Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 205: Talisman Liberation

 “Enemy attack?”

A familiar voice came, and God Itachi felt his heart tremble when he saw the blood-stained hands on the cross-country.

Later, without any intention of asking, the smart Itachi kept up with the cross-country pace and hurried to the camp where Lin and a group of ninja school students were, trying his best to adjust his body while running back. state.

Especially looking at the slightly serious face of Off-Road, Itachi, who was still in his rookie stage, couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat on his palms.

 Obviously, God Weasel at that time was secretly nervous about what kind of enemy could make cross-country so serious.

As for off-roading, what happened to him who disappeared from Weasel God’s sight before?

Then we have to disappear quietly from the off-road into the camp, and go secretly to solve the troubles hidden around us!

In the camp, listening to the discussions of the immature students around me, I knew that the training mission was about to be completed. It was very likely that there was no need to complete some of the special instructions given by the Fourth Hokage. I was secretly relieved when I went cross-country. Prepare to use wind sense for the last time to observe the surrounding situation.

 Undoubtedly, the calmness of the whole four days has made the tense nerves of the cross-country somewhat relaxed.

 But who would have thought that just when Cross Country was preparing to use the Wind Sense for the last time, some subtle changes in the Wind Sense would suddenly attract Cross Country's attention!

Immediately afterwards, without any hesitation, Cross Country hid his figure directly in front of Lin, Itachi God and others. Immediately, when one side of the cross-country went to the location where the abnormality appeared in the sense of wind, the other side of the cross-country secretly recalled the special instructions of the Fourth Hokage and secretly thought:

“The second item in Minato-sensei’s special instructions is about the training mission led by Lin. All the information is being leaked continuously. It is indeed correct!”

“Obviously it was just an ordinary training mission, but something abnormal happened on the last day of the training mission. It was obviously arranged by our enemies early on.”

“But why does Minato-sensei still insist on arranging the training mission even though he knows that our mission information has been leaked?”

"Could it be that"

“Did Minato-sensei deliberately leak information and slowly lure these enemies hiding in the dark to reveal themselves?”

 “Who is the unknown enemy?”

 Use the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique to rush to the place where the wind perception is abnormal as quickly as possible.

As he headed there, Cross Country frowned, and his eyes were filled with confusion. He was obviously confused about what kind of medicine the Fourth Hokage was selling in his gourd, and he was also confused about the identity of the unknown enemy!

However, just when Off-Road left the Itachi God far behind, and suddenly headed to the location where the wind sense detected an abnormality in a few seconds, Off-Road, who was originally frowning, suddenly showed shock. expression!

 Want to ask why off-roading is shocking?

The reason is that almost when Cross Country arrived at the location where the abnormality appeared, traces of several Mist Ninja Anbu were clearly reflected in Cross Country's slightly contracted pupils!

 “Oops, exposed!”

 “Kill that brat and don’t let our plan be exposed!”


 The moment Cross Country appeared, the several Mist Ninja Anbu in front were instantly ready to silence them.

It's a pity that even though Konoha's intelligence leaked out, the Mist Ninja ANBU had been prepared early, but unfortunately their preparations were still not sufficient!

 Among them, the most neglectful aspect of the Mist Ninja Anbu was the leaked information from Konoha!

According to information leaked from Konoha, in the team where Cross Country, Lin and others are located, except for Lin who needs the Mist Ninja Anbu to be a little more careful, the other Konoha ninjas who are with Lin are all brats from the ninja school. Just the head.

 Under such circumstances, those Mist Ninja Anbu discovered the traces of Cross Country, and naturally thought that Cross Country was also a kid from the ninja school!

 But is the real situation really like that?


 Completely wrong!

Therefore, when Cross Country discovered that the several Mist Ninja Anbu in front of him did not show their true strength, but came to silence them with a sense of indifference, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of Zi Cross Country's mouth. The new secret technique was used, and under the condition of fully displaying the power of Senbon, Cross-Country was able to kill all the Mist Ninja Anbu in front of it in the blink of an eye!

 Only when handling the corpses of these Mist Ninja Anbu later, did the palms become stained with streaks of bright red blood!

"The power of the Palm Blade Senbon is indeed extraordinary. There may not be jounin-level ninjas among these Mist Ninja ANBU, but the record of one Mist Ninja ANBU being able to kill a Mist Ninja Senbon with just one Palm Blade is enough to prove my new secret of Hayate Ryu." The power of magic!"

"Another point!"

"I was able to get rid of these Mist Ninja Anbu so quickly, which shows that Minato-sensei's plan worked!"

"Three months ago, I was asked to hide my strength and enter the ninja school for further training. These Mist Ninja ANBU obviously believed too much in the intelligence they had, so they did not be too wary of me, which led to their eventual annihilation!"


Huttered to himself, Cross Country's eyes were locked on the forehead protectors of those Mist Ninja Anbu, and then even the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely!

"But, Minato-sensei, is your plan really well planned?"

“Even if you pointed it out in the special instructions later, there are some of our own among the enemy ninjas.”

“But it’s okay if you used Lin as bait once! Now you use Lin as bait twice to destroy the plans of the Mist Ninja. Is this really fair to Lin?”

“The last time you fought against the Mist Ninja, you took advantage of Lin and won by chance!”

 “Do you think a coincidence can happen twice?”

"Do you really think that Lin can listen to you and complete the task carefully? She is just a tool?"

After easily defeating the ANBU of the Mist Ninja in front of him, Cross Country did not feel the slightest bit happy. Instead, it was because of some of the plans of the Fourth Hokage that led to Cross Country's plan, which also created a trace of excitement in the communication between Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage. Tiny cracks.

 There is no doubt that the plan of the Fourth Hokage is not wrong.

 After all, using one Lin in exchange for more benefits, even when making cross-country plans, some Lin's special status may have to be used.

 But don’t forget, why does Cross Country hate Shimura Danzo?

 Didn’t he just hate Danzo Shimura’s extreme methods and his attitude of using others as tools?

 So, the first time the Fourth Hokage used Lin, cross-country can be regarded as the inertia of history. After all, in the original plot, the Fourth Hokage used Lin once.

  But what about the second time? What about the third time?

 At this time, there was a second use of Lin, so is it far away for the Fourth Hokage to use Lin for a third time?

 When he discovered that the unknown enemy was actually the Mist Ninja, Cross Country obviously had a deeper understanding of the Fourth Hokage's plan.

 But the more he understood, the more chilled he felt towards the Fourth Hokage.

 Under such circumstances, off-roading will inevitably feel like the Third Hokage, and the Fourth Hokage feels a little strange!

  There was even a rift in the communication with the Fourth Hokage!

At this moment, knowing that the enemy is the ninja on the side of the Mist Ninja, a rift has already arisen in the relationship between Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage. It is a rift that the Fourth Hokage cannot repair no matter what means he uses.

 It’s just that at the critical moment of the mission, cross-country must not be taken lightly, so that’s why I didn’t overthink the issue of cracks.

Especially when Cross Country discovered that Itachi God was silently following him, and Cross Country was worried that the Mist Ninja might have other plans, and he was worried that Madara, who was hiding behind the Mist Ninja, might have a terrible plan. , while Cross Country quickly rushed to the camp with the Itachi God, he silently took out the ANBU mask from the seal scroll and put it on his face.

However, even in the cross-country, even Itachi God felt that even if the mist ninja was of extremely high quality and had particularly strong execution ability, Lin and others in the camp could handle some emergencies when they rushed back to the camp.丨 During the situation, the off-roader who had just rushed back to the camp one second was holding the Itachi God's shoulders and hiding in the grass around the previous camp the next second!

Because, when Off-Road held down the shoulders of the Weasel God and hid in the grass around the camp, the last thing that Off-Road wanted to see was that it suddenly happened in front of him!


 “Are you liberated?”

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