Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 181: The End (Part 2)


“The ANBU looks familiar? The one he’s carrying seems to be Matt Dai?”

 “Wait! Isn’t that off-road?”

Carrying Matdai back to the Konoha camp, the cross-country was physically and mentally tough, and he only relied on his amazing willpower to persist there.

 At the moment of returning to the Konoha camp, I didn’t know whether it was good luck or bad luck to go cross-country.

Because just when he was carrying Matt Dai back to the Konoha camp on his back, thinking that Shikaku used the superb pharmacology of the Nara clan and cooperated with the medical ninjas in the Konoha camp to heal Matt Dai, it was this wood that was unlucky. The talker at the Konoha camp is no longer Nara Shikaku, the uncle of the cross-country, but fortunately, the talker at the Konoha camp here is still an acquaintance of the cross-country!

That is Nara Shikaku's companion, Yamanaka Kaiichi of the Yamanaka clan!

Therefore, when Haiyi discovered that the Anbu who hurriedly carried Matt Dai back was the Cross Country he was familiar with, Haiyi temporarily put down the handover things in his hands and went directly to the Cross Country, wanting to ask what happened to the Cross Country thing.

However, without giving Hai a chance to understand the situation, Hai Yi heard a "pop" just as he stepped in front of the cross-country!

 Carrying Matt Dai off-road, he suddenly fainted in front of Haiyi!

 “Something’s not going well!”

 “Could it be the Mist Ninja’s counterattack?”

 Obviously, to be able to replace Shikaku as the talker of this Konoha camp, Haiichi's overall view is also very good.

 Furthermore, even in the original plot, Shikaku of the Nara clan and Haiichi of the Yamazaka clan are both Hokage's right-hand men. So, seeing that Yuchi was covered in injuries and Matt Dai looked like he was seriously injured and died, Haiichi ordered the medical ninja to treat Yu Yu and Matt Dai's injuries, and on the other hand, he sent someone to inform Shikaku.

Immediately afterwards, when Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu and the others hurried back to the Konoha camp, it was Akai and others who explained to Haiichi the situation of the off-roading and Matt Dai's serious injury.

 As for why Haiyi came here to handover at the Konoha camp.

Needless to say, Lu Jiu was naturally busy solving some trivial matters after the war.

On the external front of the Land of Fire, the Fourth Hokage led Konoha's ninja troops to a complete victory. They only had to solve some trivial matters to complete the external battle with the Mist Ninjas.

 Inside the Country of Fire, the trivial matters Shikaku faced were also various matters related to ending the war.

It can be said that when they went cross-country to support Akai and the other three people and fought fiercely with the seven Mist Ninjas, the war within the Country of Fire was almost settled.

Regarding Lin's affairs, Shikaku had no right to interfere. The Fourth Hokage, who was far away on the external front of the Land of Fire, had already handed over the task of rescuing Lin to Kakashi in the Blade Team.

So, the third line of defense of the Mist Ninja, the Mist Ninja camp was continuously broken, and Shikaku ended the war within the Country of Fire.

But as Cross Country, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu returned to the Konoha camp with Matt Dai, who was seriously injured and died, Haiichi, who knew that Cross Country and the others encountered a fierce battle between the seven Mist Ninjas, was there With his brows furrowed, he relayed the information to Shikaku.

On the one hand, Haiichi is preparing to let Shikaku know the news about the appearance of the seven Kirito ninjas, so that he can make sufficient preparations to prevent unexpected events.

On the other hand, Haiyi heard from Akai that Matt Dai's injury was serious, and deliberately sought Shikaku's help, hoping to successfully save Matt Dai's life.

It's a pity that the cross-country trip can be said to be that the moment he stepped into the Konoha camp, he passed out from physical and mental exhaustion. Otherwise, after learning more about the Kiri Ninja and experiencing the tragedy of Matt Dai, Cross Country will definitely be able to report more useful information to Shikaku without any reservation, allowing him to send people to support the secret escape from the Konoha camp. , Kakashi went on a secret mission.

However, in a deep coma, these things that seemed very important in cross-country were destined to be missed by him.

Moreover, because Cross Country's human body secret development was developed to 60% under Black Hoe Thunder Ya's terrifying Thunder Release Ninjutsu, and in addition, in order to save Matt Dai, Cross Country was exhausted physically and mentally. He quickly returned to the Konoha camp, which resulted in him being unconscious for three days.

Three days later, when I woke up from the blur, my visual ability had not yet recovered. When my eyes were still pitch black, I smelled the familiar and pungent smell of disinfectant!

“The hunger in my abdomen has disappeared. I think I was unconscious for more than two days at least. I don’t know what the condition of Matt Dai is.”

“Also, after being in a coma for more than two days, I’m afraid Lin’s tragedy will also happen, right?”

 “Achieve nothing, accomplish nothing at all!”

“Even if there is an APP to help speed up your practice, what will happen if you practice hard every day?”

“None of the tragedies have changed because of me, so what’s the use of my efforts to improve my strength?”

“Is it just for showing off and saving lives?”

  thought to himself, a mocking smile appeared on Cross Country's face.

That is undoubtedly the smile that off-road laughs at.

On the contrary, the person who was silently guarding the cross-country beside the hospital bed noticed a mocking smile on the cross-country's face, and quickly asked tentatively: "Xu-cross-country, are you awake?"

 “Huh? Listen to the sound”

 “It seems to be Kakashi?”

 The familiar voice echoed in his ears. How could he not recognize that the person guarding the bedside was Kakashi?

 When Cross Country learned that Kakashi was guarding his bedside, a look of astonishment appeared in Cross Country's eyes!

 Because, in the thought of cross-country, Kakashi should be spending his time in sadness at this time!

After all, in the original plot, Kakashi "killed" Lin with his own hands during the conflict between Konoha and the Mist Ninja, which cast another layer of shadow on his soul!

 But at this moment, listening to Kakashi's voice, he realized that Kakashi didn't seem to be mentally traumatized at all.

So in the next second, the off-road vehicle sat up with a "bang" sound!

Who would have thought, when he sat up in the cross country, he actually surprised Kakashi and saw the slightly familiar figure next to Kakashi!

 “Isn’t that person Lin?”

 Looking clearly at the beautiful figure next to Kakashi, it was exactly the same as Lin in the original plot. Off-road was not just astonished, but completely shocked!

Especially when he stretched out his finger in weakness and pointed directly at Lin next to Kakashi, Cross Country's brain became even more blank.

  On the contrary, Kakashi didn't understand why he was so excited about cross-country at this time.

Moreover, for fear that Yukio would pass out again due to being too excited, Kakashi stepped forward and held Yuki's shoulders, frowning and said: "Jiujiu, if you have something to say, why are you so excited? If Shikaku-sama knows, Just because I came to visit you and you fell into coma again, not only will Shikaku-sama want to skin me, but even Minato-sensei won't be able to let me go!"

 “Well, I’m not excited, I’m not excited!”

Hearing Kakashi’s advice, Cross Country nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Then, his eyes fell on Lin again. He swallowed hard and asked directly: "Kakashi, is it Senior Sister Lin next to you?"

"Isn't she in the hands of the Mist Ninja? How come she appears here?"

"Oh? Off-road, do you even know that I fell into the hands of the mist ninja?"

When she saw Cross Country waking up, she asked about her situation. Although Lin and Cross Country had never met, it had been a few days since she had returned to the Konoha camp. As early as in the descriptions of Kakashi, Akai and others, Lin's description of Cross Country Such a young junior brother had a vague impression early on.

Especially when I learned from Akai that when the cross-country and the seven fog ninjas fought against each other, they were able to kill the Kurisara Kushimaru among them. When using the double-sword Kushiro, not only Rin, but also Kakashi was the opponent. Off-road ratings have risen to a new level. Therefore, when she heard that Kakashi was going to visit Yuchi, Lin came with Kakashi.

It's just that Lin didn't expect that she would meet Cross Country's awakening by such a coincidence.

 Furthermore, after just waking up off-road, he was so concerned about his own situation.

  If you want to talk about female ninjas, they are more emotional than male ninjas.

 Especially compared to Kakashi, Lin's character seems even easier to get along with.

Realizing that her younger brother, Jiujiu, was so concerned about her situation, Lin raised her lips and showed a sweet smile. First, she stepped forward and patted Jiujiu's shoulder affectionately, and then her eyes slowly fell on Kakashi. , smiled and explained for Cross Country: "Junior Brother Cross Country, thank you for caring so much about my situation."

"If I can successfully escape from the mist ninja, it's all thanks to you and Kakashi!"

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