Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 213: companion?

 Perception of wind is definitely using "wind" to perceive what is happening around you.

So, when Cross Country and others are hiding in a cave, and Cross Country uses wind perception to sense the enemies outside the cave, Cross Country can at most sense the number of enemies outside and what the enemies are doing.

Just like "Meng", using a special Earth Escape sensing method can directly discern the enemy's strength and weakness, which cannot be achieved by using wind sensing while off-road.

 However, when Off-Road uses the perception of spiritual energy to detect the strength of the enemies outside, what does Off-Road perceive?

Those are two completely different breaths!

 That is the aura that makes an elite Jonin like Cross Country feel trembling!

 The same aura has been felt by the fourth generation Hokage and the third generation Hokage. What does that mean?

 It means that the enemies waiting for the cross-country outside are shadow-level powerhouses like the Fourth Hokage and the Third Hokage!

Moreover, there are actually two shadow-level powerhouses outside the cave!

There is no doubt that if a shadow-level strongman comes, even if he comes alone, it is two questions whether he can escape. Now, Cross Country has to protect Lin, who is a three-tailed jinchūriki, who is unconscious there, and also has to find a way to protect the Itachi God. Facing a Kage-level strongman, there is no way to survive, let alone two What about the famous movie-level powerhouse?

Especially for the current cross-country, with the newly mastered secret skill of the Nara clan, the Shadow Shield, and the new "annihilation" characteristic of the wind attribute chakra, the cross-country can only be surpassed when the shadow-level barrier can be faintly touched. He understands the terror of a shadow-level powerhouse!

Elite jounin-level ninjas like Cross Country are considered very powerful in the original plot.

  After all, during the Third World War, jounin was the main fighting force. Some slightly stronger elite jounin, such as the seven members of the Mist Ninja who had experienced cross-country battles, could change the direction of the situation in the war!

  However, if you want to say that an elite jounin level ninja can defeat three ordinary jounin under normal circumstances.

Then a strong man who has just entered the Kage level can win against two or three elite jounin!

 As for the two shadow-level powerhouses outside the cave.


Just by virtue of that oppressive aura, Cross Country can guess that they must be the best in the shadow level, and they are not the kind of existence that has just stepped into the shadow level and can only defeat two or three elite jounin!

 You want to ask why?

 The answer is actually very simple!

 Because off-road is the apprentice of the Fourth Hokage, and he has fought against the Fourth Hokage many times.

So, when Cross Country discovered that the auras of the two shadow-level powerhouses outside were far more terrifying than the breath of the Fourth Hokage, he knew how terrifying the shadow-level powerhouses outside were!

Moreover, just by relying on the sense of breath, Cross Country smelled a vague smell of blood!

What does the smell of blood represent?

Representing the two shadow-level powerhouses outside, they are the shadow-level powerhouses who truly came out of the Shura Sea of ​​Blood!

The lives in their hands may be more than those in the hands of the Fourth Hokage!

 At the time when they participated in the war, it was very likely that the Fourth Hokage was still a young boy!

 Two veteran shadow-level powerhouses!

 Is there anything more terrifying than two shadow-level powerhouses?

It was also from the aspect of breath that I could feel how terrifying the enemies facing outside were. That's why Cross Country would curse Anbu like Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi while being extremely nervous!

How could they allow two shadow-level powerhouses to sneak into the Kingdom of Fire!

It’s a pity that no amount of curses can relieve the tense nerves of off-roading.

Especially when I saw the indifferent expression of God Itachi and had no idea how terrifying the enemy was, I really wanted to bang my head against the wall!

“We don’t need the Itachi God at his peak, but the Itachi God who has just awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan, and I’m confident that I can lead Lin to break out!”

“But Itachi is the same as me, he’s only five years old!”

"If I remember correctly, didn't Itachi open his eyes only when he was seven years old?"

“Then the situation that I, Itachi God, and Lin are facing is a life-and-death situation with no chance of a comeback, isn’t it?”

"Damn it! The only trump card in my hand that can fight against shadow-level warriors is the Eight Gate Dunjia that Matt Dai taught me, right?"


"But I have been studying other things some time ago. The foundation of the human body's hidden secrets has not been solidified. I can't even open the first door of the Eight-door Dunjia. How can I use the Eight-door Dunjia to explode?"

 The more I think about how to break out, the more desperate I feel.

 After all, those were two strong Kage-level men, not ordinary jounin-level ninjas!

 Two shadow-level experts brought not only a desperate situation to the cross-country, but also a kind of pressure that was difficult to ignore.

Normally, Cross Country can remain calm no matter what, but under the pressure of two shadow-level powerhouses, Cross Country can be calm without being driven crazy. The slight tension suppressed on Cross Country nerves is really able to ignored.

Moreover, the only thing that makes me feel lucky at this time is that the two shadow-level experts outside are not on the same side!

If the two shadow-level experts outside the cave were from the same group, the cross-country trip would really be over.

 There is no chance of escape, no chance of counterattack.

Two powerful shadow-level men came straight at us, let alone off-road. Even the famous Weasel God in the original plot was a free gift.

But I was a lot more nervous inside the cave. It felt like one second was so long. Off-road, I still felt the passage of time, and I even felt that the two shadow-level experts outside were improving their strength outside the cave. momentum!

 What is the purpose of improving momentum?

 It must be for a fight!

 So, under extremely tense and oppressive circumstances, Cross Country sensed that the two shadow-level powerhouses outside wanted to fight, and a glimmer of light finally appeared in his gloomy eyes!

"Itachi, no matter what happens, just let me deal with it alone."

 “Your task now is to dig a hole!”

 “That’s right, just dig holes!”

“Dig a tunnel as quickly as possible. There is no way to break out. Our only option is to escape from the tunnel!”

 “Why are you standing there? Dig quickly!”

 It’s rare to see Cross Country looking so anxious. After all, the impression that Cross Country gave to Itachi before was that he was calm and unfazed in the face of danger.

At this time, seeing the anxious look on the crossroads and wishing to eat people, the Itachi God was naturally frightened and knew the seriousness of the situation. Therefore, almost as soon as the order to go off-road was given, the poor Itachi God began to use the kunai in his hand to quickly dig a tunnel in the cave.

However, the moment God Weasel started digging the tunnel, the enemies outside may have sensed something, and then the auras of the two shadow-level powerhouses continued to weaken, making the cross-country trip more and more tense.

Fortunately, the two shadow-level powerhouses were wary of each other's existence. Although they found Cross Country and wanted to escape, neither Cross Country, Itachi God, nor Lin were two shadow-level powerhouses. It needs to be taken seriously. Immediately, when the two shadow-level experts were still afraid of each other, the rustling sound was transmitted to the ears of the off-road and Itachi God.

The Weasel God had already been given the task of off-roading a long time ago. He knew that anyone coming to attack was an off-roading matter, so he silently dug tunnels there.

On the contrary, when I was off-roading, I heard a rustling sound, and I made a seal with my hands using the shadow suture technique!



The shadow under his feet stretched out and stopped twenty meters ahead of the off-road.

In such a special location, Cross Country believes that even elite Jonin-level enemies will be unable to move forward under the confinement of the Shadow Sewing Technique.

 After all, the light in the cave is originally dim.

Shadow stitching techniques used for off-roading are now even more integrated with the dim environment. Ninjas at the elite jounin level come quickly. Without extreme vigilance, they will inevitably die there.

 What happened next was basically the same as expected in cross-country.

After the rustling sound came, the enemy soon appeared in the cross-country wind perception.

Possibly, the number of enemies surprised Cross Country, but the Shadow Suture Technique had been prepared for a long time, and Cross Country must have been prepared to take precautions. However, when the first person stepped into the range of the Shadow Suture Technique and was imprisoned by the Shadow Suture Technique, there was still a look of astonishment in Cross Country's eyes!

Because, in the dim environment, when Cross Country clearly saw the first enemy imprisoned by the Shadow Suture Technique, Cross Country and Weasel God discovered at the same time that the enemy they were facing at this moment was actually their former companion!

 “It’s you!”

 “Aren’t you dead?”

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