Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 191: Is this a mission?

 “Look at the punch!”


 When I came to visit the Fourth Hokage, I had never thought of going off-road.

 However, the cross-country at that time must have forgotten that he was in the home of the Fourth Hokage, and he also wanted to meet the master's wife Kushina Uzumaki, who had never been masked before. So, just when Cross Country was looking at the fourth-generation Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina's small home and fully feeling the warmth in the room, Uzumaki Kushina, who always likes to be unexpected, gave Cross Country a surprise!

 One second ago, the Fourth Hokage just told that the person who came to visit was his new disciple Cross Country.

The next second, Uzumaki Kushina, who heard that Cross Country was coming to visit, was so happy to see Yu Xin that she ran towards her with a big belly, aimed at Cross Country's face and punched her!

  When it comes to Uzumaki Kushina’s fist, it is really powerful!

 In the original plot, I had already heard that Tsunade-hime's fists were difficult to receive, but I never expected that Uzumaki Kushina's fists were also difficult to receive!

 In an instant, Cross Country used his sense of wind and naturally discovered that the person who came to attack was Uzumaki Kushina.

Especially when he noticed that Uzumaki Kushina had a big belly, Cross Country obviously didn't take Uzumaki Kushina's fist to heart. He casually blocked his face with a palm and was ready to receive Uzumaki Kushina's fist.

Who would have thought that when Uzumaki Kushina's iron fist collided **** the palm of her hand, Cross Country's pupils shrank slightly!

 Because at the moment when the fists and palms collided together, Cross Country suddenly felt an irresistible force, which was vented in the direction of Uzumaki Kushina on his palms.

Suddenly, Cross Country felt that he could not control his body. Immediately, his body tilted out and was about to hit the rear door frame!

 Fortunately, Cross Country is also an elite Jonin level ninja!

If Off-Road is still an ordinary jounin-level ninja, then he may really suffer from Uzumaki Kushina's sneak attack!

The moment he was almost about to hit the door frame at the rear, Cross Country formed a seal with his hands, and then the shadow under his feet suddenly condensed into a shadow hand, directly grabbing the figure that was about to hit the door frame and helping him. The cross-country stabilized the center of gravity under the feet and stepped heavily on the ground, which relieved Kushina Uzumaki's iron fist offensive.

However, when it comes to off-roading, even if Uzumaki Kushina has a hot temper and a straightforward personality, a one-punch test is enough, right?

  But how could Cross Country imagine that it was he who caught Uzumaki Kushina's punch, which really made Uzumaki Kushina excited!

 Being pregnant is painful!

 Especially for someone with a temper like Kushina Uzumaki, pregnancy is like a nightmare!

If she hadn't been so in love with the Fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Kushina would have probably ignored her pregnancy and went on the mission with her big belly.

 So, the Uzumaki Kushina I met on the cross-country trip at this time was the Uzumaki Kushina who had been holding it in for a long time at home and was about to get sick!

Finding that cross-country can defend her fists, Uzumaki Kushina is very happy!

 Coupled with the long-term depression, Uzumaki Kushina just continued to attack at the moment when the cross-country had just resisted her iron fist attack!


"As expected of Minato's disciples, and worthy of being a famous genius in the village!"

“Off-road, I’m going to take it seriously, you have to be careful!”


  Listening to Uzumaki Kushina's excited voice, Cross Country's head was really full of black lines, and his eyes were directly cast on the Fourth Hokage.

   Unknown to everyone, the Fourth Hokage was also very embarrassed at this time.

  Stop Uzumaki Kushina, that is something the fourth generation Hokage, who is a strict henpecker, cannot do!

Don't let the cross-country fight back, it's not justified both emotionally and rationally!

As the mentor of Cross Country, the Fourth Hokage can't watch Cross Country get beaten, right?

So I was helpless. When the cross-country looked for help, the Fourth Hokage struggled to squeeze out a smile. His eyes were full of embarrassment, and then he actually turned his head and stopped looking at the cross-country!

As for off-roading, it really feels like riding a tiger with a hard time getting off!

Although Kushina Uzumaki's belly is only slightly bulging, those who are familiar with the plot of the original novel must know that Naruto Uzumaki, the protagonist of the original novel, is already in Kushina Uzumaki's belly!

 What if Uzumaki Naruto is injured?

The history of the original plot will be completely changed!

Furthermore, if Kushina Uzumaki miscarries, the responsibility cannot be shouldered by Off-Road!

However, Uzumaki Kushina's Taijutsu offensive is in front of you, so you can't really hurt Uzumaki Kushina's hands by off-roading, right?

Immediately afterwards, in that very embarrassing and difficult-to-resolve situation, Cross Country suddenly recalled a scene in his mind, which was the scene of his confrontation with the Hyuga clan ninjas!

"If you use the Hyuga clan's soft fists, it's still possible to barely resist Uzumaki Kushina's attack!"


 “Just use soft fists!”

  In the flash of lightning, Cross Country narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly he made a soft fist stance in front of Uzumaki Kushina.

Moreover, it was the cross-country soft fist stance that made Uzumaki Kushina and even the Fourth Hokage look in astonishment!

 Obviously, neither the Fourth Hokage nor Uzumaki Kushina expected that even the cross-country Hyuga clan's soft fist could be used.

However, under the attack of Uzumaki Kushina like a rainstorm, Yue Yue barely resisted with four different soft fists, but it made the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina relieved!

 It turns out that cross-country Rouquan is just a showpiece, with only one situation and no real essence of experience!

However, he can barely resist Uzumaki Kushina's attack with his arrogant soft fists, and his cross-country performance is considered very good. After all, when Cross Country was preparing to analyze the Soft Fist, he only understood some basic uses of the Hyuga clan's Soft Fist. Perhaps, Uzumaki Kushina was not serious in front of Cross Country, and was just attacking to vent, but Cross Country only had a preliminary understanding of some basics of the Hyuga clan's soft fist, and was able to defend against Uzumaki Kushina's offensive, which is not as powerful. ?

What's more, as Cross Country used unskilled soft fists to defend, Cross Country actually discovered that his mastery of soft fists had become better.

The progress cannot be said to be rapid, but at least some gains have been made.

 Then, the farce of Uzumaki Kushina's continuous attack lasted for more than ten minutes.

When Uzumaki Kushina's inner depression was finally vented, and she was sweating profusely from the cross-country, Uzumaki Kushina took a deep breath, stopped, looked at the cross-country with a smile, and said:

 “You’re good at off-roading!”

"Thank you for thinking of using the Hyuga clan's soft fists to defend yourself. Maybe your soft fists are a bit poor, but as a member of the Nara clan, you are very powerful if you can use the soft fists!"

 “Thank you, Master, for the compliment, but”

 Saluted respectfully to Uzumaki Kushina, and then his eyes fell on the messy room around him, his expression became more and more embarrassing.

 That’s right.

Off-road and Uzumaki Kushina were just playing around. Neither of them took it seriously, nor did they use any killing moves.

 But don’t forget, the cross-country and Uzumaki Kushina play are in the homes of the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina!

 Although off-road, when using the Hyuga clan's soft fists for defense, it was already possible to avoid damage to some furniture in the house. But when Uzumaki Kushina took action, she didn't have any worries. In just ten minutes, Uzumaki Kushina simply demolished the house, breaking not only all the furniture in the house, but also the entire house. The house seemed to be falling apart, no wonder the cross-country look was so embarrassing.

However, when they were very embarrassed during the cross-country trip and were about to apologize, Kushina Uzumaki and the Fourth Hokage waved their hands indifferently.

Especially the Fourth Hokage, when Uzumaki Kushina hummed a little tune and went to tidy up the room happily, even with the eyes full of embarrassment in the cross-country, he approached the side of the cross-country and said quietly:

“Off-road, it seems that Kushina likes you very much! If you have time, come and see Kushina more often and play with her more by the way!”

  "You may not know, Kushina has been really bored recently!"

 “So. Hehe!”

 Speaking, the Fourth Hokage patted Cross Country's shoulder hard and said with a wicked smile:

“So, off-roading, it’s up to you from now on!”

"Minato-sensei, is what you told me a mission?"


Seeing the fourth Hokage's evil smile, it was really hard for him to connect the man in front of him with the Fourth Hokage.

  Especially the words of the Fourth Hokage, I can’t help but feel full of black lines!

But who would have thought that when Cross Country jokingly asked the Fourth Hokage whether what he told him was a mission, the Fourth Hokage's expression suddenly became serious, and then he patted Cross Country's shoulder hard. Deliberately emphasized:

 “Of course this is a task!”

“So cross-country, plus what I’m going to say later, the tasks you need to complete recently become two!”

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