Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 256: Sudden mutation

"it's over!"


Seeing Jiaodu fall to the ground miserably, Cross Country first took a deep breath, and then couldn't suppress the fishy-sweet feeling rising up, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the ground.

That's the backlash of the sharp spear!

Similarly the negative effect of the Palm Trident!

 Obviously, when the power of the sharp-bladed gun is fully demonstrated in off-road, the backlash of the sharp-bladed gun has already begun.

The first stage of the backlash from the sharp spear is when the palm of the palm is used off-road, causing waves of stinging pain.


That was the first stage of the backlash from the sharp palm spear. If the off-roader just felt the backlash and canceled the use of the sharp palm spear, it would only take a while for the stabbing pain to be recovered.

On the contrary, if you insist on using a sharp palm-bladed gun for off-roading, the second step of the backlash caused by the sharp-bladed gun will be more terrifying!

When using a sharp-bladed gun off-road, doesn't the sharp-bladed gun contain the new feature of "annihilation" of wind attribute chakra?

Therefore, the second step of the backlash of the sharp palm gun is that off-roaders cannot control the new wind attribute chakra "annihilation" contained in the sharp palm gun. , hurting every cell in the off-road palm. If it is more serious, I am afraid that all the cells in the off-road palm will die, and they may be completely destroyed here!

Besides, it was just the backlash of the sharp spear!

 Comprehending the realm of "no move", the palm-bladed trident evolved from the palm-bladed sharp spear in cross-country is much more powerful than the palm-bladed sharp spear, and the backlash effect is naturally much stronger than the palm-bladed sharp spear.

Therefore, first I used the palm-bladed sharp gun, and then I used the palm-bladed trident. If the off-road human body secret was not opened to 60%, maybe the off-road continued to use the palm-bladed sharp gun, and the palm of the palm trident was disabled. There it is.

And now, although the palm of the cross-country is not useless, a strange black aura is still wrapped around the palm of the right hand of the cross-country, which is one of the backlash effects of the continuous use of the palm-bladed sharp gun and the palm-bladed trident. It requires several months of cross-country recovery, and during the recovery period, the right hand cannot be used, otherwise the cross-country right hand will be completely disabled.

 As for the continuous use of the palm-bladed sharp gun, the second backlash effect of the palm-bladed trident is reflected inside the off-road body.

 At first, it was fine when using the palm-bladed sharp spear. Apart from the physical backlash, there was no other backlash.

On the other hand, the palm-bladed trident completely overwhelms the palm-bladed sharp spear in terms of power, and in terms of the backlash effect, it also has a backlash inside the body.

 After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Off-Road used his own spiritual energy to sense the inside of his body, and the picture that came out made even Off-Road feel frightened.

 Because at that moment, Cross Country suddenly discovered that the internal backlash of the palm trident was completely acting on the meridians!

Every meridian in the body has subtle cracks under the perception of spiritual energy.

 No wonder that when Kakuzu fell to the ground tragically, he had to spit out a mouthful of blood that had been suppressed for a long time.

 It turns out that the internal trauma of off-roading is so serious!

 At this moment, there are only three possible points of luck for off-roading.

 First point, Kakuzu is dead, there is no need for him to bear serious injuries and fight with a terrifying existence like Kakuzu.

 The second point is that the secret of the human body is opened, which can help the off-road recovery of injuries on the surface and inside the body.

 The third point is that the meridians in the body are slightly damaged, but not too seriously damaged, which allows Cross Country to still use chakra to fight in recent times.

 If any of the above three points are not true, I am afraid that the off-road expression will be far less calm than it is now.

Regrettably, even if the above three points are all true at this stage, I find that I have gained a lot from the battle with Jiaodu, and there are also many hidden dangers. The face hidden under the mask of the off-road can't help but raise a faint bitter smile!

"Through the plot of the original work, I fully understand the secret technique that Kakuzu masters. Even with the trump card, I still need to consume nearly 90% of my chakra. I suffer from serious injuries such as my right hand is almost useless and the meridians in my body are damaged. With the help of my recent understanding" Only in the realm of "no move" can he kill Kakuzu so reluctantly. As expected, the gap between elite Jonin and true Kage level is not so easy to make up."

“However, in the process of killing Kakuzu, the injuries I suffered were within the tolerable range.”

 “What’s more, if there is no Jiaodu.”

"I can't successfully touch the barrier to become a shadow-level powerhouse, nor can I further perfect the secret technique of the Hayate style, perfectly understand the use of the Nara clan's secret technique, and transform it into the secret technique of shadow escape that I have mastered!"

  I thought to myself that Cross Country would silently summarize the gains from the battle with Kakuzu.

 However, without giving the cross-country time to summarize, Xiaonan endured the injury to his leg and reluctantly walked to the cross-country and asked: "Feng, are Hanzo's minions dead?"


 “Killing Kakuzu, I only care about the negative effects after killing Kakuzu and the gains, but I forget that the danger is not over yet!”

 “Fortunately, Xiaonan is by my side and reminds me of this.”

“Otherwise, if Madara, who is very likely to be hiding behind Kakuzu, still holds the subsequent trump card and doesn’t use it, then Konan and I will be in a dangerous situation!”

Hearing Xiaonan's voice, Yue Yue's heart trembled, and his originally relaxed nerves became tense again!


Even if Kakuzu dies, what will happen?

Master Ban's plan is not completed in one day, so cross-country in the country of rain must be wary of Master Ban's plans.

Especially when you are winning in front of you, you cannot take it lightly, otherwise you may lose everything.

 Obviously, there is still awe for Banye when it comes to off-roading.

  After all, Madara, who is hidden behind the scenes in the ninja world, is the one who really needs to be careful when going off-road!

After listening to Xiaonan's words, Xue Yue's eyes fell on Kakuzu's body, and he replied very cautiously: "Uncle Xiaonan, the Hanzo minions you mentioned should be dead, but I can't be sure whether he is. Really dead."

"According to the information I have, Hanzo's minion is named Kakuzu, and he is the guy who fought with the first Hokage of Konoha Village. You should have seen it just now. I fought with all my strength and almost "killed" Kakuzu It took that guy five times to barely kill him. I guess if the First Hokage hadn't recorded some information about Kakuzu, the two of us would be lying there now!"

As he said that, feeling the pain coming from his palms and the pain coming from the meridians of his body, Cross Country couldn't help but take a breath of air. When Xindao fought against Kakuzu before, fortunately, the trump card of the Space-time Rasengan was not revealed. Open, it can still cope with some special situations.

With injuries sustained during the cross-country trip, Xiaonan naturally knew that it was best for the two of them to find a place to take a good rest.

Let’s not talk about the cross-country injuries that need to be recovered. Xiaonan’s own leg injuries also need to be treated in a safe place, so as not to take a lot of time to fully recover.

Then, recalling the scene of the cross-country fight to the death with Kakuzu, Xiaonan bit his lower lip slightly while hesitating, and then looked at the cross-country road with firm eyes: "Wind, since you accepted the order of the Fourth Hokage, how many times have you You sacrificed your life to save me, so I won't hide it from you. To be honest, there is a base of our "Akatsuki" organization not far from this town. If you don't mind it, just follow me back to the base to cultivate for a while. ,how?"

"While you are training, I will find a way to meet us at this base through Nagato, Yahiko."

“When Yahiko and Nagato arrive, you can talk to them about Hanzo and Danzo Shimura’s plans!”

“Uncle Xiaonan, thank you for your trust, then I won’t bother you!”

 Finally, I was able to successfully break into the "Akatsuki" organization. How could I just watch the opportunity slip away?

So, almost as soon as Xiaonan finished speaking, Cross Country nodded heavily, and immediately followed Xiaonan to the nearest "Xiao" organization base.

 But just when Xiao Nan was supporting Xiao Nan and preparing to leave here step by step, who would have thought that something unexpected happened!


From off-road, a dark shadow suddenly appeared behind Xiaonan!

Moreover, just when the shadow of the black figure appeared, wisps of strange black tentacles suddenly penetrated into Xiaonan's shoulder from behind, causing bright red blood to spill on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, when Cross-country, Xiaonan turned around in panic and faced back, that familiar yet nightmare-like figure stood in front of Cross-country, Xiaonan again!

 “No wonder. It turns out you are the ANBU of Konoha Village!”

 “The first Hokage?”

 “Hmph! A loser actually hid information about me!”

 “It really deserves to be damned!”

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