Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 187: reunion

"Have a holiday?"

“Uncle Lujiu, what will happen to my practice if I have a holiday?”

From the day he returned to Konoha, Shikaku has been busy every day. In addition to occasionally seeing Shikaku in the Hokage's office, he probably even saw Shikaku's wife, Nara, Shikamaru's mother in the future. Yoshino, it is rare to see Shikaku at home. Therefore, when he heard Shikaku calling him to go, Cross Country originally wanted to have a good time catching up with Shikaku.

Who would have thought that as soon as he appeared in front of Lu Jiu, the smart Lu Jiu discovered the problems in the cross-country.

Furthermore, just as he was afraid that Cross Country would not allow him to rest and recuperate from his mental illness after the war, Shikaku actually wanted Cross Country to stop practicing forcibly and maintain a full month-long holiday during the New Year!

 Obviously, if the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage require Cross Country to stop practicing, then Cross Country will definitely have some rebellious mentality.

  After all, the Nara mark on the cross-country hand is the rift between him and the Hokage, and it may be broken by the slightest touch.

 But facing Shikaku, it would be strange to have a rebellious mentality when going off-road!

Especially when the deer is off-roading for a long time, he is like his own son, which makes the resistance of the off-roading become so weak.

On the other hand, Shikaku seemed to have guessed early on that Xiujiu was going to talk about cultivation matters. Hearing Xiujiu's rebuttal, he smiled slightly.

“Xiu Xiang, I feel that you have made great progress recently, so let’s put aside the cultivation matters.”

"No matter who comes back from the front line of the battlefield, they need to take a good rest. Look at your companions in the Blade Team, including Shisui and Kakashi. They all took a good rest before practicing after coming back. You are just like a cultivator who practices so harshly with Akai every day. Don’t you know that there should be relaxation in practice? "

“You are a talented ninja to begin with, and blind practice is likely to destroy your talent and spirituality.”

 “I think you’ve noticed everything, right?”

“Is your recent progress in cultivation so minimal that it’s the same as no cultivation at all?”

“It’s okay to feel like this! Listen to your uncle and relax for a month. You will definitely be pleasantly surprised after a month!”


 After listening to what Shikaku said, Off-road was about to refute again.

 But the words were on his lips, and he still swallowed them back.

 After all, Offroad cannot tell Shikaku that the Nine-Tails War will begin in a few months, right?

What's more, when I heard Lu Jiu say that there should be relaxation in practice, he also had a high IQ and EQ off-road, and I realized that what Lu Jiu said was implicit.

At that moment, off-roading recalled his previous training, and he discovered that he had some mental problems.

Especially after returning from the battlefield, I can't eat well or sleep well every day. Even when I rest, I think about life on the battlefield. I have to be on guard for the enemy to attack me every day. That is a kind of mental illness. !

 Perhaps, off-roaders don’t understand that there are mental illnesses in the world of ninjas.

However, after traveling cross-country, I know very well how terrible mental illness is.

 So, on the one hand, it was because of Shikaku's compulsory nature, and on the other hand, because Shikaku was aware of it, the one-month compulsory vacation was decided during the conversation between Shikaku and Shikaku.

 The next day, because he was going on vacation, he went to Matt Dai for advice.

 What the cross-country team never expected was that even Matt Dai agreed to take a period of off-road vacation!

Almost as soon as Matt Dai finished speaking, Cross Country thought that Matt Dai was Shikaku in disguise. After all, one of the well-known training madmen in Konoha Village is Akai, and the other is Akai's father Matt Dai. !

Who knows, during the recent days of cross-country training, Matt Dai also discovered some changes in cross-country. Therefore, when I heard that Shikaku asked for a compulsory vacation for Cross Country, Matt Dai also thought that Cross Country might be sick, and then there was a scene where Matt Dai persuaded Cross Country to take a good rest for a month and stop practicing.


"Since Uncle Shikaku and Matt Dai have suggested that I take a vacation, except for chakra training and the Uzumaki clan's spiritual and mystical training, all other aspects of my daily training will be stopped."

 “I hope it can be like Uncle Lujiu, Matt Dai said.”

“After taking a month’s rest, you will be able to see surprises in your cultivation!”

With a deep sigh, after asking for leave with Matt Dai, Cross Country returned home. During his return to Konoha Village, he took off his training clothes for the first time and casually put on the black kimono next to him. , stepped on the clogs, and prepared to take a stroll in Konoha Village to kill the boring time.

 Speaking of the origin of that kimono, it is not simple.

Those were new clothes specially sewn for him by Shikaku's aunt Nara Yoshino, just to welcome the New Year.

Moreover, it was when Nara Yoshino came with the black kimono embroidered with the Nara clan emblem that Cross Country learned that there was also a festival to welcome the New Year in the world of ninjas, but the traditions were different from before Cross Country Cross Country, so Cross Country also I don't really care.

Immediately afterwards, I stepped on my wooden clogs and strolled through the streets of Konoha in a very boring way. At the beginning, I was still a little unaccustomed to the leisurely life after going off-road.

But gradually, off-road suddenly found that walking on the street, he seemed to feel relaxed, and he couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that taking a vacation is really beneficial. At least this feeling of relaxation will help relieve the pain." I’m mentally tired.”

“Uncle Lu Jiu is indeed right. Cultivation requires relaxation.”

“Whatever the Nine-Tails War or Madara’s conspiracy, let’s just have fun with it!”

 “In a month, I’ll just have fun!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country touched the large amount of money in his arms, showing off his true nature as a foodie.

I am usually busy practicing, and rarely have the opportunity to appreciate the beautiful things in Konoha Village when I go off-road.

Now it’s better, I have a lot of time and a lot of money to spend. Cross-country is really just eating from the street to the end of the street. After one trip, there is still something left to be desired!

However, just when Xue Xue was thinking about whether he wanted to take another walk on the busy streets, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of Xue Xue.

It’s the sunset red!

“Huh? Off-road, didn’t you practice today?”

“Well, Uncle Lujiu forced me to take a holiday, so I didn’t practice. I’m really interested in you. Are you planning to go shopping? How about we come together?”

"What are you going for! Cross-country! It's hard to find time, so of course we have a good gathering! In the past few gatherings, you were only thinking about cultivation and didn't have a good chat with us. Now you have time, right? Then follow Let me do it!"

 “Okay, let’s go!”

Accepting Yuhi Kurenai's invitation, Cross Country followed Yuhi Kurenai and hurried to a very famous barbecue restaurant in Konoha Village.

That BBQ restaurant is exactly the BBQ restaurant that Ding Zao and Akimichi Choji loved very much in the original plot.

 While following Yuhi Hong on the cross-country, the moment he entered the barbecue restaurant, okay!

Not only Akai, Shiranui Genma, Hirazumi, Iwashi and other familiar friends were waiting in the barbecue restaurant, but even Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi, who usually did not attend parties as much as Yuchi, They were all waiting in the barbecue restaurant early!

Then, under Yuhi Kurenai’s careful arrangement, Cross Country sat in the same row as Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi.

Just as he was sitting down, and was about to catch up with his long-lost friend, Kakashi's voice suddenly came, immediately letting him know that the seats at the party also contained a certain amount of knowledge!

“Cross-country, I heard that you have been practicing hard for a long time, so you should be making rapid progress, right?”

"Then I think you should take Shisui's seat!"

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