Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 214: Experimental product

In the dark cave, who is the first enemy that Cross Country and others will face?

 That's Cross Country, Itachi's former companion, a ninja school student named Hatake Ichido!

Moreover, according to the impression in Cross Country's memory, this ninja school student named Hatake Ichido, who came with Cross Country, Itachi God, Lin and others to participate in the training mission, was not long ago in Cross Country's battle with the Mist Ninja. Surprisingly, he was one of the Konoha comrades who died at the hands of cross-country!

So, almost when Off-Road used the Shadow Sewing Technique to imprison the Konoha companion named Hatake Ichido, Off-Road was stunned, and even the Itachi God who dug a hole there and tried to escape was stunned!

 Are you kidding me?

 Isn’t Hatake Ichichi dead? Why is it resurrected again?

 Who came to explore this cave under his control?

 Is he one of the two shadow-level experts outside?

For a moment, he stared blankly at Hatake in front of him. A bright light suddenly flashed through his slightly astonished eyes!

 Obviously, that was off-road speculation about why the dead Hatake came to explore this cave!

“That’s right, Hatake Ichichi did die in my hands before. The scars on his chest are because he suffered the damage from the palm blade Senbon I used!”

"That means that one of the two Kage-level experts outside must have been to the battlefield where I fought with the Mist Ninja before, and collected the corpses of the Mist Ninja's ninjas, as well as the dead ninjas from the Konoha side. Some kind of experiment was conducted on the corpses of school students!”

“Now, Hatake Ichi can appear in front of me as if he is alive, then the reason why he is “alive” may be that he has been transformed by some kind of experiment!”

 “The flag and wood are together, he.”

 “He is no longer our companion, but our enemy!”

 “Then there’s no need to hesitate!”

"I can kill you the first time, and I can kill you the second time. Just die!"

 “Shadow Neck Binding Technique!”


Huttered to himself, Cross Country's eyes suddenly became firm, and then changed the way of forming the seal, using the Shadow Neck Binding Technique.

Subsequently, there is no doubt that Hatake Yiyi’s head must have been directly strangled under the cross-country shadow neck binding technique.

It goes without saying that even if Hatake Ichichi is still alive, he is nothing more than an ordinary ninja school student. Not to mention comparing his strength with Cross Country, let alone the Itachi God who has not yet become a ninja beside Cross Country, he can easily Song defeated several flag trees together. Therefore, regardless of whether Hatake Ichito is alive or dead, when Cross Country uses the shadow neck binding technique, he will be able to easily kill Hatake Ichichi in front of him, so that his soul does not need to be driven by the enemy.

But just when the crisp sound of "click" slowly reached the ears of the off-road, causing the off-road to focus on the enemies coming one after another, a strange scene suddenly appeared in the eyes of the off-road. Among!

The weird sight is that Hatake's neck is completely broken, at a 90° angle, but he is still not dead!

That Hatake Yiyi, even with his neck completely broken, still persisted in using his own strength to try to break through the restriction of the shadow suture technique used in cross-country!


“Still, the current Hatake is like a corpse puppet, moving forward completely under the control of the shadow-level strongman outside.”

 “Unless he is completely “teared down”, otherwise”

 “Otherwise there’s no way to subdue him?”

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes. He took a deep breath and touched the special sword behind his back with his right hand. He ignored the enemies who entered the cave one after another and walked in front of Hatake with a "swish" sound. .

At this moment, Hatake Yiyi in front of Cross Country no longer looked like an enemy at all, but an experimental subject!

 From Hatake Yiyi, cross-country needs to obtain more intelligence and more detailed information.

 Only in this way can off-roaders better deal with the enemies behind them.

 Because when traveling off-road, the enemies behind must be guys as hard to kill as Hatake.

So with the idea of ​​sharpening the knife and chopping firewood, it is imperative to obtain more information from Hatake Ichido.

 As for Hatake Ichi’s “companion” status?

Feel sorry!

When Cross Country discovered in the cave that it was his "companion" Hatake Yiyi who came from exploration, Cross Country never put the word "companion" on Hatake Yiyi!

Immediately afterwards, with an explosion of physical strength, he sprinted across the country, and his figure flashed directly in front of Hatake Yiichi.

 The tachi in the hand falls gently, without any skills, and there is no need to use chakra.

With a "swish" sound, Off-road successfully cut off Hatake Ichi's right arm!

On the contrary, Hatake, when he cut off his right arm during the cross-country, it turned out to be exactly what he thought before the cross-country!

Having lost an arm, Hatake Ichido’s face showed no sign of pain at all, just like a zombie with only instinct in some movies!

Even though Hatake Ichi lost an arm, there is only the instinct of fighting in Hatake Ichi's mind!

 So, even though his arms all flew into the air, Hatake, who was freed from the restraints of the Shadow Sewing Technique, was still tirelessly attacking the cross country!

It's a pity that Hatake's attack was just like a child's play under the cross-country wind perception!

 Three seconds later!




Waving the special sword in his hand, Cross Country cut off Hatake's other arm and legs in just three seconds, completely turning him into a human stick.

However, seeing Hatake, who had become a human stick, keep his head on the ground, trying to get close to Cross Country, and bite him like a wild beast, a shuddering feeling emerged in Cross Country's heart.

Especially when I discovered that behind Hatake Ichi, I had former companions who died in my own hands, just like Hatake Ichi before, when they explored the inside of this cave one by one from the outside, they completed this During this cross-country test, I couldn't help but bite my lower lip. While using the pain to stimulate myself to calm down, I thought in shock:

"Sure enough, my prediction was not wrong at all. Both Hatake and the other students of the ninja school have now become like humans and ghosts!"

"Perhaps, experimental subjects like Hatake Ichido still maintain their original strength, which is very easy to solve in a certain way."

"However, if I really want to get rid of an experiment like Hatake Ichi, it will definitely cost me a lot of energy and time!"

“After all, when fighting against experiments like Hatake, if I don’t cut off their limbs and heads, they will always have a way to delay me!”

"no way!"

“I can only buy time for the Weasel God and prevent them from disturbing the Weasel God as much as possible!”

Sighing silently, Cross Country tightly grasped the special sword in his hand, and quickly chopped off Hatake Ichido's head. He glanced at Hatake Ichigo's body that finally stopped moving, and then quickly rushed towards those who were following him, one after another. The enemies who entered the cave here started a one-sided massacre.

 But a massacre is a massacre, but just as Cross Country thought, experimental subjects like Hatake Ichigo are indeed difficult to deal with.

If the people in front of Cross Country are some ordinary genin-level ninjas, whose strength far exceeds that of an experiment like Hatake Ichi, then when Cross Country is holding a special sword, he may only need to hit their vital points with the special sword, and he will be able to successfully succeed. Why does it need to be so troublesome to deal with the enemies in front of you?

  It is not only necessary to cut off the opponent's limbs, but also to cut off the opponent's head.

  To deal with a mere ninja school student-level experiment, it would take at least five moves to cross country.

 Over time, how much time will be spent traveling off-road?

What's more, after crossing these experimental products in front of us, we can see what the shadow-level powerhouses who control these experimental products think.

 Obviously, the shadow-level strongman who controlled these experiments wanted to delay the escape of Cross Country, Weasel God and others. After dealing with another shadow-level strongman outside, he entered the cave to capture Cross Country and others!

 End the battle!

 “God Weasel, it seems the key to victory or defeat.”

 “It’s on you!”

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