Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 21: Confrontation

 Nara Cross Country, four years old!

 Uchiha Itachi, also four years old!

 In the original world of off-roading, what can a four-year-old child do?

Even in the Naruto world, logically speaking, not many people are willing to watch a fight between four-year-old children.

 However, just because Nara Cross Country and Uchiha Itachi are the elites of the new generation of the Nara clan and the Uchiha clan respectively, those watching the battle were all focused, for fear of missing some wonderful moment.

Even before the cross-country battle between Uchiha Itachi and Hizashi, there were some more boys and girls in Hizashi's mansion.

 These people are the new generation elites of various families.

 What they really need to focus on is the gap between themselves and real geniuses!

"I feel that Uchiha Itachi must have won. After all, the Uchiha clan is a wealthy family, so who are the Nara clan?"

“Humph, what is the Uchiha clan? You must have not seen how many Uchiha clan members the cross-country has just defeated, that’s why you said that!”

“That’s right! If one versus four can win in cross-country, what does one Uchiha Itachi mean?”

“But I heard that Uchiha Itachi has mastered the Fire Release Ninjutsu early on and is known as the number one genius in the Uchiha clan. No matter how powerful he is in cross-country, he probably won’t be able to win easily, right?”

 Before the fight between Cross Country and Uchiha Itachi began, the juniors from each family secretly commented on the fight between the two.

There is no doubt that there are not a few people who support cross-country at this time. The reason is naturally that he has defeated the four new generation elites of the Uchiha clan before and proved himself long before Uchiha Itachi!

However, what shocked everyone who went off-road was that in such a noisy environment, Uchiha Itachi was not disturbed by the noise at all, and his eyes were still so indifferent!

 Or calm down!

Moreover, just when Uchiha Itachi made a "please" gesture to Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Itachi's right hand touched the ninja tool bag, and then several afterimages quickly struck in the direction of Uchiha Itachi!

"here we go!"

Looking closely at the afterimages coming at high speed in front of you, how could you not know off-road, that is the Uchiha clan's excellent shuriken throwing technique!

In the original plot, the Uchiha clan's signatures, in addition to the Sharingan in terms of blood succession, are the shuriken throwing technique and the powerful fire escape ninjutsu!

Whether it is shuriken throwing technique or fire escape ninjutsu, they are very common in the ninja world.

However, the fact that the Uchiha clan can use common throwing techniques and fire escape ninjutsu so well proves the Uchiha clan's talent in this area!

 Uchiha Itachi is a rare genius in the Uchiha clan, and his talent in this area is naturally very amazing!

Therefore, when the shuriken thrown by Uchiha Itachi turned into an afterimage and actually drew a beautiful arc in the mid-air, completely sealing off the hiding space of the cross-country, the cross-country knew the reputation of the Itachi god. Sure enough, There is no falsehood at all!

“Uchiha Itachi is indeed quite powerful.”

 “But you want to defeat me with just a shuriken? Dream on!”

 Glancing in the direction of Uchiha Itachi from the corner of his eye, Cross Country smiled slightly, and at the same time reached for his ninja bag and took out a few shurikens.

Possibly, the off-road shuriken is not as good as Uchiha Itachi, not to mention that when throwing the shuriken, it is thrown in an arc. As far as throwing it in a straight line, whether the cross-country can successfully hit the target is a problem. Therefore, in terms of the attainment of hidden weapons, Itachi is a few blocks away from the cross-country!

 But on the defensive end, as long as the shurikens thrown cross-country are somewhat accurate, it is enough.

Immediately afterwards, several shurikens were thrown out, and the sound of clanging bells kept ringing.

At that moment, Cross Country suddenly used the thrown shuriken to resolve the crisis in front of him. Unexpectedly, Uchiha Itachi didn't give Cross Country any time to breathe, and immediately threw out several more shurikens. The collision with the shurikens in front actually changed the flight trajectories of some shurikens!

“Uchiha Itachi is indeed the genius of the Uchiha clan!”

“Shuriken throwing skills are enough to deal with ordinary genin, but off-roading is dangerous!”

 “There is no time to even use the secret technique in cross-country, I think Uchiha Itachi will win soon!”

Seeing that there is no time left for the cross-country connection seal, from the perspective of most Jonin, they feel that there is no hope of winning in the cross-country.


These people still underestimate the strength of cross-country, even Uchiha Itachi is no exception!

 Is there really no time for sealing?


 There is time to form the seal, but it is only a few seconds!

However, Cross Country is just a four-year-old child. Who can imagine that Cross Country can complete the secret skills of the Nara clan in such a short period of time?

Only one person, while watching the confrontation between Cross Country and Uchiha Itachi, was convinced that Cross Country could complete the secret technique of the Nara clan in a very short time!

That person is naturally the off-road uncle, the leader of the Nara clan, Nara Shikaku!

 “Hmph, you all underestimate off-roading!”

 “Off-road, now is your chance!”

There was a ray of light in his eyes. Lujiu smiled and looked at the cross country. Sure enough, the cross country started to form seals!

Moreover, at the moment when Cross Country formed the seal, the shuriken thrown by Itachi Uchiha hit Cross Country's body, and there was a "bang" sound!


 It turns out that when the shuriken hit Cross Country, Cross Country used the substitute technique to resolve the crisis.

At the moment when Cross Country resolved the crisis, Uchiha Itachi saw a black shadow extending on the ground, which was Cross Country's shadow imitation technique!

 In the distance, squatting on the ground, bearing the secret seal of the Nara clan, with a smile on his face.

 It is naturally impossible for a shadow imitation technique to defeat Uchiha Itachi.

But as early as when he used the shadow imitation technique, Cross Country predicted Uchiha Itachi's evasive method. Then when Uchiha Itachi did a backflip and prepared to escape the limited distance of the shadow imitation technique, Cross Country's confident voice echoed in Next to Uchiha Itachi's ear!

 "Take two steps back, Itachi Uchiha, you are about to enter the range of my Shadow Sewing Technique!"


Off-road suddenly made a sound, and a look of panic flashed across Uchiha Itachi's eyes.

Because what Cross Country said was not wrong at all, when the Shadow Imitation Technique attacked Uchiha Itachi from the front, Cross Country's Shadow Sewing Technique bypassed the surrounding kunai, and a black shadow actually extended from Uchiha Itachi's rear. , blocked Uchiha Itachi's dodge route!

What kind of horrific plan is that?

 What kind of horrific plan is it?

 Uchiha Itachi never expected that when he was planning the next move for Cross Country, Cross Country actually planned it earlier than him!

Moreover, the cross-country plan was not wrong at all. Uchiha Itachi took a step back. Sure enough, he found that if he took another step back, he would fail under the restraint of the shadow suture technique.

So in panic, Uchiha Itachi put his hands on the ground and jumped, preparing to fly into the air to dodge.

But how could Uchiha Itachi imagine that Cross Country reminded him about the Shadow Sewing Technique just to make Uchiha Itachi fly into the air!

 Next second!

Taking advantage of the flaw exposed by Uchiha Itachi flying in the air, the cross-country seal formation method suddenly changed. A victorious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he smiled lightly:

 “Uchiha Itachi, you lose!”

 “Shadow Suture!”


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