Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 236: The first appearance of dawn (Part 2)

  No matter when and where, interests can make a person crazy.

 Although he has traveled cross-country, his mind is very mature, his wisdom is also beyond the reach of ordinary people, and he deeply understands that greed is a kind of original sin.

 However, whether off-roaders can restrain their greed mainly depends on whether the temptation is enough.

If the opportunity to obtain the Samsara Eye is placed in front of a cross-country, then driven by profit, the cross-country will inevitably become greedy.

Therefore, when Cross Country initially understood what kind of secret mission Shimura Danzo was going to send him to perform, Cross Country couldn't help but want to rely on the memory of the original plot to gain more benefits from this secret mission, and even obtain The pair of reincarnation eyes that Madara gave to Nagato.

However, it is a pity that in the face of benefits and temptations, Cross-country can still remain calm.

Especially when he recalled the previous transaction with the Fourth Mizukage, when he had already swallowed a poisonous apple, Yue Yue's desire to win the Rinnegan Eye had just started to get hot, and in an instant, a basin of cold water was poured on Yue Yue's heart. Overhead!

“Wait a minute, if I really want to seek the reincarnation eye, wouldn’t the potential dangers become more numerous?”

“Let’s not talk about whether Master Madara did anything in the Rinnegan after giving it to Nagato.”

“Let’s just say that after I really obtained the Samsara Eye, I can’t guess what Madara, who is hiding behind the scenes in the Mist Ninja Village, thought!”

“Is it possible for Madara to watch his plans collapse?”

 “Definitely impossible!”

"Well, since Nagato is a very important link in Madara's plan, it means that Nagato's safety cannot be compromised. If I really go to hurt Nagato, let's not talk about whether the reincarnation eye will be inside after I obtain it. If there is any potential danger, if Madara takes action and sends his elite troops to encircle me, I may not be able to return to Konoha Village safely!"

"not to mention"

Layers of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Under the calm analysis, Xue Yu couldn't help but sigh deeply.

“What’s more, not everyone can use the Samsara Eye.”

“The reason why Nagato can use the Rinnegan is that Nagato is originally suitable for using the Rinnegan.”

“If Madara had given the Rinnegan Eye to a ninja like Kakashi, haha, Kakashi would have died from the high load of the Rinnegan Eye without Madara having to take action, right?”

"As a member of the Nara clan, whether I can adapt to the Rinnegan Eye is a matter of debate. With Madara's potential danger, my plan to obtain the Rinnegan Eye is a complete failure!"

“In addition, Nagato, who has acquired the Samsara Eye, is likely to have been under Madara’s surveillance.”

 “The plan I made before may be about to change!”

Hand inwardly, Cross Country recalled all of Nagato’s experiences in the original plot. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Madara’s plan was truly foolproof.

 Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s talk about Madara’s shadow hidden behind the scenes when Nagato was growing up!

 First point, after the death of his parents, how did Nagato live with his samsara eye?

You know, before meeting Yahiko and Konan, Nagato was wandering alone in the ninja world.

 Can a child wander freely in the ninja world during the war, and happen to meet Yahiko and Konan who are capable of surviving?

 It is definitely impossible!

 So, if Madara hadn’t been secretly protecting Nagato behind the scenes, I’m afraid Nagato would have died countless times in the war-torn ninja world without meeting Yahiko and Konan.

 Second point, how did Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan enter the battlefield where the Sannin and the demigod Hanzo were fighting without anyone protecting them?

Through the memory of the original plot, Cross Country can understand that the reason why Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan were able to become Jiraiya's disciples was because they mistakenly entered the battlefield where the Sannin and the demigod Hanzo were fighting.

 Then the problem arises.

How could there be no ninjas from Rain Ninja Village and Konoha Village outside the battlefield where the Sannin and the Demigod Hanzo were fighting?

Taking a step back, even if there are really no other ninjas on the battlefield where the Sannin and the Demigod Hanzo are fighting, then during the time when the Demigod and the Sannin are fighting, ordinary people can watch the battle outside and survive. Is it a miracle?

 Then, there is a third point, which is a very important point.

Also through the memory of the original plot, Cross Country vaguely remembered that the "blackened" Uchiha Obito in the original plot came to contact Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan once.

At that time, Madara was already dead, but Madara used another hidden BOSS, Black Zetsu, to remind the "blackened" Uchiha Obito about some of Madara's arrangements and ideas.

At this time, in the world where Cross Country is located, Uchiha Obito may not have been "blackened".

So, according to the inertia in the original plot, is it possible for Madara to personally contact Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan?

Immediately afterwards, based on the series of miracles Nagato experienced, as well as the possibility of Madara coming to contact Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan, Cross Country's intention to gain benefits from this secret mission was just a little bit... Downplayed.

 Subsequently, the most important thing to think about when going off-road is how to survive this mission.

Furthermore, if there are more ideas for cross-country at this time, the idea may be to prevent Nagato from further "blackening".

If, under the conspiracy of Shimura Danzo and Demigod Hanzo, Yahiko did not die and Nagato did not become "black", then what is the future of the ninja world?

 Is it impossible for the "Akatsuki" organization representing the villains to appear in the future?

Thinking that he could complete some additional secret tasks and possibly change the direction of the ninja world, his thoughts about cross-country suddenly became hot again.

 Then, in the remaining three days.

 On the one hand, he was thinking about his plan to go to the Kingdom of Rain, and on the other hand, he was practicing and conducting his own research.

 Three days later, Cross Country went to Danzo Shimura to officially accept the secret mission to the Land of Rain.

However, when Cross Country got the secret mission to the Land of Rain from Danzo Shimura and knew the content of the mission, Cross Country, who hurried away from Konoha Village, had a look of surprise in his eyes!

And the reason for the look of surprise in Cross Country's eyes is actually because of the secret mission issued by Shimura Danzo!

The mission issued by Danzo Shimura was actually not to let off-road cooperate with the demigod Hanzo to eradicate the "Akatsuki" organization in the Land of Rain, or any one of Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan!

Shimura Danzo's real mission was to go cross-country to find an opportunity to assassinate the demigod Hanzo!

“Sure enough, as long as you cooperate with Danzo, it is equivalent to seeking the skin of a tiger!”

“Demi-god and half-zodiac, you are called a demigod, have you never thought that your real enemy still comes from the outside, from your collaborators?”

"Sure enough, even if Danzo wants to get the position of Hokage, does he really need to borrow your demigod and halfzo's power?"

 “Is it necessary to help you truly unify the Kingdom of Rain?”

“A chaotic Rain Country is more in the interest of Konoha!”

"At this stage, Danzo has not chosen to abandon the interests of Konoha for the sake of Hokage's position, so your clever calculation of Demigod Hanzo is destined to be wrong!"

“However, it is still a bit difficult to complete the task assigned by Danzo.”

 “Think about the plan I made before.”

 “It’s time to start thinking about the long term again!”

Silently digesting Danzo Shimura's sinister plan to murder the demigod Hanzo, he embarked on the cross-country road to the Land of Rain. Soon he left the border of the Land of Fire and entered the border of the Land of Rain. .

However, the moment he stepped into the Land of Rain, Cross Country did not follow Danzo Shimura's instructions and go directly to report to Demigod Hanzo in order to gain the trust of Demigod Hanzo as soon as possible, so as to find opportunities for assassination.

After entering the Kingdom of Rain, the first thing that Cross Country did was to find the whereabouts of the "Akatsuki" organization!

 Obviously, during the long journey, the cross-country has completed its comprehensive plan on the road.

In Cross Country's plan, his mission to assassinate Demigod Hanzo was surprisingly not initiated from Demigod Hanzo, but from the "Akatsuki" organization!

 “If my plan can be carried out smoothly”

“Then some of the tragedies in the original plot can really be avoided!”

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