Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 188: BBQ inspiration


 “Well, it seems like there’s something mysterious inside the seat!”

If Kakashi hadn't made a sound, no matter how high off-road's IQ was, he probably wouldn't have noticed the mystery hidden in the small seat.

In the barbecue restaurant where Cross Country and others gathered, whether it was Cross Country, Uchiha Shisui, or Kakashi, they were all rich people. Naturally, they could not sit in the lobby to dine. Instead, the store specially reserved space for Cross Country and others. Got a private room.

 In the private room, the table is in the center and there are four seats around the table.

In these seats, Off-Road, Uchiha Shisui, and Kakashi are sitting on the main seats, which shows that Off-Road and the other three are the strongest among all.

 On the left hand side of the cross country, sitting are Akai, Shiranui Genma and other people on the second step.

 On the right hand side of the cross-country, there are people who are similar to each other and are on the third step such as Lai Iwahi.

As for the few female ninjas, such as Yuhi Kurenai and Lin, there is naturally no need to include them.

 So, Kurenai Yuhi, Lin and other female ninjas were on the seats opposite Yuchiha Shisui, Uchiha Shisui, and Kakashi.

And what Kakashi said before, to put it in the simplest sense, is a provocation!

In Kakashi's view, those who have practiced hard for a long time and can single-kill Kurihara Kushimaru on the battlefield and the cross-country user of the double-sword Kushiro are the strongest among all people, so Uchiha Shisui's central position You should sit with Yuchi, instead of Uchiha Shisui in the middle, Yuchi and Kakashi on the left and right respectively.

However, if you put it in normal times, you definitely can’t care so much about off-roading.

 Because, even though Kakashi is Yuchi's nominal senior brother, when communicating, the relationship between Yuchi and Uchiha Shisui is considered good. What's more, not to mention the fight against Uchiha Shisui, Cross Country has no 100% confidence in winning. As a member of the Uchiha clan, everyone must give some face to Uchiha Shisui to attend this dinner. Water provides a good location!

However, Kakashi, who was not usually very popular, provoked Yuchi as soon as he sat down. Under Yuchi's puzzled gaze, not only did he not arouse the disgust of Akai, Yuhi Kurenai and others, but it actually made Akai Kai, Shiranui Genma and others all looked at Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui with expectant eyes. The look of confusion in Cross Country's eyes quickly turned into a look of realization!

“Sure enough, in the world of ninjas, the strong are respected.”

“Respecting the strong is the first rule in the ninja world, so when Kakashi provoked Shisui, even Shisui didn’t take it to heart.”

 “However, look at Kakashi’s eyes like a little boy”

“It seems like he suffered a lot from Zhishui in previous gatherings!”

Secretly thought to himself, Cross Country guessed that Kakashi and Uchiha Shisui must have fought before, and the result must be Kakashi's defeat!

 At this time, the guess of cross-country was really not wrong at all!

  What a proud person Kakashi is!

Can you give Uchiha Shisui face?

Even though Uchiha Shisui was originally the captain of the Blade Team, Kakashi had to obey his orders, but that is already a thing of the past!

Since returning to Konoha Village and attending many gatherings, Kakashi has always wanted to prove himself in front of Uchiha Shisui. Unfortunately, Kakashi always suffered from Uchiha Shisui.

Now that Cross Country is here, Kakashi doesn't feel that he has help, but he wants to see how big the gap is between himself and Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui, so he wants to see the result of the competition between Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui. of.

As for Akai, Shiranui Genma, Yuhi Hong, Lin and others, they are just watching the excitement and are not afraid of big troubles!

What's more, if Yuan Yu and Uchiha Shisui compete, they can also see how big the gap is between them.

Immediately afterwards, under the expectant eyes of everyone, Uchiha Shisui smiled slightly and said: "Off-road, since everyone is looking forward to it so much, let's show it off!"

 “Well, look! The beef in this barbecue restaurant is really good!”

 “Then let me cook for everyone!”

 After saying that, Uchiha Shisui suddenly picked up the plate of beef in front of him and threw it directly into the sky.

 Under the puzzled gazes of most people, the beef on the plate had just been thrown into the air. Uchiha Shisui suddenly saw Uchiha Shisui reaching out and slashing at the piece of beef in the air!

 “Uchiha style! Sword leaping flames!”


Following the direction where Uchiha Shisui slashed down, a flame appeared out of thin air and wrapped itself around the piece of beef!

 Then, when the piece of beef fell from the air, Uchiha Shisui slowly retracted his palm and looked at the beef on the plate with a smile!

 “Come on, let’s have a try!”

 “I’ll come first!”

Early when Uchiha Shisui used his own secret technique of Uchiha style to cook the piece of beef in front of him, the eyes of Akai and others were full of expectation.

Now, seeing the fragrant beef falling onto the plate, Akina was the first one to be unable to resist. He held his chopsticks and landed on the piece of beef.

 “Hmm! It’s delicious, everyone should try it!”

“Shisui is so amazing, he can control the heat so well!”

“Yes! The beef is not hard at all, it still retains the unique flavor of beef, and the water retention is amazing!”

One good comment after another appeared, Uchiha Shisui's mouth raised a faint smile, and immediately said to the cross-country: "Cross-country, give it a try!"


Seeing Uchiha Shisui using the secret technique of Uchiha style, Cross Country was secretly amazed in his heart.

Especially after tasting the beef cooked by Uchiha Shisui using the secret technique of Uchiha style, Cross Country was even more secretly shocked by Uchiha Shisui's ability to control it.

 I never expected that not long after Uchiha Shisui created the secret technique of Uchiha-ryu, he would become so accomplished in the secret technique of Uchiha-ryu!

On the contrary, Kakashi still looked unconvinced when he was silently sighing at Uchiha Shisui's strength.

 Picked up a plate of beef and also threw it into the air.

Kakashi’s own S-level ninjutsu Raikiri appeared, and he actually used the same method but different secret techniques to cook beef.

Unfortunately, Kakashi's ability to control Raikiri is obviously not as good as Uchiha Shisui's Uchiha-ryu secret technique.

 The beef was indeed cooked under the high temperature of the Thunder Release Ninjutsu.

But one piece was burnt and the other was undercooked, still with a bloodshot appearance. Except for Akai, who adhered to the concept of not wasting food and took a bite while pinching his nose, no one used chopsticks anymore.

 Obviously, in the secret confrontation between Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi, Kakashi failed again.

 At this moment, no one must have cared about Kakashi's failure. Everyone, including Uchiha Shisui, had their eyes on Cross Country, which obviously meant to see how Cross Country would respond.

 As for off-roading.

 Finding that now is a good opportunity to discuss with Uchiha Shisui, there is definitely no reason to back down.

Especially after seeing the application of Uchiha Shisui's Uchiha-style secret technique before, Cross Country unexpectedly found that combined with his previous training, he had new inspiration in mastering the blast-flow secret technique.

So immediately afterwards, Cross Country also picked up a plate of cowhide and threw it into the air.

And when that piece of beef happened to be at eye level with Cross Country, under a faint smile, Cross Country suddenly used the new inspiration from the barbecue, and quickly used his own secret technique of blast flow!

  “Gateful flow!”

 “Palm blade!”

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