Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 20: Shadow Hand

  What is the concept of increasing the amount of chakra to the genin level in just one training session?

It’s like a cross-country practice, which is equivalent to several months of hard work!

 At this stage, the reason that limits the increase in off-road chakra volume is simple: lack of energy in the body.

 Coming from time to time, off-roading itself has the characteristics of a time traveler, which is the advantage in spiritual energy. His mental energy far exceeds that of ordinary people. It is no exaggeration to say that if he has sufficient physical energy for off-roading, he will definitely have an innate advantage on the road of chakra cultivation. Maybe Uzumaki Naruto has a higher level of chakra during the same period. All aspects are lower than off-road.

  Unfortunately, the physical fitness of the Nara clan members is very average.

 So the limitation of physical energy has become a shackle for cross-country practice. Before receiving the help of APP, the main reason why cross-country failed to show amazing talent was based on physical fitness.

But who would have imagined that just a secret medicine of the Nara clan could actually make the shortcomings of physical energy in cross-country disappear!

 At once he had a chakra amount comparable to that of a genin. It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the cross-country itself was equivalent to jumping several steps, and there was a "qualitative" leap in one fell swoop!

Of course, off-roading has never felt that the secret medicine of the Nara clan can really have such a magical effect.

 Otherwise, it would not be the secret medicine of the Nara clan, but the miracle medicine of the Nara clan!

 Be able to cultivate a chakra amount comparable to that of a genin in one training session. Personally, I feel that cross-country is based on the assistance of the APP, mainly because of the existence of the BUFF that accelerates training.

 Then, feeling the abundant chakra in his body, it goes without saying that Cross Country undoubtedly gained more confidence in his fight with Uchiha Itachi.

 Even at that moment, Cross Country couldn't help but think to himself:

 “It would be great if the Nara clan could have more secret medicines!”

“Perhaps with the help of APP and the secret medicine of the Nara clan, I will be able to have chakra comparable to a Jonin after a few trainings!”

“Well, after I go back this time, I must ask Uncle Shikaku for more Nara secret medicine!”

“I have shown a talent for cultivation that is even better than that of God Itachi. I really don’t believe that the Nara clan is even reluctant to give me a few secret pills!”

I have to say that I was right about going off-road.

Furthermore, even if Uchiha failed to defeat Uchiha Itachi, based on his previous performance alone, Shikaku decided early on to provide the Nara clan's secret medicine for Uchiha's training without restriction.

What's more, the shadow shuriken used before going off-road was also a bargaining chip for him to obtain more training resources.

 A shadow shuriken completely makes up for the Nara clan's shortcomings in long-distance combat.

With this contribution alone, Off-road can firmly claim the title of the first person in the new generation of the Nara clan and establish his position among the Nara clan!

Then, I became a little familiar with the amount of chakra in my body, and made several detailed battle plans for my current strength. It can be seen that Cross Country has always been a cautious person. Even if he feels that his strength far exceeds Uchiha Itachi, he still treats the super genius in the original plot with caution.

 But at that moment, Cross Country also never imagined that the miraculous effect of combining the secret medicine of the Nara clan with the APP was still exerting its residual heat.

Immediately afterwards, just when Cross Country became familiar with his soaring strength, and was about to step out of the room a second ago and prepare to fight Uchiha Itachi, who would have thought that the voice of the APP echoed in Cross Country's mind again!


 “Accelerate R&D success!”

"Player, do you want to practice the "new" shadow imitation technique?"

 Accelerate research and development?

what does that mean?

Standing in place with slight shock, Off-Road quickly asked the APP what the **** is accelerated research and development.

Subsequently, in the APP’s answers, Shijie was pleasantly surprised to learn that it turns out that the accelerated cultivation of Nara’s secret medicine can not only be used for chakra cultivation, but also for research and development functions!

If you rely solely on the miraculous effects of the research and development function, combined with the shadow imitation technique and the shadow neck binding technique, it will take at least a few days to complete the research and development.

With the blessing of BUFF that accelerates training, in a very short time, the research and development function has brought another surprise to off-roading!

 That’s the “new” shadow mimicry!


 "By the way, modify the practice progress of the "new" shadow imitation technique!"


"Player, the progress of practicing the "new" shadow imitation technique is 100/100. Congratulations to the player for completing the practice of the "new" shadow imitation technique."

  "Please ask the players, please give a name to the "new" shadow imitation technique!"


Silently comprehending the "new" shadow imitation technique in his mind, Cross Country suddenly discovered that the effect of the "new" shadow imitation technique is very similar to the secret technique of the Nara clan improved by Nara Shikamaru in the original work!

 The name is Tentacles of Shadow!

Nara Shikamaru's Shadow Tentacle is a wonderful secret technique that condenses illusory shadows into physical tentacles, and then uses the special effect of the physical tentacles to touch entities to launch attacks.

The "new" shadow imitation technique mastered by Off-Road may be very similar to Shikamaru's improved Shadow Tentacle, but in terms of naming, Off-Road is still prepared to adopt its own ideas.

 “Hand of Shadow!”

“APP, this is the name of the new secret technique!”

“Okay, I’ve been delayed for a long time! God Weasel, I hope you won’t disappoint me!”

Whether it is the surge in chakra volume or the mastery of new techniques, Cross Country has full confidence in defeating Itachi Uchiha.

However, just when Cross Country had just walked out of the room and was preparing to accept the challenge from Uchiha Itachi, who would have thought that Uchiha Fugaku's voice suddenly reached Cross Country's ears.

"Shikaku, does it take that long to restore one chakra? If you Nara clan are afraid, just admit defeat. I'm very busy!"

When Uchiha Fugaku's voice fell, the Uchiha clan members who followed him began to boo. Only Uchiha Itachi remained silent, but the Uchiha clan's roar of laughter undoubtedly made Shikaku and the others feel embarrassed.

Especially as a cross-country uncle, Shikaku frowned as soon as Uchiha Fugaku finished speaking, and was about to refute.

However, without giving Shikaku a chance to refute, Cross Country appeared in front of everyone and said with a smile: "Lord Fugaku, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

“Oh? Are you back? Are you ready?”

 “I thought you had escaped just now! Hahahaha!”

There was another taunt, followed closely by the taunts of the Uchiha clan.

 But the more he faced the sarcasm of the Uchiha clan, the calmer he became in his heart.

He gestured to Shikaku and others next to him, indicating that there was no need for Shikaku and others to worry about him.

 took a few deep breaths, then cast his calm gaze on Uchiha Itachi, made a "please" gesture, and said with a smile: "Uchiha Itachi, let's start!"


Hearing the sound of off-roading, Uchiha Itachi nodded.

Soon, the people around him cleared a space for Uchiha Itachi, providing an area for the two to fight.

After everyone around him got out of the way, Cross Country and Uchiha Itachi looked at each other. When he saw Uchiha Itachi's right hand touching the ninja tool bag, Cross Country knew!

 His confrontation with Uchiha Itachi began from this moment!

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