Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 257: a heart


 “Kakuzu is not dead!”

"How is it possible? How can the description of Kakuzu in the original plot be wrong?"

 Sudden changes occurred!

Suddenly, Kakuzu's devil-like figure once again stood in front of Cross Country, Xiao Nan. Not only were the black tentacles condensed with the secret technique of Earth Resentment, they penetrated directly through Cross Country, Xiao Nan's shoulders.

In the next moment, the black tentacles that penetrated the cross-country and Xiaonan's shoulders flexibly extended to the cross-country. Xiaonan's body seemed to have taken root in the cross-country, causing the black tentacles to spread crazily. In just a few seconds, it extended to cross-country. Xiaonan's whole body made Kakudu directly control the cross-country and Xiaonan's life and death.

 Possible, all it takes is an idea!

Off-road, Xiaonan, two elite jounin-level ninjas are about to die tragically under Kakuzu's secret technique of earth resentment!

However, Kakuzu suddenly resurrected and took control of Off-Road, and Xiaonan's life was not what really shocked Off-Road.

What really shocked Off-Road beyond belief was the death of the five masked monsters in Kakuzu's body, but Kakuzu still hadn't really died!

 Are you kidding me?

Is all the information in the original plot false?

 Kakuzu uses the secret technique of Yu from Taki Ninja Village. Doesn’t he only have five lives?

How could it be possible that even though five lives were lost, Kakuzu was still "resurrected" safe and sound?

  Could it be said that this is Kakuzu's trump card that was not shown in the original plot?

  In the original plot, Kakashi, Uzumaki Naruto and others did not actually kill Kakuto?


Silently questioning the information about Kakuzu in the original plot, Cross Country's face hidden under the ANBU mask was livid. He had just doubted it, but then quickly dismissed the doubts in the original plot.


 Looking back at every scene in the original plot where Kakuzu fights Kakashi, Uzumaki Naruto and others.

Especially recalling the scene where Kakashi and others returned to Konoha Village with Kakuzu's body to study after Kakuzu's tragic death at the hands of Uzumaki Naruto, Cross Country can confirm that Kakuzu in the original plot is really dead.

 In other words, there is nothing wrong with the scenes in the original plot.

In Kakuzu in the original plot, there are only wind mask monsters, fire mask monsters, earth mask monsters, water mask monsters, and thunder mask monsters hidden in his body. As long as the five masked monsters hidden in Kakuzu's body can be killed, Kakuzu in the original plot will inevitably die. Unless a new heart can be replenished, there is absolutely no possibility of resurrection.

So, why can the horns in front of us be resurrected?

Feeling that every part of the body, especially the vital parts of the internal organs, are entangled with the black tentacles condensed by Kakuzu using the secret technique of Earth Resentment Yu, which is equivalent to the expression on the livid face of the cross-country when life is in Kakuzu's control. Suddenly a look of surprise appeared, and then a faint light flashed in his eyes, and he analyzed secretly:

“The five masked monsters hidden in the body died, but Kakuzu is still not dead. There are only three possible reasons!”

"The first possibility is that the information in the original plot is wrong. Kakuzu actually does not rely on the five masked monsters hidden in his body, that is, the five hearts captured by the earthly resentment Yu secret technique, but relies on some kind of A special way to survive, that special way of survival must come from the secret technique of Earth Resentment in Taki Ninja Village!"

“However, the information in the original plot cannot be wrong. My personal experiences have proven this point.”

“So, the probability that the first one may exist is very small, only about 20% at most!”

“The second possibility is that there was a foreshadowing of Kakuzu in the place where Xiaonan and I were hiding!”

“Isn’t it mentioned in the original plot? The characters survive by relying on the five hearts taken from the earthly resentment Yu’s secret technique!”

“But if a new heart can be obtained before Kakuzu’s fifth heart is broken, Kakuzu’s life can be extended!”

“Judging from the current situation, the probability of this happening is very high!”

 “Say less. If you say less, there is a 50% chance!”

 Silently analyzing in his heart the real reason for the sudden change.

 It seems that off-roaders are silently analyzing useless things when their lives are threatened.

 In fact, the purpose of cross-country analysis is to escape from Kakuzu's clutches, either to kill Kakuzu, or to escape with Konan to Kakuzu's presence.

When Cross Country was analyzing the second possibility, Wind Sense was used. Cross Country was observing the surroundings of Jiaodu to see if there were corpses of other ninjas.

After all, if the second possibility happens and Kakuzu tries to steal a new heart before dying, then Kakuzu will definitely leave some traces of grabbing the new heart in the confrontation with Cross Country.

That trace is either a corpse or a ninjutsu scroll.

 However, after an off-road observation, there was no trace of existence around either the corpse or the ninjutsu scroll.

 So, even though the second possibility was the most likely to happen, while shaking his head secretly while off-roading, he still denied the second possibility and then analyzed the third possibility!

“The third possibility, which has only a 30% chance of happening, is that the guy hiding behind Kakuzu has given Kakuzu some secret technique that allows him to survive without relying on five hearts!”

"Judging from the current situation, the guy hiding behind the scenes of Kakuzu is probably Madara!"

“In other words, Kakuzu was able to resurrect after losing five hearts entirely because of Madara who was hiding behind the scenes?”

“Then, I will be resurrected again relying on some kind of secret technique of Lord Madara, I will do it.”

 “How should we kill Kakuzu?”

Everything that happens around cross-country, as long as it is slightly related to Ban Ye, cross-country will have a feeling of powerlessness.

 Because, at this time, there is not only a gap between cross-country and Banye in terms of strength, but also in terms of vision, experience, and layout, cross-country cannot compare with the legendary Banye.

Under such circumstances, off-roading is equal to being suppressed by Mr. Ban at every turn. How can we easily break Mr. Ban’s layout?

Last time, faced with Ban Ye’s plan, if Matt Dai had not opened all eight doors, he might have died off-road and would not have been able to complete the planned things.

 How similar is the current situation to the last time?

 A pity, there is a point where off-roading is very clear.

That is, Matt Dai disrupted the situation last time. This time there is no spoiler like Matt Dai in cross-country, so we have to rely on ourselves to make a comeback!

Then, feeling the black tentacles in his body, which had spread from his shoulders to his heart, Yue Yue secretly thought to himself that Kakuzu was finally ready to take action, while the other side was anxiously looking for Kakuzu's flaws. I just hope that I can find a way to escape from the desperate situation in the few seconds before I die!

Under the extreme pressure of a life-and-death situation, Cross Country, who was dripping with cold sweat, silently operated the spiritual magic of the Uzumaki clan without even realizing it!

The whirlpool clan’s spiritual magic is running rapidly!


Suddenly, Xue Xue felt that something hidden deep in his head suddenly exploded.

However, that terrifying explosion did not make Off-road lose consciousness or attract Jiaodu's attention!

 When something hidden in Cross Country's mind suddenly exploded, Cross Country felt that the world in front of him had become different!

 In an instant, Xue Yue knew without looking that Xiao Nan was secretly forming seals next to him, with a look of struggle in his eyes, wanting to fight to the death with the horns in front of him!

At the same moment, it was still known without looking at Cross Country. When he heard the name of the First Hokage from Cross Country and Xiaonan, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Kakuzu's forehead, and his eyes were full of memories, as if Recalling some kind of horrific scene!

 Still at that moment!



The subtle sounds coming from the surroundings painted a different picture in Cross Country’s mind!

 At that time, the picture gradually appeared in the cross-country mind, and gradually became clear in the cross-country mind!

 In those black eyes from the cross-country journey, there was only a surging heart, located in a corner of Kakuzu's chest!

 “That heart is the source of Kakuto’s resurrection!”

 “Flash flow! Air blade!”

 “Half Moon Slash!”

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