Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 209: It's you?

 Shadow Shield!

  App's research and development functions, the shadow clone technique and defensive characteristics, are the new secret techniques of the Nara clan that were developed a few months ago.

However, when the new secret technique of the Nara clan, the Shadow Shield, was successfully developed, they used the APP to speed up their training and quickly understood the secrets of the Shadow Shield. At best, they felt that the new secret technique of the Nara clan, the Shadow Shield, was just a B-level Nara clan. It’s just a secret technique, let alone comparing it with the S-level Nara clan’s secret technique Shadow Realm Arrival, let’s compare it with Shadow Hand, Shadow Clone Technique and other Nara clan’s secret techniques. Even in cross-country, I feel that it must be the effect of Shadow Shield. Not even close.

However, the effect of using the Shadow Shield in Cross-Country at that time was probably not as good as I imagined. I was just depressed for a while, and then I felt relieved.

 The reason for cross-country relief is to comfort myself silently in my heart, thinking that I have grown too fast, so it is easy to master, and the effect of using the Shadow Shield, which consumes very little chakra, is somewhat unsatisfactory.

However, this time when Off-Road actually used the Shadow Shield and carefully understood the effect of using the Shadow Shield, a look of surprise suddenly appeared in Off-Road's eyes!

 It was also at that moment that cross-country was truly understood!

It turns out that the effect of the Shadow Shield is not as unsatisfactory as he imagined. When he deeply felt the effect of the Shadow Shield, he felt that the Shadow Shield he used was a perfect secret technique of the Nara clan!

It is simply comparable to the secret technique of the Nara clan, which is comparable to the advent of the shadow world and is also an S-level secret!

So, why is there such a big psychological gap between the Shadow Shield in Cross Country's imagination and the Shadow Shield after actual use, and why can he have two almost extreme evaluations?

 The reason lies in the super defensive ability of the Shadow Shield!

  At the very beginning, when Cross Country realized how to use the Shadow Shield, it was nothing more than feeling the effect of using the Shadow Shield, which was just a form change of the Shadow Clone Technique.

Before mastering the Shadow Shield, off-roaders can still use shadow clones to defend themselves when using the shadow clone technique. The change of the Shadow Shield is to change the shape of the shadow clone when using the shadow clone for defense, turning the shadow clone into a shield, and reducing some chakra consumption.

Obviously, if the effect of Shadow Shield is really what Cross Country thinks, then there are some false elements in saying that Shadow Shield is a B-level secret skill of the Nara clan.


 At this time, when the Shadow Shield was actually used, Cross Country's mental impression of the Shadow Shield completely collapsed!

Who said that the Shadow Shield is just the form change of a shadow clone?

Who said that the defensive ability of Shadow Shield is the same as that of ordinary shadow clones?

 It’s all farts!

In the case of actually using the Shadow Shield, off-road, it was suddenly discovered that the defensive capabilities of the Shadow Shield were not comparable to those of the Shadow Clone!

The products produced by the R&D function of APP indeed have a law that they must be high-quality products!

The Ninjutsu and Secret Techniques produced through the APP's research and development function, indeed, the longer the research time, the better the results will be!

If, when Lin wears the Tailed Beast Clothes and uses the tail on her back to attack, Off-Road uses an ordinary shadow clone to defend, then needless to say, the result must be that Off-Road's shadow clone is instantly shattered there, with Lin controlling it The tail condensed from the Tailed Beast Clothes attacked, but at most it was slightly weakened by the defense of the shadow clone.

Immediately afterwards, Lin's tail condensed with the Tailed Beast Clothes was still about to be thrown on the cross-country body, causing serious injuries to the cross-country.

 After all, Lin's strength cannot be estimated by ordinary methods when she is wearing the clothes of a tailed beast.

Before that, the reason why Cross-Country could easily kill four Mist Ninja Anbu, in addition to using the new secret technique of Hayate Flow, didn't it rely more on Lin's terrifying power of the three-tailed power?

 However, when using the Shadow Shield, off-roading is not just as simple as defending against Lin's attack?

In an instant, Lin, who was wearing the tailed beast's clothes, was swept by the condensed tail. It was in extreme panic and no other way that she reluctantly used it. It consumes very little chakra and uses it very quickly. The Shadow Shield is used for defense!

 The shadow at the foot of the cross-country condensed into shape instantly and transformed into the form of a shield. When defending in front of the cross-country, there was only a muffled sound of "bang"!

 The cross-country Shadow Shield not only defended Lin's tail condensed with Tailed Beast Clothes!

When the Shadow Shield frontally defended the tail that contained endless power, Cross Country didn't even feel the aftermath of the power at all!

What kind of terrifying defense is that?

Just talking about this terrifying defensive ability, it can be proved that the Shadow Shield is an S-level Nara clan's secret technique that is no less than the Shadow World Advent!

 “What a powerful defense! It seems that I really underestimated the defensive ability of the Shadow Shield before!”

“This is a terrifying defense that can defeat even the power of a tailed beast head-on, coupled with its ability to cast spells quickly and consume very little chakra.”

“Shadow Shield, if it’s not an S-level secret technique of the Nara clan, what is it?”

"not to mention"

 Secretly marveling at the super defensive ability of the Shadow Shield, silently sighing that the Shadow Shield must be a secret technique of the Nara clan.

 In an instant, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Zi Cross Country's eyes, and soon a new idea appeared in Zi Cross Country's mind.

"What's more, the development limit of Shadow Shield is definitely not as simple as forming a shield-like defense!"

"If I can further change the form of the Shadow Shield and change the form of the Shadow Shield into armor, wouldn't it be possible for me to confront the tailed beast head-on while wearing the "Shadow Armor"?"

“As long as the advanced secret technique of Shadow Shield can be successfully developed and the Shadow Armor can be successfully mastered in my hands, then”

“When the Nine-Tailed Battle breaks out in a few months, I will have the power to defeat the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox head-on!”

 “APP! The Shadow Shield you developed has given me so many surprises!”

A flash of light flashed in the eyes, and a new idea was formed in the cross-country mind. It can be said that the sense of urgency in the cross-country heart was reduced a lot!

However, even in extreme surprises, off-roading is still the calm off-roading.

 So, the look of surprise only appeared in Cross Country's eyes for a moment. Then when Cross Country examined the situation in front of him, he took a deep breath.

 Undoubtedly, the situation in front of the cross-country at this time is a little bad again.

 Lin suddenly launched an attack on the cross-country, which showed that Lin was gradually unable to suppress the will of the three-tailed rock in her body.

 That’s right.

Although Lin may have a unique talent in suppressing tailed beasts, what is hidden in Lin's body is the power of tailed beasts, and it is not so easy to master.

It was also because of this that Lin's sudden defection only made Cross Country slightly panicked.

 But after panicking, Cross Country immediately prepared for a hard fight. He first eliminated the remaining three ANBU of the Mist ninja, and then eliminated Lin who was gradually losing her mind and bursting out with the power of the Three-Tailed Izodiac!

However, just when Cross Country took a deep breath, took advantage of the Shadow Shield to show its defensive power, and prepared to defend against Lin's sudden attack, when he was about to go and deal with the remaining three Mist Ninja Anbu, suddenly A Mist Ninja Anbu in front of the left side of the cross country suddenly took out a psychic scroll, which immediately attracted the attention of the cross country.

 Especially the next second, with the sound of "bang"!

The psychic scroll in the hand of the Mist Ninja Anbu emitted bursts of white smoke, and then a large knife wrapped with a white bandage suddenly appeared in the hands of the Mist Ninja Anbu!

Gazing at the burly figure of the Mist Ninja ANBU, another look of astonishment flashed through Cross Country's originally calm eyes!

 Because, just by looking at the big knife wrapped with a white bandage, Cross Country had already recognized the identity of the Mist Ninja ANBU!

"It's you?"

 “A user of the Great Shark Muscle?”

 “Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost!”

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