Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 193: The mystery of tempered body

 Late night, the Nara clan.

  I received two very strange tasks from the Fourth Hokage, and it took three days in the blink of an eye.

Within three days, in addition to visiting the Fourth Hokage and using the slowly growing Hyuga clan's soft fist to fight Uzumaki Kushina, Cross Country completely obeyed Shikaku's instructions. In addition to chakra training, he also Except for the cultivation of the Uzumaki clan's spiritual arts, he gave up all other cultivation, not even some consolidation cultivation, and fully enjoyed the feeling of vacation.

Of course, cross-country vacations are still very interesting.

Visit Uzumaki Kushina and be able to practice and understand a little bit of the Hyuga clan's soft fist.

Meet and discuss with Yuhihi Kurenai, Akai, Uchiha Shisui and others, and get some new ideas while maintaining your own status.

Especially as the mental illness caused by participating in the war gradually improved, cross-country felt that the whole person became much more relaxed.

The spirit became more relaxed, and Cross Country discovered that even without practicing hard, his own strength level had not regressed, but was increasing bit by bit, and Cross Country slowly understood Shikaku's painstaking efforts.

Especially when the spirit becomes relaxed and the mental illness disappears little by little, the biggest gain from cross-country is the research results in three days!

 Because, after just three days of careful research, relying on some of the ideas Kakashi got from there, Cross-Country actually completely analyzed the secrets of the human body's rapid progress!

 That was two days ago, when Cross Country said goodbye to Uzumaki Kushina and was about to return home.

As a disciple of the Fourth Hokage and a cross-country senior, Kakashi is very busy even at ordinary times because of his ANBU title. In addition to practicing at home, Kakashi occasionally met Lin and visited some of the Fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Kushina, and other relatively close people.

 Among these close people, there must be no off-road seats.

 After all, with the little progress of cross-country, Kakashi gradually surpassed Kakashi, and Kakashi already regarded cross-country as a competitor!

However, a chance encounter means meeting by coincidence!

Off-road did not expect that right after sparring with Uzumaki Kushina, he would meet Kakashi who had just returned from a mission!

Then, because I had long wanted to get some secrets of Thunder Release from Kakashi, the focus was on the secret of Thunder Release that can activate human cells, I saw Kakashi visiting Uzumaki Kushina off-road, but it was not easy to catch him. When we arrived at Kakashi, we naturally had to ask Kakashi for advice!

  It was Kakashi, on the other hand. When faced with cross-country’s request for advice, he refused at first.

But there is no other way. The relationship between Cross Country and Uzumaki Kushina is already very good. Under the pressure of Uzumaki Kushina, Kakashi has no choice but to teach Cross Country about the ability of Thunder Release to activate human cells.

 Furthermore, apart from being strict when teaching, Kakashi really has no secrets when it comes to off-roading.

Even when using Raikiri, Kakashi also asked Cross Country to experience for himself how the Thunderbolt activates human cells!

 As for off-roading.

It happened to be with Kakashi's help that I completed the first phase of research today and realized why I was able to survive the terrifying thunder escape of Black Hoe Thunder Fang. Not only did I not die, but it was a coincidence. As a result, his body secrets have improved by leaps and bounds!

It turns out that the secret of the rapid advancement of the off-road human body secrets lies in the use of Thunder Escape by Black Hoe Thunder Fang!

“At the beginning, when Black Hoe Thunder Fang was preparing to kill me with his thunder escape, he probably didn’t even imagine that my body was different from that of ordinary ninjas!”

“First, I practice the spiritual arts of the Uzumaki clan, and when I traveled through time, I was accompanied by extraordinary spiritual energy, so my willpower is far beyond what ordinary people can match!”

“Second, when I fought against Black Hoe Thunder Ya, my human body secret had not been open for a long time, but that was also the state of the human body secret being opened, and the body’s recovery ability is not comparable to that of ordinary people!”

 “Third, it is to combine the two previous characteristics!”

“The huge amount of spiritual energy gives me super strong willpower, and I can stay sane under the stimulation of powerful thunderbolts!”

“The opening of the secrets of the human body makes my body’s endurance different from others!”

“The two work together to form a special condition!”

“This special condition may not be reflected on ordinary days, but when Black Hoe Thunder Fang used the Thunder Release Ninjutsu to kill me, it constituted a special factor!”

“It is also this special factor that makes Black Hoe Thunder Fang’s Thunder Release Ninjutsu that wants to kill me not only cause damage to me, but also inadvertently cause the effect of Thunder Release activated cells!”

“No wonder, under Black Hoe Thunder Fang’s Thunder Escape Ninjutsu, my human body secrets can be opened to 60%!”

“No wonder, after observing the situation in my body, Matedai ​​said that it will be very difficult for me to open the secrets of the human body in the future!”

Hunting secretly, Cross Country used his huge spiritual energy to sense himself, and saw that his body secrets were still at 60% open, and he couldn't help but sigh deeply.


 Because of the off-roading combined with my own situation, I suddenly recalled a scene in the original plot!

It was the scene of Kakashi taking the two Uchiha pillars to practice during the Chunin Examination.

At that time, in order to give the Second Pillar of Uchiha the power to target Gaara, Kakashi first taught it to the castrated version of the Second Pillar of Uchiha, Raikiri, who was the very famous Chidori in the original plot. When teaching Chidori, on the one hand, it was to enable the Uchiha Second Pillar to use Chidori.

On the other hand, it was to improve the chances of winning for the Second Pillar of Uchiha. Kakashi used the technique of activated cells with thunder escape to deliberately increase the strength and speed of the Second Pillar of Uchiha, so that the Second Pillar of Uchiha had Xiao Li at once. After practicing hard for many years, you need to release the weight to gain the strength and speed you need.

 But after that, Cross Country clearly remembered something Kakashi said to Uchiha Erzhu!

 That’s the disadvantage of using Thunder Activated Cells!

 That’s right!

 Using Thunder Activation Cells can indeed increase the strength and speed of a ninja at once.

But the Thunder Activated Cells cannot always be used. It suddenly increases the strength and speed of a ninja. In a simple way, it overdraws the potential of a ninja!

 Unless under specific circumstances, only by practicing hard can you continue to improve your strength and speed.

Otherwise, after using Thunder Escape to activate cells once, it will take many years of hard work to break through the invisible shackles and increase one's speed and strength again!

How similar is this situation to the situation of unlocking the hidden secrets of the human body during off-road training?

The skill of using thunder to activate cells has also improved by leaps and bounds!

We are also faced with an invisible shackles. Unless the shackles are broken, there will be no progress at all!

So, almost when I learned about the reason why my body’s hidden secrets had increased by leaps and bounds to 60%, I couldn’t help but sigh deeply. After all, according to some narrations of the original plot and Matt Dai's point of view, the rapid advancement of cross-country's human body secrets really means that apart from consolidating the foundation, there is really no other way to quickly unlock that layer. Invisible shackles.

 Fortunately, the sigh is just a temporary sigh when going off-road.

Now that we fully understand the reasons for the rapid development of secrets in the human body, there is still a certain amount of time to fully study it. Off-road firmly believes that the new characteristics of wind attribute chakra have been researched. If wind attribute chakra can be used, an activity comparable to thunder escape can be developed. As for the body quenching technique of converting cells, he really does not need to carry out the tedious, boring, and heavy practice every day. He only needs to practice the brand-new body quenching method every day to successfully unlock that invisible layer. of yoke.

It is also because of his firm belief that Cross Country is more determined to develop a brand new body quenching method.

However, just when Cross Country finished the first phase of research and was about to proceed to the second phase of research, a killing intent suddenly burst out from Zi Cross Country's eyes!

 Because at that moment, without the consent of the cross-country, an ANBU suddenly appeared behind the cross-country!

“It’s very rude to suddenly appear behind someone else’s back!”

“Besides, this is the place of my Nara clan, no matter whose subordinate you are.”

 “Paying the price is inevitable!”

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