Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 192: There is another meaning

"Yesterday, if Mr. Minato had asked me to go on a mission, I would definitely have given up my vacation and gone on a mission."

 “But now”


  Listening to the words of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country couldn't help but sigh secretly.

 Because yesterday, it was under Shikaku's compulsory order that Cross Country gave up training and went to enjoy a month's vacation.

On the contrary, after yesterday's party, Cross Country accidentally discovered the new characteristics of wind attribute chakra. He was preparing to give up strict training during his one-month vacation and study some new characteristics of wind attribute chakra, as well as about Things that consolidate the secret foundation of the human body.

 So, when he saw the Fourth Hokage preparing to assign two tasks to himself, Cross Country sighed secretly.

 Obviously, that was a task given by the Fourth Hokage, who was afraid that it might interfere with his research process.

However, tasks such as accompanying Kushina Uzumaki to "play" when she is bored are better. Even if it can delay some time in cross-country, it cannot be delayed for long. On the contrary, there was still no clue about the task that the Fourth Hokage was going to give. So he was ready to see what the second task that the Fourth Hokage was going to give was.

If the second task assigned by the Fourth Hokage is really likely to interfere with the research process, then off-road has no choice but to find a way to evade it.

 Then, Cross Country faced the Fourth Hokage and asked:

“Minato-sensei, what is the second task you are going to give me?”

 “That mission?”

As soon as Off-Road finished speaking, the Fourth Hokage was about to tell the content of the mission. Unexpectedly, Uzumaki Kushina's voice suddenly came, interrupting what the Fourth Hokage wanted to say.

“Minato, cross country, don’t talk outside for now, come and have something to eat!”

 “Well, okay! I’ll bring the cross-country right now!”

After replying to Uzumaki Kushina, the Fourth Hokage looked at Cross Country again and said with a smile: "Qiu Cross Country, let's eat something first. Let's chat while we eat!"


   nodded, and prepared to follow the fourth generation Hokage through the messy room and came to another relatively clean room.

 Furthermore, it is true to say that Uzumaki Kushina has a hot temper and a somewhat bad personality.

 But in terms of cooking skills, Uzumaki Kushina still feels somewhat like a good wife and mother.

 At least when I looked at the food prepared by Kushina Uzumaki, I felt that it looked very delicious.

Then, when they got to Cross Country, the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina sat down one after another. Just like what the Fourth Hokage had said before, while eating and chatting, Cross Country really discovered that Uzumaki Kushina made more than just selling things. It looks good and tastes pretty good.

However, after chatting for a while, seeing that both Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage had almost eaten, Uzumaki Kushina smiled and tidied the table. The Fourth Hokage saw that Uzumaki Kushina was busy, so he stopped the previous chat, faced the cross country seriously, and asked: "Qiu Xiang, Kushina is busy, then let's talk about what I want to do Let’s give you the second task! But before I talk about the task, I have a question for you.”

“Cross-country, at what level do you think your strength should be?”

 “My strength?”

Knowing that the Fourth Hokage's question must have a profound meaning, Cross Country thought for a moment and then answered without any concealment: "It should be no problem to deal with some elite jounin, but for a strong person like you, Minato-sensei, I'm afraid I can't. There is no way to deal with it.”

“Well, cross-country, your strength is about the same as I imagined. I didn’t expect you to improve so fast!”

With a sigh, the Fourth Hokage took a deep breath, and then slowly said to Cross Country: "Cross Country, your current strength can compete with the elite jounin, and the jounin who died in your hands among the fog ninjas is not the same." Otherwise, according to the wartime regulations, I can definitely appoint you as an ANBU beside me, and you can successfully become a jounin in the village in a few years."


 Speaking, Cross Country actually saw a little helplessness in the eyes of the Fourth Hokage.

After that look of helplessness passed away in a flash, the Fourth Hokage continued what he said before: "But it's a pity, cross-country, because of some problems you don't understand, I'm afraid you can only take one step at a time to inherit the name of Jonin. So, the second task I am going to give you is to hide your strength well, hide your past on the battlefield, and even forget your previous ANBU code name and your shadow name. Enter the Ninja School for further training!”

“Obviously, cross-country, this is unfair to you. After all, it would be very difficult for you to return to the ninja school for further training and hide your strength.”

"But for the sake of the overall situation, I'm afraid you have to go to the ninja school for a period of time."

 “And, cross-country, you must remember it!”

"This is a long-term mission, and it can only be carried out if you hide your strength. Do you understand?"

 “Minato-sensei, I know.”

After the Fourth Hokage finished speaking, Cross Country just nodded slightly without any strange expression.

 But the more the off-roading went like this, the more uncomfortable the Fourth Hokage felt.

 It’s a pity that just like what the Fourth Hokage said, he obviously had his own reasons for entrusting him with such a cross-country mission.

 So even if you have thoughts in your mind when going off-road, you can only endure it silently.

Immediately afterwards, after the Fourth Hokage handed over two very strange tasks, Cross Country said goodbye to the Fourth Hokage and returned to his home.

 On the way home, there was no unusual off-roading at the Fourth Hokage's house, but he frowned slightly!

“Strange, why does Minato-sensei want me to hide my strength and study in a ninja school?”

"And listening to Minato-sensei, it basically means that I must go to the ninja school in person, and cannot send a shadow clone to go. Could it be that, in addition to the enemies outside Konoha Village, I am in Konoha Village Have we made enemies internally? Are these enemies from the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan, or..."

 “Are they still those high-ranking officials who are fighting with Minato-sensei and the Third Hokage?”

“This task assigned by Minato-sensei seems to have a deeper meaning!”

  I thought to myself, and a sneer appeared on Zi Xue's face.

Moreover, one thing is beyond doubt.

 Even the Fourth Hokage may have never imagined that there are so many things to consider when going off-road, and he is not like an ordinary kid at all. After all, if the Fourth Hokage just mentioned Kakashi's words, then Kakashi would definitely not be able to think of so many things, let alone imagine the mastermind behind the scenes. It is very likely that he and the Fourth Hokage, Those high-ranking officials of Konoha Village with whom the Third Hokage had political disagreements.

 But who is off-road?

Whether it is the memories of the original plot before the time travel, or the various conspiracies summarized by the Nara Mark, Cross Country can see that there are actually many dark sides inside the Konoha Village that looks like a white lotus on the surface.

It seems that this time, going to the ninja school for further training seems to be a boring task, but the cross-country feeling to be studied does not waste much time, and you only need to be confused to pass it smoothly.

 However, just because this task is full of dark and negative factors, the mood of off-roading has become a little less beautiful.

 Fortunately, off-road is a person who is good at hiding his true thoughts.

In addition, Cross Country's mental illness still needs some time to recover, so after taking a deep breath, Cross Country did not share the Fourth Hokage's meaningful mission with Shikaku, but returned home to complete his daily investigation. Carat practice, as well as the Uzumaki clan's spiritual and mystical practice. After that, Cross Country was more like a normal person, completely forgetting all the tasks assigned by the Fourth Hokage before, and started thinking about some more important things!

"Even if you enter the ninja school for further training, you still have to wait a few months."

"Then before I complete the task assigned by Minato-sensei, I will do my research carefully!"

 “This is the first thing to study!”


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