Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 207: Mio Shoen


While silently waiting for the opportunity to come while going off-road, an unexpected event suddenly happened, which suddenly changed the situation in front of us!

And the reason for that accident was because the ANBU of the Mist Ninja in front of Cross Country underestimated the power of the Three-Tailed Izodiac!

While the talisman in Lin's body still exists, Lin is at best a time bomb. And if the time bomb does not detonate, its function is basically the same as an ordinary brick.

Rather, it was only when the talisman gradually began to be liberated under the planning of the Mist Ninja that the terrifying power contained in the time bomb was released!

However, if Madara’s original plan was to go by, he would probably have sent these Mist Ninja Anbu to liberate the power of the three-tailed Isobi, and then take the three-tailed Isobi back to the Mist Ninja Village.

  After all, without the three-tailed Isozu, the power of the Mist Ninja Village will be further weakened.

What’s the point of Madara taking control of a Kiri Ninja Village with no power?

So, these Mist Ninja Anbu in front of Cross Country came to liberate the talisman in Lin's body when Konoha's information leaked, and prepared to take back the three-tailed Isodon from Lin's body.

But these mist ninja ANBU should never, absolutely should not underestimate the power of the three-tailed Isozu!

I thought that by liberating the talisman in Kailin's body, I would be able to easily obtain the Three-Tailed Isophobia and successfully seal the Three-Tailed Isophobia. Who would have thought that just as the talisman in Lin's body was released, the time bomb that had been hidden in Lin's body suddenly exploded, and then the power of the Three-Tailed Isotope suddenly appeared in front of these Mist Ninja Anbu!

 “Damn it! That’s the power of the three tails, run away!”

 The first time he noticed the explosion of power of the Three-tailed Isophobia, one of the three ANBU of the mist ninja who went to liberate the talisman in Lin's body was the first to discover the abnormality of the Three-tailed Isophobia.

 However, this accident came so suddenly!

Suddenly, even if there were warnings from the Mist Ninja Anbu, the Mist Ninja Anbu who went to liberate the talisman in Lin's body still had no way to smoothly avoid the sudden burst of power from the Three-Tailed Isoten!

 What kind of terrifying power is that?

 Suddenly, the talisman was released, and the three-tailed chakra just emerged from Lin's body.

 Next second!

 It only took one second!

 The fiery red chakra was condensed and formed, and the power burst out from Lin's body, splitting the seals of the three Mist Ninja Anbu in an instant!


 Following that, there was another loud noise!

 The seal was completely broken, and the three Mist Ninja ANBU directly lost their ability to fight due to the backlash from their spells.

 Silently resisting the backlash of chakra in the body, and always paying attention to Lin's rampage, one can imagine the mood of the three fog ninja ANBU.

However, the three fog ninja Anbu did not give the three fog ninja ANBU a chance to react. Lin, who was wearing the tailed beast's clothes and even her pupils began to gradually transform into beast pupils, suddenly fell on the three fog ninja Anbu with cruel eyes. Shinobi Anbu's body!

 Then, there is no more!

The bright red tail pierced straight towards her. It was the tail formed by the three-tailed sandy chakra that quickly condensed behind Lin!

 It is also the tail that contains a terrifying aura, just when it is piercing directly!

The three Anbu Mist ninjas who had suffered backlash from the previous spell had their hearts completely broken when the three tails penetrated them together, and their bodies instantly lost the breath of life!

 After the death of the three mist ninja Anbu, a flash of light flashed in Zixie's eyes!

 It’s chaos, it’s all chaos!

 The sudden outbreak of the Three-Tailed Isophobia and Lin's transformation into a tailed beast immediately plunged the Kiri Ninja ANBU into panic.

Especially when Lin was wearing the tailed beast's clothes, she obviously lost her mind, which made these Mist Ninja Anbu feel like they were riding a tiger!

This is because the three-tailed rock star in Lin's body has not been fully released, which means that the spell in Lin's body has not been completely released. It is just that the power of the three-tailed rock star broke through the spell and was reflected in Lin's body.

 In such a situation, the Mist Ninja Anbu has too many things to do!

 First of all, the rampaging Lin must be captured and the power of the three-tailed Izodiac must be completely released.

Secondly, when facing the Three-Tailed Isophobia, you must seal the Three-Tailed Isophobia before you can return to the Mist Ninja Village.

 Finally, the power of the Three-tailed Isophobia in Lin's body exploded, which must have attracted the attention of the ninjas of Konoha Village. After all, the guards of the Konoha Uchiha clan are not vegetarians!

 At this time, it was very difficult for the Mist Ninja Anbu to complete every step of their plan.

Especially when Lin was wearing the clothes of a tailed beast and one member of the Mist Ninja ANBU was reduced, a figure suddenly appeared, which made the situation faced by the Mist Ninja ANBU even worse!

 And the figure that suddenly appeared was off-road!

  “Gateful flow!”

 “A thousand swords in the palm of your hand!”




 In an instant, Sanwei Isao was shocked by the sudden accident, which made the Mist Ninjas appear to be in a hurry. Instead, it gave the cross-country side a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The Mist Ninja Anbu's energy was mainly focused on Lin. Cross-country took the opportunity to suddenly appear. It was possible to stabilize the situation in front of them before the "nail" in the Mist Ninja Anbu showed up, and then waited silently. The talisman in Lin's body was completely released, and she used the scroll specially made by the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina to re-seal the three-tailed Isozu.

 So, in that momentary gap, Cross Country appeared!

Moreover, almost the moment Cross Country appeared, the Hayate Style Secret Technique Palm Blade Senbon was used directly!

As one after another blue Senbon flew towards the surrounding enemies under the control of Off-Road, the second time Off-Road used Senbon's Palm Blade in the confrontation, it was clear that he was using the "annihilation" of the wind attribute chakra. "New feature, clean up the battlefield in the blink of an eye!"

  Immediately afterwards, all the weaker ninjas in the ANBU of the Mist Ninja were killed!

Even those weak ninja school students did not even have time to scream, and they lost their lives under the hands of the off-road sword Senbon!

 In the battlefield, what is even more terrifying is undoubtedly the new feature of “annihilation” for off-road mastery!

Regardless of the cross-country Senbon swords, there are often only one or two Senbon pierced into the bodies of those Mist Ninja Anbu and Ninja School students. However, with the sudden explosion of the new characteristic of "annihilation", those tiny thousand books transformed into existences like death's scythes!

 One second ago, the palm blade Senbon pierced the body of a Mist ninja ANBU.

The next second, the new feature of "annihilation" suddenly appeared. Where the blue Senbon hit the Anbu of the Mist Ninja, a depression suddenly appeared!

Moreover, as the depression expanded a little bit, the Mist Ninja Anbu's body collapsed bit by bit under the horrified eyes of his companions, and gradually turned into a mud of flesh and blood, paralyzing on the ground. !

There is no doubt that the power that a thousand swords can produce makes those Anbu of the Mist Ninja during the "Blood Mist" period feel trembling with fear.

Especially when they saw the miserable death of their comrades who were turned into flesh after being hit by the Senbon Blade, the ANBU members of the Mist Ninja who had escaped with their lives under the Senbon Blade of the Cross Country, their eyes towards Cross Country became even more strange. .

However, there was no time to investigate the death of his companions, and even less time to investigate why Cross Country killed his companions.

The next moment, the eyes of the Mist Ninja Anbu were all locked on the Cross Country. Obviously, with the Cross Country fully displaying the new feature of "annihilation", all the Mist Ninja ANBU regarded the Cross Country as the first priority to solve. The goal. Immediately, under the attention of countless pairs of eyes with murderous intent, four fog ninja ANBU rushed towards him at the same time, hoping to quickly solve the cross-country.

 However, what shocked those Mist Ninja Anbu and even the off-roaders!

Just when the four fog ninja Anbu rushed towards him, and Cross Country formed seals with his hands, ready to counterattack, Lin, wearing the clothes of a tailed beast, with a look of madness in her eyes, suddenly appeared in front of Cross Country. forward!

Lin actually came to help the cross-country warrior who was fighting alone without any sense, as if subconsciously, but more like instinct!

 “Could it be.”

“Is this the reason why Minato-sensei appointed Lin to be the three-tailed jinchūriki?”

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