Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 206: time bomb


“Off-road, could it be that your secret mission is related to the talisman in Teacher Lin’s body?”

 “Wait! Cross-country, what do you want to do?”

Under the guidance of Off-Road, the Weasel God, who was about to confront the group of mist ninjas in the camp when he returned to the camp, directly followed Off-Road to hide in the grass around the camp.

A few days ago, God Weasel knew that Cross Country was performing a secret mission, and he must not be able to ask questions under easy circumstances. Because the smart God Itachi knew very well that when the ANBU performed secret missions, the more he knew, it would not be of any benefit to himself or the Uchiha clan.

 So, although the cross-country performance is mysterious, the wise Weasel God is silently watching the cross-country performance.

Who would have thought that under the extreme shock of off-roading, when Lin's little secret was revealed, Itachi God subconsciously asked questions when his eyes narrowed slightly.

  Unfortunately, God Weasel was not given a chance to continue asking questions, so Cross Country fell with a sword from his hand.

At that moment, Cross Country stunned Weasel God with his knife, and slowly placed the unconscious Weasel God in the grass.

 “Sorry, Weasel God.”

“I can actually tell you about the spell.”

“But Minato-sensei’s special instructions clearly state that as long as anyone else discovers Lin’s secret, even the students in the ninja school will be killed.”

“So, in order to prevent you from dying at the hands of your classmates in the same village like other students, you can only.”

 “I can only wrong you!”

With a silent thought, Cross Country hurriedly placed some small traps next to the unconscious Weasel God to prevent Weasel God from falling on the battlefield in front of him. After that, Cross Country looked at the other students in the camp with sad eyes, because these students had witnessed the release of the spell on Lin. According to the special instructions of the Fourth Hokage, these students must die in Cross Country. In hand!

 Obviously, this is the cruel part of the Fourth Hokage's special instructions.

 Whether it is a companion or an enemy.

As long as Lin's secret is discovered, there is only one result, and that is to kill without mercy.

It is also because of this rule that when I read the special instructions of the Fourth Hokage for the first time, I suddenly felt that there was some shadow of Danzo Shimura in the special instructions of the Fourth Hokage.


If Off-Road knew that Shimura Danzo was his collaborator in the Fourth Hokage's plan, then Off-Road might be relieved. Why does the Fourth Hokage's special instructions contain so many shadows of Shimura Danzo!

 Unfortunately, the cross-country is not clear now. The collaborator of the Fourth Hokage is Shimura Danzo.

Witnessing the front, several Mist Ninja ANBU were controlling the ninja school students, and when three Mist Ninja ANBU went to liberate the talisman in Lin's body, he barely made it necessary for Itachi God to die in the cross-country in this battle, and what was going on in his head. There is only one thing to do!

 That was the Fourth Hokage's plan three months ago. What was the plan with Lin as the protagonist?

However, before talking about the Fourth Hokage's plan, we must talk about what the talisman in Lin's body is.

After all, in addition to Lin being the central point in the Fourth Hokage's plan, the talisman was another central point.

A few months ago, in the war that Cross Country participated in, the real strategy of the Mist Ninja was to use the trick to **** Rin, who had sneaked into the Mist Ninja Village and secretly became the Three-tailed Isozo Jinchuuriki, back to the Konoha Village, and cast the Three-Tailed Isozo in the Konoha Village. The power gave the Fourth Hokage, and even the entire Konoha Village, a devastating blow.

So, who is the person behind this plan who is hiding behind the fog ninja?

 The answer is Madara!

So, how did Madara control Lin, who was the Three-Tailed Isodon Jinchuuriki, to successfully cast the Three-Tailed Isozo in Konoha Village?

 The answer is the talisman on Lin's body!

  The talisman inside Lin's body can be said to have been designed by Madara himself.

 With that spell, Rin transformed from an ordinary three-tailed jinchuriki into a time bomb.

As long as Madara wants to detonate the time bomb, he doesn't need to do it himself. He can easily do it by sending a few fog ninjas who can release the spell.

 However, in the previous battles, due to some aspects of off-roading, Madara ended up losing everything.

Not only did he not use Lin to complete Uchiha Obito's "blackening" path, but he also allowed Kakashi to successfully regain Lin, the three-tailed jinchuriki. The bargaining chip in his hand was that Lin was missing. A time bomb.

However, Madara lost a time bomb, but after the war, the Fourth Hokage, who learned some things from Lin, couldn't just watch this time bomb placed in Konoha Village, and it might explode at any time. ?

 In this way, there is the plan of the Fourth Hokage!

 The first step is to place the students you trust in the ninja school. This becomes the first foreshadowing in the plan.

 The second step is to arrange for Lin to guide an experience mission. First, smoothly transfer Lin to leave Konoha Village, and then arrange for cross-country to carry out special instructions to complete the foreshadowing of the second step!

The third step is to control the leakage of one's own intelligence, use the nails embedded in the Mist Ninja to release the talisman in Lin's body, and successfully detonate the time bomb.

The fourth step is to use the long-hidden trump card of cross-country, combined with the nails installed in the Mist Ninja, to re-seal the three-tailed zodiac in Lin's body and completely eliminate the hidden dangers in Lin's body. After that, all the insiders were killed, which was the entire plan of the Fourth Hokage. It was also a task that needed to be completed in cross-country.

 Step by step, the Fourth Hokage's plan is really terrifying.

 No wonder, when the Sannin were all at their peak, the Fourth Hokage was able to step into the eyes of the Third Hokage, and then he was able to seize one opportunity after another to become the Fourth Hokage after the Third Hokage!

After fully understanding the plan of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country sneered secretly and held the scroll with special instructions recorded by the Fourth Hokage in his hand.

 Don’t underestimate the scrolls in the hands of cross-country players.

It is this scroll, which contains the sealing technique designed by Uzumaki Kushina, which is enough to re-seal the time bomb in Lin's body when the time bomb explodes, and solve all the hidden dangers in Lin's body.

However, when the talisman in Lin's body began to be released, why did Cross Country still not go to seal the three-tailed zodiac, but instead waited silently for Lin to leak the power of the tailed beast in her body little by little?

 There is only one reason, that is, Cross Country is not sure to use the scroll in his hand to re-seal the Three Tails under the siege of the Mist Ninja!

“Minato-sensei, you really think highly of me!”

“Right now, the traitor in the Mist Ninja has not shown up yet. How do you want me to re-seal the three-tailed zodiac in Lin’s body when facing more than ten Mist Ninjas?”

“Or are you saying that in your final plan, if there is no other way, Lin and I will be sacrificed?”

 “Your plan.”

 “Oh, it’s so perfect!”

 No wonder, at this time, Cross Country had to use very dark thoughts to figure out the plans of the Fourth Hokage.

 In fact, the Fourth Hokage took advantage of Lin twice. There was a rift in the relationship between Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage, which caused Cross Country to distrust the Fourth Hokage!


  How great the Fourth Hokage in the original plot is, and why is it so convincing!

 However, with the emergence of that little crack, the Fourth Hokage in Cross Country's heart obviously lost his majestic aura and became a guy similar to Shimura Danzo.

So, the choice of off-roading at this time is also excusable.

However, the plan must always be completed. Cross Country is not the fourth generation Hokage who can give up on Lin at a critical moment and return to Konoha Village with Itachi God as if nothing happened. Therefore, the cross-country at this time is more about waiting, silently waiting for the "companion" in the Mist Ninja to show up and cooperate with him to complete the plan of the Fourth Hokage.

 Unfortunately, one sentence is very true, that is, plans often fail to keep up with changes!

Then, just as Cross Country took a deep breath and kept in shape, waiting for the opportunity, an accident suddenly happened!


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