Mist Ninja Anbu. They did not stare at the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon with awe, but instead stared at the large sword Samehada in the hands of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon with greedy eyes!

“Hmph, I’ll know it just by looking at your greedy eyes.”

"You must be trying to take advantage of my serious injury to take the same shark muscle away from my hand, right?"

 “Try it if you have the guts!”

“Let’s see if you can take advantage of me, or if I can kill you three idiots like I did before!”

 After saying that, the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost sneered again.

However, if things were normal, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon might still be able to shock the three Anbu in front of him.

It's a pity that the current Xiguashan Pufferfish looks so embarrassed that anyone can see it. Even if he can use his previous majesty to intimidate the three ANBU in front of him, the three ANBU may not be able to see it after a long time. Problem coming?

However, the three Mist Ninja ANBU may be looking at the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon a little greedily, and they even want to take the opportunity to take away the Great Sword Shark. But when they went here to perform their mission, these three Mist Ninja Anbu knew that their "Mizukage" had other plans, and there might be someone hiding around who was secretly spying on their actions.

Therefore, after listening to the mighty words of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost Fox, the leader of the Mist Ninja Anbu smiled and said: "Sir, we were sent by Lord Mizukage to support you, but now it seems that there is no need for support. Already?"

“If that’s the case, please, sir, please follow us back to heal!”

“As for the other ninja swords, I won’t bother you adults to help recycle them, just a few of us can help recycle them!”

 “Hmph, follow you back? Stop joking!”

As soon as the leader ANBU finished speaking, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost sneered secretly, and said forcefully and calmly: "Since it is an order from Mizukage-sama, I will let you collect the remaining ninja swords. I have other things to deal with. , I will not return to the village with you, please retreat!"


Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost replied. Holding a large sword, Samehada, he quickly disappeared in front of the three Mist Ninja Anbu.

 After the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost left, the faces of the three Mist Ninja ANBU hidden under their masks simultaneously showed a cold smile.

“Kisame, you were very polite to the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Oni ​​just now! Haven’t you always wanted Samehada? Why don’t you just take it away?”

“Hey, Samehada will be mine sooner or later, there’s no need to rush for a while. What’s more, Mizukage-sama has a more important task to give to the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Demon, so let’s let that guy be proud for a while first!”

As he said that, the Mist ninja ANBU named Kisame looked at the Mist ninja ANBU who had been silent next to him, and asked: "Zabuza, I just saw that the guy Loquat Juzo is still alive, are you going to take it directly? Are you going to use the beheading sword? Or are you going to take Loquat Juuzang back to heal his wounds and defeat him openly?"

“Humph, of course I took him back to heal! Do you think I’m the kind of person who likes to take advantage?”

"Ha! Kisame, Zabuza, I think you two are idiots. How could such a good opportunity be wasted!"

“Well, since none of you are willing to take advantage, then I will take advantage alone!”

“The double-knife, the explosive knife that sprays the air, the dull knife that cuts in the pocket, the long knife that sews with needles, and the thunder-sword fangs are all mine!”

"Wait? Why is Black Hoe Lei Ya missing? Damn it, he actually woke up earlier than the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost. This cunning guy, I must kill him!"

As he spoke, all four legendary ninja swords were put into Gui Deng Man Yue's hands.

On the contrary, it was Thunder Fang. After Black Hoe Thunder Fang disappeared, he also disappeared into the Mist Ninja Village.

  After a long time, a ninja named Yuri Ringo in the Mist Ninja accidentally captured the Thunder Tooth Fang. Only then could the seven legendary ninja swords of the Mist Ninja be gathered together again.

However, if Cross Country knew that in the battlefield where he had fought with the seven Mist Ninjas before, not only the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost was not dead, but also Loquat Juzo and Black Hoe Thunder Fang did not die tragically in Matt, just like in the original plot. If you wear it in your hands, you will be very surprised when you go off-road. After all, the power of Matt Dai's eight-door armor can be seen with his own eyes when going off-road.

Being able to survive the rampaging Matt Dai, Loquat Juzo, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, and Black Hoe Lei Ya who woke up early is really a very difficult guy to deal with!

 However, in addition to this point, there is probably another point that is even more shocking for off-roading!

 That point is the identity of the three Mist ninja Anbu who came here!

 Dried persimmon and Kisame, Taochi Zabuza, the full moon of the ghost lamp!

Aren't those the members of the Seven Mist Ninjas, the new generation of Mist Ninjas?

Moreover, except for Kisame Kisame, Mochi Zabuza and Kiden Mangetsu, they all almost died at the hands of Cross Country.

Especially Gui Deng Full Moon. Off-road clearly killed him with a detonation talisman. Why is Gui Deng Full Moon not dead yet?

 So, if Cross Country is extremely shocked, on the one hand, it must be because Kisame Kisame, Zabuza Momochi, and Kisame gathered here at full moon. On the other hand, Cross Country was secretly shocked. Neither Momochi Zabuza nor Kiden Mangetsu were dead. The two of them were really as lucky as Xiao Qiang. Even the God of Death was not willing to take away their lives!

 It’s a pity that off-roaders don’t know what happened on the original battlefield.

When one fog ninja appeared one after another on the original battlefield, and each fog ninja was a very famous ninja in the original plot, Cross Country just knew that he finally returned to Konoha with Matt Dai inside the camp. Moreover, when he took Matt Dai back to the Konoha camp after cross-country, Matt Dai was still breathing hard under the magical effect of the blue pill!

 "Uncle Lujiu! Uncle Lujiu!"

 “Hurry up and heal Captain Adai’s injuries!”

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