Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 210: Infernal Affairs (Part 1)

 “Little devil, did you finally recognize it’s me?”


 “Go to hell!”

Samehada muscles suddenly appeared, and Cross Country was suddenly startled. He immediately recognized the identity of the ANBU of the Mist Ninja in front of him. He was the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon among the seven Mist Ninjas!

It’s no wonder that the cross-country team was shocked. After all, in the last confrontation, Matt Dai had all eight doors open!

 That’s right.

Matt Dai opened all eight doors. In the original plot, the three members of the Seven Mist Ninjas, including Loquat Juzo, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon, and Black Hoe Thunder Fang, may not have been killed. But in the cross-country confrontation with the Seven Mist Ninjas for so long, the Seven Mist Ninjas were far from the state in the original plot, so even though Matt Dai opened all eight doors, he did not move forward because he was concerned about Matt Dai's injury. Go check on the situation of the seven mist ninjas.

However, after returning to Konoha Village, there was no news about the seven Mist Ninjas. Cross Country still held on to a little hope, hoping that all seven Mist Ninjas would die in the hands of Matt Dai!

On the contrary, at this time, when the situation on the cross-country side was not very good, the master of the large sword muscle, Xiguashan Fugugui, appeared suddenly, which brought considerable pressure to the cross-country!

 Lin lost her mind when the power of the Three-Tailed Isotope exploded earlier!

 There are three Mist Ninja Anbu at the back, including a member of the Seven Mist Ninjas!

How difficult would it be to complete all the tasks assigned by the Fourth Hokage while being flanked by both sides?

So, just when the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost roared and charged straight in the direction of the off-road, a wise look flashed in the slightly narrowed pupils of the off-road. Obviously, the cross-country preparations at that time were based on the method of retreat. First, Lin was used to consume the strength of the three fog ninja ANBU in front, including the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon, and then they looked for a way to successfully seal Lin.

Who would have thought that the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost holding a large sword shark had just approached the front of Cross-country, and the original plan of retreat to advance was in vain!


Because, when the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon charged straight in with a large sword, Lin, who exploded with the power of the Three-Tailed Iso, suddenly also attacked in front of the cross-country!

Furthermore, when the bandage on the same shark muscle gradually spread out, revealing the original ferocious and ugly appearance of the same shark muscle, there was a sudden "swish" sound!

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost who dropped the Samehada turned out to be using the characteristics of the Samehada to instantly swallow up the three-tailed Isote Chakra on Lin's body in one round of attacks!

 In one round of confrontation, Lin, the only helper in cross-country, lost her combat ability!


 “The situation is getting worse!”

 Perhaps, off-roaders have known about the characteristics of shark muscles for a long time.

However, when I really saw Lin wearing the tailed beast's clothes, she suddenly disappeared there the moment Samehada fell. Even the off-roader who could keep calm during the battle couldn't help but sluggish for just a second. time.

In the same sluggish second, Cross Country finally understood why Kisame Kisaki in the original plot could compete with the jinchūriki and the tailed beasts with his own strength.

 Is Kisame Kisaki too strong?


 It’s Samehada’s abilities that are too terrifying!

  Three-tailed beast's clothing, how much chakra is that?

It was such a huge amount of chakra that disappeared from Lin's body the moment Samehada slashed down!

It is no exaggeration to say that regardless of whether it is a ninja or a tailed beast, if all chakra is lost in an instant, the combat power will be reduced by about 60%, right?

What's more, Samehada's ability to swallow other people's chakra is not just for a short second!

At this time, even if Lin's body once again bursts out with the chakra of the Three-Tailed Izodiac, what will happen?

Didn’t he lose his combat ability instantly due to the characteristics of the same shark muscle?

 Besides, there is the same shark muscle of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost there to restrain Lin's power. Without Lin who disrupts the battle situation, the cross-country situation becomes more and more unfavorable.

Especially when Lin loses her combat ability and without Lin who was the troublemaker, going cross-country is equivalent to facing the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon alone, plus two Mist Ninja Anbu!

With such combat power, even under normal circumstances, it would be difficult to defeat it off-road.

So under such special circumstances, what is the possibility of defeating such a combat force off-road?

 According to cross-country estimates, the possibility of victory is estimated to be far less than 30%!

“I don’t even have a 30% winning rate. If it had been before, I would have given up?”

"But right now, in addition to the special instructions from Minato-sensei, even if it is to prove my progress or to prove that I can change the situation in the future battle of the Nine-Tails, I have to fight hard!"

 “Is this the Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost?”

"Let's use you, a guy who is comparable to a "humanoid tailed beast", to conduct a test!"

 “Wind’s instant body!”


 Just like what Cross Country thought, in the past, for the sake of his own life, how could he care about the mission of the Fourth Hokage?

 However, off-roading is different now.

  In other words, after experiencing what happened with Matt Dai, off-roading has become a little different!

 Let’s not talk about Matt Dai’s ten thousand-year-old genin. First, let him understand the meaning of nindo and the meaning of perseverance. Let's just say that after Matt Dai opened all eight doors, he almost died, which gave Cross Country an extra insight. At least before things really failed, Cross Country was willing to go and work hard, so as not to suffer the feeling of regret in the future.

 So, despite the appearance of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost and the fact that Samehada completely restrained Lin, it cast a haze over Cross Country's mind.

  But as his eyes became more determined, Off-Road still used the Wind Blinking Body without hesitation.

Furthermore, just when he was using Wind Blink off-road and his figure just disappeared in front of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon and two other Mist Ninja Anbu, there was only a "swish" sound!

 Next second!

 The off-road figure suddenly appeared behind the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost!

 And behind the pufferfish ghost in Xigua Mountain, there happened to be a lone ANBU!

 “Shadow Suture!”

Suddenly, Cross Country used the Wind Blink to appear in front of the lonely Mist Ninja ANBU like a ghost. Then he quickly formed seals with his hands and used the shadow of the Mist Ninja ANBU to use Shadow Seam. technique.


 The black shadow under his feet suddenly appeared, obviously the lone Mist ninja ANBU did not expect it!

On the contrary, it was off-road. We had made a battle plan early. How could we give the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost and another Mist Ninja Anbu any time to react?

 The secret technique of the fast wind flow!

 The air blade comes out!

As the light of the air blade Half Moon Slash fell, the lone Mist Ninja Anbu was instantly killed and died miserably in the wind blade falling from the cross-country slash!

 However, as early as when the battle plan was formulated in cross-country, it was not difficult to kill the first Mist ninja ANBU. After all, with a teleportation technique comparable to that of the Fourth Hokage, if Cross Country can't kill even one of the three Mist Ninjas in front of him, then Cross Country would have been training with the Fourth Hokage in vain!

On the contrary, there is the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost and another surviving Mist Ninja ANBU. This is what needs to be worried about after killing a Mist Ninja ANBU off-road.

After all, killing a Mist Ninja ANBU first will inevitably expose certain flaws in the cross-country and create opportunities for the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon and another Mist Ninja ANBU to attack!

 So, the moment he killed the Mist Ninja Anbu, Cross Country was prepared to be injured.

He didn't think that the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon, or another Mist ninja ANBU, could silently watch a companion die tragically in his own hands.

 The subsequent situation was indeed similar to what was expected for off-roading.

Almost at the moment when the lone Mist ninja Anbu died, the other Mist ninja Anbu clenched his kunai and rushed directly towards the cross-country with some flaws.

However, the Mist Ninja Anbu who was rushing towards him was about to overtake the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, who was also rushing towards him, and was flanking the Cross Country along with the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost. This was something that even Cross Country had not thought of. It happened suddenly!

 And the thing that makes off-roading feel shocking is that

When the Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, with another Mist Ninja Anbu, was about to form a pincer attack on the off-road, there was a sudden "bang"!

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon raised his big sword, the same shark, but when it fell, the same shark didn't go off-road!


Instead, it fell on the Mist Ninja Anbu next to him!

 It’s also a one-hit kill!

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