Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 211: Infernal Affairs (Part 2)

“Is the puffer fish ghost in Watermelon Mountain really in front of me?”

“Aren’t they Muashi Jinpachi, aren’t they Kurumi Kushimaru, those two guys who like to kill their companions and are known as “ruthless”?”

 “What the **** is going on!”

 Suddenly, Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost’s shark muscles fell down, and Cross Country was stunned!

 Because, if you don’t see it with your own eyes, it may be difficult for off-roaders to accept the fact that is happening in front of you.

After all, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost had an absolute advantage when it came to killing the lone ANBU off-road. As long as the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost can cooperate well with the Anbu of the Mist ninja he killed, it will be difficult for Cross Country to grasp the direction of the battle in the following rounds of battles. This is why Cross Country rashly kills the Luo Danwu. The price of enduring ANBU!

But who could imagine that the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost suddenly got confused when it had an absolute advantage?

 With the blowfish ghost from Xigua Mountain, is he planning to use a one-on-one fight to wash away his previous humiliation?

Did that guy really make a mistake and kill his ANBU comrade?

 No, it’s impossible!

 The same situation would be understandable if it happened to guys with perverted personalities like Kurumi Kushimaru and Murashi Jinpachi.

 But as long as it is placed on the body of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, then all conjectures are impossible to establish!

However, just when Cross Country stared blankly at the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost in front of him, using the same shark muscle to kill the last Mist ninja ANBU, and wiping the red blood on his palms with a sneer, he suddenly recalled scenes from the original plot. The scene, especially when I recall why Inikisaki Kisame killed the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Oni ​​with his own hands, cross-country suddenly came to my senses!

  It turns out that as early as in the original plot, the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost was a guy with a dark history!

“Yes! It must be the black history of that guy from Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost!”

"In the original plot, the reason why Inikisaki Kisame killed Mizumelama Fuguki was not to inherit Samehada, but because Kisame Inikisaki was a foolish and loyal guy who knew that Mizumelama Fuguki had been passing information about Kiri Ninja Village to enemy countries. Intelligence, for the sake of the loyalty of the Mist Ninja Village, I killed the boss of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon!"

“So, since the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost could betray his country and his village in the original plot, how much more so now?”

“Didn’t Minato-sensei remind me a long time ago? Didn’t he say that he buried a “nail” in the Kiri Ninja Village?”

 “That “nail”.”

 “Is this the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost?”

  I thought to myself, and combined with the dark history of the pufferfish ghost in Xigua Mountain, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of Xijue's mouth.

 Obviously, apart from the impossibilities, the remaining answers must be the truth no matter how outrageous they are!

Therefore, when Cross Country figured out that the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was the "nail" buried by the Fourth Hokage in the Mist Ninja, Cross Country, while maintaining the sneer at the corner of his mouth, said indifferently: "Kill yourself Companion, do you feel guilty in your heart? It’s useless, Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost, no matter how much you wipe the injured blood, your sins will never be washed away!”

 “Sin? Joke!”

The look in his eyes was full of mockery. The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon was not mocking off-road at all. Holding the Samehada in his hand, he slowly walked towards each of the mist ninja Anbu who died tragically, and cruelly crushed each one with the Samehada. The head of the Mist Ninja Anbu said: "Kid, there are a few people who didn't come with me, have you dealt with them all?"

“If you don’t handle it properly and the matter is exposed, don’t blame me for turning against you!”


With a cold snort, Cross Country's eyes couldn't help but slowly shift from the pufferfish ghost of Xigua Mountain to the direction of Weasel God's coma, and asked: "What are you going to do next?"

"How to do it?"

As if there was no one around, he used his same shark muscles to crush the heads of every Mist ninja Anbu. The Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost listened to Cross Country's question and replied: "Kid, according to the deal between me and the Fourth Hokage, I definitely don't need to seal it for you. Are you scared, Sanwei? So, just do whatever you want and there’s no need to worry about me.”

“After taking care of these guys, I will return to the Mist Ninja Village.”

 Speaking, as he faced the off-road road, Xiguashan Pufferfish couldn't help but raise a cruel smile.

Needless to say, anyone who knows off-road knows that if he shows any flaws, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon will definitely ignore the deal with the Fourth Hokage and go back with his head to make a deal.

So, the current off-road situation may not be as dangerous as before, but there is still a certain degree of danger involved.

Even though the Fourth Hokage had a deal with the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost, it was impossible for Cross Country to bet his life on the "reputation" of the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost, right?

Immediately afterwards, when the puffer fish ghost from Xiguashan sneered at Cross Country, Cross Country understood the meaning of that cruel smile. While being wary of the puffer fish ghost from Xigua Mountain, Cross Country went to Lin's side with the scroll in hand.

At that moment, the Three-Tailed Isotope in Lin's body still had no strength to continue to explode. Apparently, the part of the chakra that Samehada had swallowed had stabilized Lin's condition.

Then, looking at Lin who was in a coma in front of him, Cross Country followed the instructions of the Fourth Hokage and patiently checked the talisman in Lin's body. Not to mention, after the previous round of rampage, the talismans in Lin's body were completely released, which meant that the time bomb tied to Lin's body was completely eliminated.

 Seeing that Lin was in good condition, Cross Country's eyes flashed with joy.

 The next second, off-road without any hesitation, he directly threw the scroll in his hand.

The long scroll flew in the air and soon wrapped around Lin's body, and the sealing technique on it also spread over Lin's body little by little along with the cross-country seals.

It only takes half an hour at most. While maintaining chakra output, Cross-country can seal the three-tailed zodiac in Haolin's body.


While being wary of the Pufferfish Ghost in Watermelon Mountain, the progress of cross-country sealing will be slower.

  However, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost who plays "Infernal Affairs" between Konoha and Kirist Ninja obviously has some "credibility" that is beyond the expectations of cross-country. No, Cross Country was carefully guarding against any unusual movements on the part of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost. On the contrary, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was aboveboard. After crushing the heads of every Mist Ninja Anbu, he smiled coldly at Cross Country, and then Disappeared in front of the cross-country.

On the contrary, it was off-roading. Watching the puffer fish ghost leave in Xigua Mountain, my whole body felt indescribably comfortable.

Especially half an hour later, when Cross Country successfully re-sealed the three tails of Lin's body, he wiped the sweat stains on his forehead, and made his whole body feel relaxed. Lin, who was still unconscious for who knows how long, was still on his back. , carrying the equally unconscious Itachi God, he hurriedly disappeared from the previous battlefield and ran towards the direction of Konoha Village.

On the way back to Konoha Village, Cross Country may have been vigilant, but the sealing of the Three-Tailed Isoba was successfully completed, so Cross Country's spirit was inevitably a little lax.


 All the enemies that should appear have appeared, and all the guys that should be dealt with have been dealt with.

 At this time, on the way back to Konoha Village, there is really nothing to worry about going off-road.

However, are things really as off-road as they think they are?

The mission assigned by the Fourth Hokage, is it really that after suffering a disastrous defeat against the Mist Ninja, there should be no more waves?

 I’m afraid it’s not that simple!

Because, when the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost disappeared in front of Cross Country, as if he was eager to return to the Kiri Ninja Village just like the Cross Country, it happened to be on the way back to the Kiri Ninja Village that the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost holding Samehada appeared. Suddenly he stopped in a dense forest, quickly took out a scroll from his arms, and placed it somewhere in the dense forest!

“Hmph, that brat actually thinks that his real enemy is us fog ninjas, how naive!”

 “Kid, your real enemy”

 “But where are your own people from the Leaf Village?”

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