Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 189: double edged sword


 “Is it the secret technique of the gale flow created by Off-Road?”

 “Palm Blade! So powerful!”

“After practicing hard for so long, I have really improved a lot in cross-country!”

As soon as the Hayate Flow Palm Blade was used, Uchiha Shisui, who was next to Yue Yue, tightened his pupils slightly, and his expression was full of shock!

I have seen the cross-country Swift Wind Style Secret Technique early on, but I have never seen the true power of the Swift Wind Style Secret Technique.

 Uchiha Shisui sometimes regrets why he didn't go with Cross Country to fight against the seven Kirito ninjas. In that way, he would definitely get more ideas for the secret technique of Uchiha style and further perfect it.

At this time, Cross Country pointed at the piece of beef in front of him and used the Hayate Flow Palm Blade. As the blue chakra filled the palm of Cross Country, even Uchiha Shisui looked a little crazy for a while. Not to mention Kakashi, Akai, Shiranui Genma and others next to the cross-country, they just looked shocked!

Then, under everyone's shocked and expectant gazes, Cross-country used the blast blade to cut the beef in front of him piece by piece, and then the thin and transparent pieces of beef fell neatly on the plate. above!

Just seeing the beef slices arranged neatly on the plate, Uchiha Shisui knew that he had lost.

 Because just by relying on Cross Country's control over the Hayate Style Palm Blade, he completely crushed Uchiha Shisui's secret technique of Uchiha Style!

Especially Akai, who was the first to bear the brunt, picked up a piece of beef sashimi made by using the Hayate-ryu palm blade off-road, and put it in his mouth. The expression on his face made Uchiha Shisui look frustrated.

Especially after Akai’s attempt, everyone who tried the beef sashimi made by Cross Country looked at Cross Country in shock. A Kai’s roar pushed the atmosphere to a climax!

“Off-road, the beef sashimi you made is so good! This is the best beef sashimi I have ever eaten in my life!”

“That’s right! The originally chewy beef is like ice cream in your mouth. It tastes so good without any dipping sauce! Off-road, you are really amazing!”

“I like the feeling of the beef sliding down my throat and falling into my stomach the most. It’s cool and has the freshness of the beef. It’s so amazing!”

“Xiu Yuan, when you stop being a ninja, open a restaurant! I will definitely go there every day!”

Countless praises and applause, all belong to cross-country.

 For a moment, not to mention Kakashi, even Uchiha Shisui's glory was covered up there, and Cross Country stole the show at this party.

  But different people naturally look at cross-country cooking with different eyes.

People like Akai, Yuhihi Kurenai, Shiranui Genma, Ebisu and others only pay attention to whether the food cooked by Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui is delicious.

On the contrary, Uchiha Shisui, after eating the beef sashimi made by Off-road, looked at Off-road and silently sighed: "O-O-O, your secret technique of blast flow is simply miraculous!"

“If I guess correctly, there are three steps to make this beef sashimi!”

“Needless to say, the first step is to use the secret technique of the blast flow, the secret technique called palm blade, to show the power of the sharpness of the palm blade and cut the beef into thin slices.”

 “In the second step, you should take advantage of the characteristics of “wind”, right?”

"When the strong wind blows by, people will feel the cold. If you use the palm blade extremely fast, it will have the effect of frost!"

“But the third step shocked me the most!”

“Off-road, when you used the palm blade, did you change the shape of the palm blade a little bit?”

“You used the sharp wind chakra to shred the fibers in each piece of beef, right?”

After Uchiha Shisui commented, Akai and other people who enjoyed the delicious food were stunned in front of the off-road, Uchiha Shisui.

Even Kakashi’s eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

Obviously even Kakashi couldn't see that there were so many secrets hidden in a small blast-flow palm blade used for off-roading!

When faced with Uchiha Shisui's comments, Cross Country's mouth always had that faint smile hanging on it.

 Because, except for one error in Uchiha Shisui's review, there are basically no other errors. Cross-country uses Hayate-ryu palm blades. It seems that the making process of beef sashimi is simply completed. In fact, there are really three steps hidden in it. As long as there is a slight mistake in each step, the beef produced by cross-country will be Sashimi can't be that good.

 It’s just that the first two steps Uchiha Shisui said were correct.

There is nothing wrong with first using the sharpness of the palm blade to cut the beef, and then using the ice of the "wind" to freeze the beef to make the beef taste better.

 However, in the third step, off-roading did not change the shape of the palm blade and shredded the fiber in the beef.

On the contrary, cross-country combined with the recent practice, coupled with the inspiration from watching Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi barbecue before, I have a little new understanding in using the secret technique of blast flow!

Watching Uchiha Shisui using the Uchiha-ryu secret technique and Kakashi using Raikiri to grill meat, what was the inspiration for cross-country?

 That is the perception of "wind"!

Uchiha Shisui uses the Uchiha-ryu secret technique to grill meat, which fully demonstrates the characteristics of "fire".

 Kakashi used the S-level ninjutsu Raikiri he developed to grill meat. Perhaps there was some problem with the mastery of Raikiri, which caused the barbecue to fail.

 But why can Kakashi's Raid Kiri cause beef to be burnt? Isn't it also a characteristic of "Thunder"?

 In terms of the perception of "wind" in cross-country, what I originally understood is sharpness and penetration.

Seeing Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi displaying the characteristics of "fire" and "thunder" respectively, Cross Country seemed to have seen the time when he used the wind release and spiral shuriken technique to kill the pufferfish ghost in Watermelon Mountain. The sight of that doppelganger!

At that time, the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Jutsu thrown out from across the country exploded with power, and the small "wind needles" that could not be detected by the naked eye directly acted on the cells of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost clone. Every cell in the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost Clone was destroyed, and in the end, even the Great Sword Shark was unable to successfully restore the injury to the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost Clone.

Therefore, when using the palm blade to cut beef off-road, with each drop of the palm blade, the off-road is recalling the scene of the explosion of power of the wind escape and spiral shuriken technique, using the characteristics of "wind" to stimulate the beef Every cell on it will eventually cause every cell on the beef to break. Not only can the taste of beef be fully displayed, but it will also make the beef taste better while destroying every cell of the beef.

Moreover, using the new features of the palm blade off-road at this time, making a delicious beef sashimi is just a trivial matter.

 The most important thing in off-roading is the application of the new features of the Gale Blade!

“In the original plot, the more famous users of Thunderbolt are none other than Kakashi and the Fourth Raikage!”

“When Kakashi uses Raikiri and the Fourth Raikage uses Nintai Jutsu, they will use the characteristics of thunder attribute chakra to activate their own cells!”

"So, the Hayate Flow Palm Blade I am using now has mastered the characteristics of wind-attribute chakra in destroying cells. Can I also use wind-attribute chakra to stimulate my own cells and achieve the activation of cells like advanced thunder escape? What’s the effect?”

“If I can really complete research in this area, then I won’t have to spend so much time every day on overloaded weight-bearing exercises to consolidate the foundation of my human body!”

"I only need to use the new characteristics of the wind attribute chakra, spread the blast blades all over my body, and briefly use the wind attribute chakra to stimulate every cell in my body. The effect I will have is probably the same as the overloaded weight-bearing training I perform every day. about there!"


Huttered to himself, the originally very excited cross-country gradually calmed down.

Especially when he used his mental energy to feel the palm of his hand that he had used to cut beef with the Gale Flow Palm Blade before, he found that his palm felt a little numb and swollen. The famous wry smile.

“It’s just that this new characteristic of wind attribute chakra is really difficult to master!”

“I just gave it a preliminary try, did my palm get hurt?”

“It seems that before you master this new feature, this new feature is really a double-edged sword that hurts both others and yourself!”

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