Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 237: Lang Ren?

"It is raining again."

 “The bones are getting rusty!”

  In the plot of the original novel, descriptions of the Land of Rain are always described as rainy and continuous, and even when traveling off-road, they thought it was a joke or an exaggeration.

Who would have thought that on the third day after entering the Country of Rain, we would realize how bad the weather in the Country of Rain is when we cross-country.

Because after entering the Kingdom of Rain, during the three days of cross-country, it was found that it rained twice in the Kingdom of Rain. One time lasted for a day and a half, and the other lasted for a day and a half. This is equivalent to saying that the cross-country was in the Kingdom of Rain. I have never seen clear weather in the Country of Rain. I am really not used to it after living in the Country of Fire for a long time.

 Fortunately, as a ninja when traveling off-road, he can overcome some of the harsh weather.

If it were a cross-country trip before crossing, you might end up seriously ill in bed after just two days in the Land of Rain!

 In the three days since entering the Land of Rain, the performance of the cross-country was not like an ANBU going here to perform a secret mission, but like a ninja coming to play.

 Why do you say that?

The reason is that although Cross Country had formulated a combat plan before heading to the Country of Rain, the first step he was going to take was to look for traces of the "Akatsuki" organization.

 But after entering the Land of Rain, cross-country became less urgent.

In addition to practicing, he just did some research work, which was like putting the tasks assigned by Shimura Danzo behind his mind.

Of course, the main cross-country experience was not placed on the tasks assigned by Shimura Danzo. The main reason was the cross-country experiments.

 Before preparing to accept the task assigned by Danzo Shimura, didn't Orochimaru lend his laboratory to Cross Country?

 In Orochimaru's laboratory, off-roading was carried out again and again using some of Orochimaru's experimental products.

 Don’t even say it.

ˆ With Orochimaru’s previous reminder, the cross-country research work that has entered the bottleneck period has indeed made an important breakthrough.

 The important breakthrough is that Cross Country has successfully developed a unit of measurement in studying the new characteristic of wind attribute chakra "annihilation"!

 The unit of measurement developed by Cross Country was named "one person measurement" by Cross Country!

  It means that a person’s amount of “annihilation” characteristic wind chakra can help an ordinary person activate the human body’s cells!

 This is really a milestone in cross-country research!

It is also a preliminary mastery of the secret technique of human activated cells studied by Cross Country!

Knowing the amount of wind chakra with the "annihilation" characteristic that an ordinary person needs can activate the cells in the body. After going off-road, one only needs to observe how much wind chakra with the "annihilation" characteristic is needed for a ninja. , you can use the new secret technique you developed on yourself.

Then, with a little bit of increment, off-road can grasp how much "human amount" of chakra it can have an effect on itself.

 When the research work made an important breakthrough, it was on the way to the Land of Rain.

At that time, Cross Country was preparing to go to the Land of Fire to see if he could capture ninjas from other ninja villages for use in his own experiments.

It is a pity that when the Fourth Mizukage invaded the Land of Fire, the security of Konoha was obviously improved a lot.

 Because of this, Cross-country was not aware of the existence of ninjas in the Land of Fire. Since this was the case, Cross-country could only focus on the ninjas of the Country of Rain.

Therefore, after three days of entering the Kingdom of Rain, Cross Country was unable to contact the "Akatsuki" organization. The main reason was that Cross Country wanted to capture one alive, and he was a ninja from several Rain Ninja Villages for experimentation.

 However, the ninjas in Yu Ninja Village also seemed to be extinct. They didn't meet any one for three whole days. Cross Country really felt that his luck was a bit bad.

Walking in the rain, the mood of off-roading inevitably gets worse and worse.

Especially when looking back on the three days, I realized that I was doing useless work, and I wanted to find a ninja to vent my anger quickly, lest the anger in my heart accumulate too much, which would lead to the cross-country being unable to control my emotions, which would appear in subsequent plans. Any mistakes.

 But just like God trying to change Cross Country's mood, Cross Country walking in the rain suddenly felt the fluctuation of chakra.

What does that mean?

 That means that there are ninjas on the cross-country side!

"Okay! The three days were indeed not wasted. Did the rain ninja finally appear around me?"


“Based on the sense of wind, the location of these rain ninjas seems to be not far from my left front!”

"You unlucky rain ninjas, use your lives to achieve my new secret technique!"

“Wait a minute! It’s not Rain Ninja. Could it be. Could it be someone from the Akatsuki organization?”

I was sighing silently in my heart that I finally met the ninja from Yu Ninja Village.

Who would have thought that when I took off my ANBU clothes and went cross-country in my normal clothes to the location where the Wind Sense discovered the anomaly, I didn't find half a ninja wearing a forehead protector from the Rain Ninja Village!

You must know that every ninja village has its own rules.

 It’s like Konoha Village!

 Unless they are on vacation, ninjas must wear forehead protectors to prove their ninja status.

Therefore, when Cross Country saw several "ninjas" in front of them, and their characteristics did not look like the ninjas of Yu Ninja Village, Cross Country could not help but doubt that the so-called Rain Ninjas in front of them were probably members of the "Akatsuki" organization. !

All right!

If you can be a ninja from the "Akatsuki" organization, then the cross-country journey will not be in vain.

Then, watching the direction in which the "ninjas" left, he went off-road to hide his own aura, and soon followed the footsteps of the "ninjas" in front of him.

However, when Cross Country relied on his sense of wind to listen to the conversations of the "ninjas" on his way, Cross Country suddenly realized that something was wrong!

 Because, through the conversations of those "ninjas", Cross Country discovered that the "ninjas" in front were neither ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village nor ninjas from the "Akatsuki" organization. Instead, they were

 Instead, it was a few wandering ninjas!

"Shiro, are you sure that Yu Ren might have passed through here? The information is correct?"

"Don't worry! My news is definitely accurate, it just depends on how many rain ninjas we can capture alive!"

"Be careful, the rain ninjas have received professional training, and we can't compare with them! If we can capture one alive, it counts. As long as we can torture out the ninjutsu of the rain ninja village, then our trip will be worth it!"

“Brother, Shiro and I both know it, so you don’t need to talk nonsense!”

“Hmph, let’s just lurk here, be patient, and don’t show off our trap!”

 “I got it, brother!”

 Listening to the conversation of the three wandering ninjas in front, Cross Country felt a bit speechless.

 As early as when watching the plot of the original work, Cross Country knew what the so-called wandering ninjas really were.

The so-called wandering ninjas are, to put it bluntly, just a ragtag group of people!

Among the wandering ninjas, most wandering ninjas have mastered some ninjutsu by chance and call themselves "ninjas". The few wandering ninjas rely on secretly learning the ninjutsu of other ninja villages, or imitating some secret techniques of other ninja villages. They only master some superficial skills and travel between countries.

So, off-roading uses "rabble" to describe wandering ninjas, which is really a very accurate word.

Had it not been for the few wandering ninjas in front of them who were going to ambush the Rain Ninja Village, maybe there would be no point in stopping here on the cross-country trip.

However, just when Cross Country looked down on those wandering ninjas and secretly thought that these wandering ninjas might not be able to defeat even a few rain ninjas, suddenly a solemn look flashed in Cross Country's eyes!

Because, while using the sense of wind to carefully observe the behavior of the wandering ninjas, Cross Country discovered that the three wandering ninjas in front were using very strange ninjutsu!

 At the moment when they were preparing to fight against the rain ninja, the arms of the three wandering ninjas seemed to have been transformed and turned into objects similar to black vines!

During the observation, Cross Country discovered something strange about the three wandering ninjas. His first reaction was that these three wandering ninjas had either had an adventure or had an expert's guidance behind them.

No matter what the reason is, in general, these three wandering ninjas make off-roading feel worth studying.

Immediately afterwards, when the three wandering ninjas really waited for the rain ninja, and soon they were fighting against the rain ninja, Cross Country put on an ANBU mask without any mark, and with a flick of the wind, he was gone. Appearing at the location where the three wandering ninjas and two other rain ninjas were fighting!

"Since it has some research value, you wandering ninjas belong to me!"

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