Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 255: Death of Kakuzu


Suddenly, the number of shadow hands under the control of off-road increased sharply, and a look of horror appeared in Kakuzu's eyes!

You must know that before the awareness of cross-country combat "qualitatively" changes and the realm of "no moves" is realized, no matter what ninjutsu or secret techniques are used in cross-country, it will not be able to shock Kakuzu, who is a veteran shadow-level powerhouse.

 After all, Kakuzu is a remnant of the First World War. He was once a strong man of the same era as the first Hokage and Madara!

Having seen the first Hokage, a top powerhouse like Madara, and escaping with his life in the hands of the first Hokage, who in the current ninja world can make Kakuzu feel fear?

Since fear is impossible, what can make Kakuzu panic?

 So, although in the many previous confrontations, Off-Road did not behave like an ordinary elite Jonin, Kakuzu still behaved so calmly every time he fought off-road.

Especially when the wind mask monsters and fire mask monsters hidden in Kakuzu's body all died tragically at the hands of Cross Country, Kakuzu still had that cold face. Only the burst of strength could make Cross Country faintly feel, Kakuzu's mood was far from as calm as he showed.

 But even so, isn't Jiaodu still very calm?

Only at this moment, the Shadow Hand cast by Cross Country changed again, from one Shadow Hand to five Shadow Hands. Finally, it was impossible to calm Jiaodu!

 The "qualitative" change in combat consciousness and the realization of the "no move" state seem to be the only way for every shadow-level powerhouse to pass.

 However, the realm of "no move" is also divided into different levels.

For example, those strong men who have stepped from the quasi-shadow level into the palace of true shadow-level experts have only initially understood the realm of "no move" under the strength of the quasi-shadow level!

As a veteran shadow-level powerhouse, Kakuzu, who has stepped from the quasi-shadow level to the true shadow-level powerhouse, naturally knows the state of "no move".


 In the ninja world, there are no such terms as those in martial arts novels, so in the eyes of quasi-kage-level experts, the state of "no moves" is just the sublimation of combat consciousness.

However, the sublimation of combat consciousness can be seen in an ordinary elite jounin, and even more faintly, one can feel that as an elite jounin, cross-country, has taken a solid step in the realm of "no move", Kakuzu How could you not be shocked?

How can we not be horrified?

Especially for off-road use of the APP research and development function, the secret techniques of the Nara clan developed almost all can produce many changes from the realm of "no moves", which makes the characters dare not neglect, and then they have to Use the secret technique of Earthly Resentment and Yu to quickly resolve the "new" Shadow Hands that have evolved from the "no move" realm in cross-country!

 However, what even Kakuzu never expected was that the effect of using the "new" Shadow Hand would be so terrifying!

 From a single shadow hand, multiple shadow hands are evolved.

Off-road has named the "new" Shadow Hand as the "Multiple Shadow Hand", which mainly reflects the "multiple" characteristics of the "new" Shadow Hand!

And when the multiple shadow hands are used, using the effect of the shadow hands to transform into entities, what does the off-road opponent do to the corners in front of it?

 The answer is to use the effect of multiple shadow hands to control the sudden increase in shadow hands and tightly strangle Kakuzu's body!




The first time he used the hand of multiple shadows, he controlled a hand of shadow and collided with the black tentacle condensed by the secret technique of resentment in Kakuto.

 Follow up!

The remaining four shadow hands under the control of Off-Road wrapped around Kakuzu's body layer by layer under control, imprisoning Kakuzu's hands and feet!

 It would be interesting if the powerful enemy facing off-road were ordinary ninjas!

With four shadow hands entangled in layers, each of the shadow hands in the cross-country has the effect of the shadow neck binding technique. You don't need so many shadow hands, you only need one shadow hand, and the cross-country is When using the Shadow Hand, the effect of the Shadow Neck Binding Technique can be fully demonstrated, severing all the bones of the enemy in front of him and directly killing him there.

At this moment, even though Kakuzu is no ordinary ninja, every cell in his body contains the secret technique of Earth Resentment and Yu, which cannot be strangled by the hands of the off-road Kage.

 However, under the layers of entanglement of the four shadow hands, cross-country cannot kill Kakuzu, can it always restrict Kakuzu's movements?

The whole body cannot move, and even the black tentacles condensed from the secret technique of Earthly Resentment and Yu are restrained by the hands of the fourth layer of shadows.

Seeing the hard-won opportunity in front of you, how could you have any hesitation in cross-country?

 Next second!

Endless murderous intent filled the eyes of Cross Country, aiming at Kakuzu ahead. Cross Country suddenly revealed the trump card in his hands!

  “Gateful flow!”

 “Sharp spear with palm blade!”



The first sound of thunderous "嗞拉" sounded, and the right hand that was stretched out towards Kakuzu was covered with a layer of blue chakra light.

 Subsequently, the moment the second "嗗拉" sound sounded, the blue light suddenly grew!

 The sharp spear with a palm blade comes out!

While Cross Country endured the endless pain in his palm, the sharp spear with a palm suddenly broke through the distance limit and pierced directly into the earth-escape mask monster rising behind Kakuzu!


There is no doubt that the trump card of the palm blade sharp gun has been revealed. Even Kakuzu has seen Yu Yu use the palm blade sharp gun, but with the terrifying power of the palm blade sharp gun, Yu Yue wants to kill the one hidden in Kakuzu's body. Mask Monster, that's a very easy thing.

 So, the sharp spear of the palm stabbed suddenly, and the earth escape mask monster died instantly!

 The mask was shattered, and another monster made of black tentacles emerged from the body.

  As a veteran shadow-level expert, Kakuzu lost three lives in the face of cross-country!

However, as a veteran shadow-level powerhouse with the Earth Resentment Yu Secret Technique in hand, would Kakuzu really watch helplessly as his Earth-Escape Mask Monster died miserably at the hands of a cross-country man?

 Of course not!

So, the Earth-Escape Mask Monster has just died, and the Water-Escape Mask Monster and the Thunder-Escape Mask Monster located on Kakuzu's shoulders are about to launch a counterattack under Kakuzu's control!

However, just at the moment when Kakuzu was preparing to counterattack, the Shadow Hand multiplied infinitely in the "no move" state. First, he assisted Cross Country in mastering multiple Shadow Hands, and later allowed him to master one, which he just named Shadow Hand. The new secret technique of the binding technique has made the cross-country take another solid step in the realm of "no move". How can the cross-country, who is using the sharp spear of his palm to kill the earth-escape mask monster, wait for Kakuzu to launch a counterattack?

Then, just when the water masked monster and the thunder masked monster on Kakuzu's shoulders were about to cast their ninjutsu, they suddenly heard two more sounds of "嗞拉" and "嗞拉"!

The sound of thunder reappeared again, and the sharp-edged spear used by the off-road Ren Pain was a further change!

If we say that the first step for Cross Country to enter the realm of "no moves" is to fully upgrade the Nara clan's secret technique that Cross Country has mastered, it will no longer be called the Nara clan's secret technique and become the Shadow Escape mastered by Cross Country itself. Words of secrets!

So, now the second step that Cross Country has taken in the realm of "no moves" is to comprehensively upgrade the secret technique of Swift Wind Flow that Cross Country has mastered!

 Especially the sharp spear!



That sound like thunder just appeared, echoing in Kakuzu and Xiaonan's ears.

 Next second!

The sharp spear that stabbed into the Earth Mask Monster off-road was split into three!

The other two sharp spears extending from the palm blades, under the control of the off-road, turned and pierced into the two masked monsters on Kakuzu's shoulders!



 Then, there was the sound of the mask shattering.

The water-escape mask monster and the thunder-escape mask monster died at the same time!

Moreover, when the Water Mask Monster and the Thunder Mask Monster paralyzed powerlessly beside Kakuzu, there was another "Plop"!

 The veteran Kage-level powerhouse, Kakuzu, who didn't die even in the fight with the first Hokage, fell miserably in front of the cross-country!

 An off-road bladed weapon.


It should be said that it is an upgraded version of the off-road sharp spear, the trident. On a full moon night, it successfully killed the remaining three masked monsters in Kakuzu's body!

 As a result, the future "Akatsuki" organization's Kakuto died tragically in front of Cross Country!

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